Hetalia x Child!Abused!Reader

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Includes some violent sentences as well as bad language!

 Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable.

And with that your mum grabbed the collar of your shirt and slung you out of the house making you roll and scrape yourself against the concrete doorstep and path that led to the streets and with that she slammed the door leaving your helplessly bruised and gashed in your own blood.
You had no other choice but to run away.
You were about six, and the abusing had started when you were three, the things you remembered was your daddy leaving you. Your daddy did love you, but he said that he didn't want to live with your mum as she only loved the money that could buy her make-up, tight clothes, and buy her many other expensive gifts as well.
Throughout buying that, she forgot to buy you any food or any proper clothes (she did buy you plain clothes though; like cheap and nasty ones but you still liked wearing them) the leftover food she had was like: crusts on pieces of bread, food almost out of date, just tap water to drink, and some left-over pizza crust (and sometimes pepperoni slices) left in their boxes.
Well, that was until she started to run low on the money due to bills and taxes, and with that, she took most of the blame on you which then results into physical abusive to any place of you that can be covered bruises or cuts.
I guess this was the day she had enough of you, which then consulted you to be thrown out of your own home and wonder the big crowded city streets alone.
As you wandered the streets alone the sky had soon formed dark clouds, and soon enough it was raining.
You were wearing a plain (F/C) shirt with a thin brown jacket with a pair of jeans and very worn out pair of sneakers, even through those you were cold and wet and very likely to catch something if you don't go somewhere to warm up, and due to your body being frail; you weren't going to probably last long without food.
You tried asking people for food or money, but they'll either think you're those people that get money just for their parents or just ignore you being there.
You then ended up being near a rather tall building, but just sat in the corner where some of the bins were.
'I'll just lay here' You thought to yourself, as you wrapped your thin, wet jacket around your weak, cold body, your body didn't want to go asleep as your tummy made a rowdy noise to keep you awake.
You just wrapped yourself closer as there was nothing much you could do about it anyway.

Francis's POV~

Another meeting in the streets of Black sheep himself. And what a lucky guess it is raining.
With a sigh, I wrapped the coat around me tighter and ran quickly to the tall building that was almost in my view.
I was finally there and was about to run in until a loud noise stopped me, otherwise.
I listened again. It was like a loud rumble and a slight whimper afterwards.
I walked closer to the noise. It was just around the corner of the building.
I only saw some trash bins, but the noise was then heard again then a small cry, I noticed a body hiding by one of the bins.
I walked up to the body and noticed that it was none other than a little girl; a very weak one.
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "Um, do you have any spare food." She asked shyly as her tummy rumbled at the same time.
"V'at are you doing out 'ere, chéri."
Her lips trembled, then she started crying again.
"Z'ere, z'ere, it'z alrig't." I scooped her into my arms as her shaken fingers clung onto my coat, suddenly I saw the bruises and cuts on her arms and legs, "V'at are z'ese" I gently circled around the injuries for her to get the idea.
"My mummy did that to me because it was all my fault."
"V'y did you moz'er do z'at to you?"
"She says I the reason all of her money is gone, and that she wished she never had me, and that money is better than me." You stifled the cry that was about to corrupt again. "Please don't take me back to her. I'll do anything, just don't take me back to her."
"Don't vorry, petit amour, I von't take you back, z'e zoundz like a bad voman, I z'ink it'z better if you come with me." I soothed her, then I forgot; I haven't even introduced myself to her. "I vorgot to mention, my name iz Francis. Do you 'ave a name?"
"Mummy calls me cunt."
"V'at, nonono, z'at name isn't nice, ve'll z'ink about z'e name v'en ve are inside z'e building."
I held her body close to mine as I ran to the building, and to find the meeting I was late for.

