A bow-tie - 2P England

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Warning! Mild language is about to eventuate.Be aware that you don't feel comfortable with swearing.

Please don't force yourself to read this then. Enjoy!

As your hand skimmed across many objects, your touch landed on an item with a smooth, velvety feel across your fingertips.
You seize the item into your palm and pulled it out to see what it was: A bow-tie.
Had a pretty pink with white stripes matching it.
Everyone gave confused looks.

The Brit decided to speak out, "Who's bow-tie is that." He then examined the accessory closer.
When he saw the features, his face quickly went to a pale pink, you could've heard him mumble an 'oh god no' against his lips.
"Oh, is it me that gets the cute little poppet?" A very cheery voice came out of nowhere.
Everyone faced the sound, a fellow that looked much like the British male who stood before you came up to you, his appearance just looked different from the other Brit; strawberry blonde hair, freckles, had purple shirt with a pink outer vest that matched perfectly with his looks, and lets not forget the bright baby blue bowtie he wore smartly around his neck.
He quickly went up to you and wrapped his arms around you in an almost life-squeezing hug. He pushed you away to get a clear look at you.

"'Ello there poppet, my name is Oliver, you've got my bow so that means I'm taking care of you." He gave a rosy cheek smile that was full of happiness it made you smile along with him.
"What are you doing here." The blonde spat out to the strawberry blonde.
"Well, we were supposed to find some 'information' but as this little sweetheart came in and as the bag came around I couldn't resist to not put something in the bag." He chirped.
"You don't deserve her."
"Well, first of all, Arthur, she pulled out my bow-tie so that means I get her fair and square and second of all, I think she would prefer to be with someone who makes great food." Oliver smiled grimly.
"Why you little bugger."
"Foul language Arthur, do you not realise there is a child right in front of you, do I have to end that potty mouth of yours once and for all?" He glared as Arthur did nothing. "That's what I thought, now if you all don't mind I think it's time that my little cupcake and I start heading home now."
And with that, he left.
"Do you have a name poppet?"
"My mum calls me 'cunt'." He glanced at you; very serious.
His eyes were hypnotic in an insane way; a repeat of sea blue and neon pink stripes. Making it very disturbing to look at
"Your mum must be pathetic to give you a name like that." His voice darkened at that but returned back to cheery when he questioned you instead. "I think the name (Y/N) would suit you pretty well what do you think about that then?"
You nodded.

Time skip~
"Here we are home sweet home." Oliver smiled, well, until banging and crashing were heard.
"Those idiots." He mumbled under his breath.
The moment Oliver opened the front door a loud argument was heard between to older boys.
"What is going on here," Oliver yelled, which made you shriek and cover your ears with your hands as you buried your face into his shirt.
"Oliver, Al's taken the last of my maple syrup."
You peeked out of the corner of your eye to see that the voice came from; a boy that looked around 19 or 20 he wore shades even though he was indoors. He had blonde hair and a long thin curl that was left dangling at the side of his face.
"Well, why not use your common sense and go to the store and get some." Another voice came out of nowhere.
The voice came from a guy around the same age as the blonde. He had dark red hair; almost blood red, same with his eyes as well. He too wore shades but they were on top of his head. He too had a cowlick like the other guy you met, in fact, he looks exactly like the other guy.
"Here." Oliver placed a hand in his pocket. "Here's five pound, go round to the store and get some."
He gave the blonde the money.
"Anyway, who's the little maple leaf?" He asked looking at you.
"Matt, Allen this is your new little sister (Y/N). (Y/N) these are your new brothers, Matt and Allen." He said pointing at them for you to remember their names.
"Hello, Matt and Allen." You looked at them shyly.
"Welcome to the family (Y/N)," Matt said patting your head, then whispered to you. "If big brother Allen is being a douche-bag let me know and I'll take care of him."
That made you giggle.
"Matt, what have I told you about swearing when you get back the rest of the money is going straight into the swear jar."
"What, I'm warning her about Al."
"I'm not a threat to her!"
"But you are too dumb to know which of Oliver's cupcakes are poisonous or not."
"I'm so gonna kick your ass right now!"
"Allen! Money in the swear jar now!" Oliver signalled.
Allen went off grumbling as Matt went off to obtain his maple syrup.
"Are you hungry?" Oliver looked at you.
You nodded in reply.
"This is a great time for making cupcakes don't you think?" Again you nodded, in a split second, you were in the kitchen with the ingredients ready to make the batch of cupcakes.

Time skip~
After those were done all you needed to do was make the icing and wait for the cupcake to be cooled off.
Finishing the icing, you then taste-tested it; which turned out perfect. You started laying the icing on the cupcakes half-way through before a blonde man came in looking at you. He looked a lot like Francis, additionally. He had a cigarette in his mouth, a very visible stubble, quite baggy-looking eyes, dry blonde hair, and his clothes were quite messy and a bit dirty too.
He gave a small glare when he noticed you, then you spoke up.
"Francis?" You started to shake a bit.
"Non, I'm Francois; 'is 2P." He grumbled with the cigarette still in his mouth, "W'o are you anyvay?"
"Francois!" Oliver chirped. "This is (Y/N), I got her at the 1P's meeting, she was abused by her mother. By the way, (Y/N) this is your uncle Francois."
You shook a bit and Oliver noticed that.
"Aww, don't worry. Although Francois is always grumpy, he's got a soft side. Trust me on that."
"Okay." You complied then asked nicely to Francois, "Want to try our cupcakes?"
"Sure, v'y not." He said as he grabbed one, took his cigarette before taking a bite out of it.
"What do you think?" Oliver smiled, "(Y/N) made them."
"Bon." He grumbled back.
"That means he likes it," Oliver whispered, in returned made you give a smile; a real smile you never did in years.
Suddenly, the two boys, Al and Matt, had came in, so you ask them the same question, "Would you like to try the cupcakes?"
"Did you make them?" Al said.
"Well, daddy helped me."
"Sure then." Suddenly dived in for the cupcake with the biggest amount of icing. "Wow, these are amazing!"
"How about we add some sprinkles on the rest of the cupcakes, well, after we finished adding the icing on the rest of the cupcakes." Your new daddy requested for you.
"Yay sprinkles." You smiled as you were finishing the off the cupcakes.
Allen spluttered out, "These are even better than Oliver's"
"Aww, you." The hyper man pinched his cheek as giving it a slight pull.
"You know there is a child here," Allen smirked, "It'll be bad for you to set a bad example as a new father."
"You are lucky," He gave a quiet growl in return, "But that doesn't mean I cannot poison your foods."
Allen sweat-dropped at that, whilst Matt tried to stiffen in his laughs.  


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