A long metal pipe - 2P Russia

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Your fingers swept across many mysterious items: smooth, soft, lumpy, and some unknown to describe.
At a point, you fingers then abut onto an object that felt colder than any winters you have experienced.
Clutching onto the cold piece you hauled it out of the bag.

It was a long metal pipe.

Almost exactly the same height as you as well.
The blonde man who held the black bag shiver the minute he saw the pipe.
"Um...Russia isn't this pipe yours?"
Most of the people faced the 'Russia' guy.
"No, I have mine with me." He stated as he got it out as proof.
"Then who else has a metal pipe?" He asked to himself.

Out of nowhere, you were yanked off the ground by the collar of your shirt then to be revolved around to a pair of red eyes that landed deadly onto you.
"I guess I'm the one who gets the little girl." The guy said in a rather deep voice, he looked big just like the 'Russia' guy, he had dark brown hair and his eyes were mostly a garnet red but his expression; it was like he was angry or dull, don't know if is doing that on purpose or not but still gave you shivers and violent shaking to your body.

Others didn't seem to stop him, but rather to cower away from him.
"I'll be taking her now." He boomed as he snatched back his metal pipe and walked out as he held you against the side of his body like a plank of wood.
His arm that was wrapped around your waist pushed in your flesh which had some bruises from what your mother did. The more he compressed, the more painful it was and made you cry out but you stifle your cries as you just held onto his arm. He loosened his arm when he noticed this.

You were finally set down onto a comfy sofa, but the big body of your 'new dad' blocked you from moving.
"The name's Viktor." He said. "Do you have a name?"
You shook your head.
"Your name will be (Y/N), no second opinions on that."
'(Y/N)' Your lips lined up to form in a small smile.
"My name is Viktor but you refer me as Dad or папа, da?"
"Da." You tried to copy his native tongue.
"Good, there's some food in the kitchen, ask the Baltic if you need anything."

And with that, he left the room leaving you alone.

Few weeks past, your 'new dad' didn't really have much of a relationship with you.
You got on well with the Baltic Trio; understanding their way of throwing knives and going out to have 'fun', Viktor's older sister Katya took care of you a few times and his younger sister Natasha always had fun buying you new dresses and accessories for you to wear (which were mostly pink).
Right now, you were spending time with both of your aunts. You thought that now is the right time to ask them.
"Auntie Katya, Auntie Natasha." They looked at you when you said their names.
"What is it, (Y/N)?" Natasha smiled at you.
"Why does daddy always avoid me? Did I do something wrong that made him hate me?" You saddened more.
Natasha took your (H/C) locks and twirled the ends around her fingers.
"Daddy doesn't hate you, he isn't very social that's all."
"But I don't ever see him."You wanted you dad to notice you, so what could you do to get his attention? "If get him a gift do you think he'll notice me?"
"That's a wonderful idea." Her face lit up with glee.
Then Katya spoke up, "I think I know a place that'll get daddy the perfect gift for him."
She held out her hand for you to take, when you did she led you to her car and Natasha following as well.

You had arrived, a peaceful garden of flowers was in sight; roses, orchids, dandelions, and many other flowers.
A woman came up to you, "Hello, can I help you."
"Um, I looking for a type of flower that'll make my dad happy."
"I think there's something that might be perfect for what you might be thinking."
She led you to a group of tall flowers.
"These are called sunflowers, do you want these?"
"You can have a look and point at which one you want."
You nodded as you looked at the many tall sunflowers.
You came to view with a small sunflower; either being a young flower or doesn't have enough sunlight because of the tall sunflowers towering over it.
"Can I have this one?" You asked the woman.
"You want this one? Are you sure you don't want any other sunflower?" She looked at you.
"No thank you, this one is perfect." You reassured her.
After your aunties paid for the flower, she places it in a pot for you to take home.

As arriving home, your dad was nowhere to be seen.
So the rest of the minutes you spent watering the little flower and made sure it stood up straight.
At the right moment, the door opened and closed and a trudge in the living room was heard, looking from the kitchen your dad sat on the sofa with his eyes closed and his head tilted back a bit.
Deciding the moment was right, you hid the pot behind your back and waltz right up to him and gave his long coat a good tug.

He looked down at you.

"What are you doing here? Weren't my sister's supposed to take care of you?" He glared a bit harshly.
"Well...I have something for you." Without letting him speak you popped the sunflower right into his view.
"A sunflower." He said.
"Well, I wanted to get you a present because I thought you hated me-"
"Sunflower, I would never hate you." He grabbed you and placed you on his lap. "It's just that I've been working hard that I haven't been getting any sleep, and therefore not being able to spend time with you."
He wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug.
"Я люблю тебя папа" You whispered.
"Where did you learn that?"
"I tried practising it myself, did I do it right?"
"Yes, you did sunflower, я тоже тебя люблю." He pecked your forehead.

папа= Papa
Я люблю тебя папа=I love you Papa
я тоже тебя люблю=I love you too  

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