At z'e meeting (Your POV)~

Rackets were heard against the door. Which made you hide your face deeper into the coat the Francis was wearing. You could even go asleep just then but the fear that was digging into your back tempt you to do, otherwise.
Francis opened the doors, which then suddenly went quiet, you could now feel everyone's eyes burn into your back.
"Wow, Francis who's the kid?" A rather loud voice boomed behind as you squinted and buried your face deeper.
"I vound 'er on z'e street, z'e zaid 'er mére abuzed 'er and z'en kicked 'er out ov 'er 'ouze. Z'e iz very veak and ztarving; z'e 'azen't been ved properly." Francis held you close as he rubbed your back.
He then travelled to an empty chair, and sat you on his lap and faced you to the table and everyone who was looking at you; making you shake when you see everyone staring at you.
Suddenly you tummy went off with a loud rumble as you hid your face from everyone.
"Sweetie, would you like to try some Chinese tasty treats, aru!" A person with a long ponytail came up to you with a basket full of food that you presume is 'Chinese food' the way the food is produced made your mouth water and you made your stomach growl louder this time, then another voice suddenly caught your attention.
"Hey, do you want to try a hamburger instead." Another blonde guy with a bit of his hair went the opposite of its gravitational force ( therefore flicking up; A cowlick) came up to you as his teeth shined up brightly whilst he held a big meaty burger in front of your face.
"Or, how about you want to try some of my scones, love." Another voice had stopped you; a guy with bushy eyebrows and very beautiful emerald-looking eyes glimmer down at you, he held a small bowl of what looked like black coal presumably those were the scones. Even if they were burnt you would practically eat anything that is even eating off those scones for the rest of your life.
Suddenly, a hand pushed away from the scones and a voice boomed at the bushy eyebrows man. "I'z don't z'ink z'e vill be eating z'ose poizon black rocks anytime zoon."
"Bloody hell, frog, she needs to eat, stopping her from eating my scones will set a bad influence as you are currently not letting her eat them."
"I'm zaving 'er from z'ose 'orrible coalz, I'm not letting 'er die over a bunch ov burnt az vell az raw voods you call 'sconez'"
"But that is your opinion about my scones since you don't really have any good taste in British food, and besides she might like it better than you do." Francis got up, placed you where he sat and went up to the Brit.
"I'm ztill not letting you make 'er eat z'ose."
After that, it went into a commotion of bickering and then fighting gestures.
Due to the fact you haven't eaten properly, you glanced at the Asian.
"Um, I don't have any money to pay for the-" You spoke shyly before the guy with the long ponytail interrupted you.
"Don't worry about it, you can have it, aru!" He smiled back at you in his Chinese accent.
It felt like your eyes had sparkled at that moment, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you very much um..." You gave a toothy grin smile, well, that was until you didn't know the guy's name.
"Yao. My name is Yao."
"Thank you, Mr Yao." You spoke out sweetly before munching on the 'Chinese tasty treats'.
You could've heard the Chinese man saying something like 'So cute!', but you were too wound up in your food to even pay attention to that.
After finishing that food; it didn't fill you up much but it was enough to stop that loud growling coming from your small tummy.
"Dudes, what do you reckon we do with her?" The man with the cowlick asked, "We can't just leave her, so I reckon somebody needs to take care of her."
"I reckon we need a person who has experience with children, so I think it should be me." Yao declared when he wrapped his arms around you in a surprise hug.
"No I think it should be me, it'll be a good time as well to teach her queen English." The bushy eyebrows man announced.
"I z'ink it z'ould be moi, bezidez z'e little one needz proper vood to eat." Francis bent down to your level and smiled, "And I could teach you zome cooking lezzonz az vell, chéri."
"She can come home with me, da?"
"Or the little maple can come with me."
"I love PASTA!"
"I can take care the little chica, sí?"
"I zink zhe awezome me should teach zhe little frau how to be az awezome az me."
"Well, I guess there is one way to settle this then." The British man stated, he suddenly acquired a medium sized black bag, "Place one thing into here."
He went around and each person placed a belonging into the black bag after that was done he gave it a little shake and returned back over to you.
"Put your hand in a pick out an object, love." He responded sweetly back as he waited for you.

You placed your small hand in and started to feel around until you landed on something.  

Chéri= Sweetie/Poppet/Darling
Petit amour= Darling

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