Chapter 4- My surprise

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Derek and Emily walked into the confrence room laughing uncontrollably to the point they couldn't breathe. They kissed and now need to have a talk and see if they want to go further or leave it just like that.
They finally got a grip on themselves and Emily asked PG what she had and before she started 2 men in suits walked in and asked to see Emily and lets just say that Hotch was beyond pissed off!
"You can't but Ms Prentiss can" man one commented staring right into my eyes. "Who are you?" I replied before I went off with the 2 men. " i'm Marco and this is my partner Danny" Marco replied with a smirk I just couldn't get my head around. "Okay then why do you want me?" I snapped because they were interrupting a briefing for a case. "They don't I do" Elizabeth Prentiss smoothly interrupted Marco and Emily's rant to one another. "Fine then talk. NOW!" I roared and the whole team ran to a corner. "No Emily somewhere private" Elizabeth Prentiss replied with a slight bit of fear but you could see the rage BOILING through her body. "Hey D do you mind if me and ELIZABETH the one who completely DISOWNED me use your office please?" I asked through gritted teeth "Sure E but please don't reck anything I'm proud of my office and don't want broken pictures all over the floor" Derek replied but once he said it his face went pale "DEREK! I promise I won't break anything" I replied softer.

So I walked into Derek's office with my so called mother shut the blinds, the door and locked it because I knew it would get fierce. 'Alright you've got me alone and it's been nearly 6 years since you've seen me last so what do you want?" I replied with so much venom in my voice I'm surprised that my mother didn't fall dead right there and then. "Emily all I want to talk to you about is Jay" my mother replied with the same amount of venom.
"Oh No!" i was getting pissed off by this stage and ready to explode.
When Emily left the room with ambassador Prentiss things went really awkward especially seeing that Marco and Danny didn't know what to do. emily had shut the curtains and locked the door but we could still hear all the screaming. It got out of hand when we heard this:
"All I want you to do is change your testimony and get Jay out of jail. Emily Please!" Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss yelled towards the daughter that she disowned.
"NO! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT I'D CHANGE MY TESTIMONY AND LET THAT PEDOPHILE AND MOLESTER OUT OF JAIL, SO HE CAN JUST RAPE ME AGAIN!" Emily screamed and we didn't know what to do. The next thing me know "MUM! STOP!" Emily was sobbing and SLAP! PUNCH! all we could hear was Emily screaming in pain and their was nothing we could do to stop it.
"MUM! OW! MUM STOP IT HURTS!" I screamed in pain. There was blood everywhere because my mother had started raping me.
20 minutes later...
Elizabeth had stopped abusing the living ahit out of her daughter and left. when the team walked into Derek's office to check on Emily they didn't expect to find this at all.

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