A tomato plushy - Spain

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Your hand wandered around the item that was bestowed in the bag.
At that moment, you locked your fingers around an object as to then pull it out of the bag.
A tomato plushy.
Like a medium sized pillow, as you swathe the plushy with your arms you couldn't help but squeal in delight of how soft it is, therefore nuzzling your face into it as well.
"I get the pequeña chica!" A cheerful voice announced.
Searching for that voice, to find a man standing in front of you with the most heart-warming smile that made you feel happy as well.
"Hola, my name is Antonio, but you are glad to call me padre, your name will be (Y/N)."
"Okay padre." You responded.
He then held you firmly against his chest as he carried you away from the meeting.

Time Skip~
"This is where we'll be staying in this hotel for tonight. In the morning, we'll then be leaving to visit my home country: Spain."
He smiled brightly.
As upon entering the room, it was seen to have a high standard of details and a quite charming texture.
"How about we get you washed first before you have something to eat, sí?"
A nod of your head then sent you to a majestic bathroom: made of marble materials, full of bathroom accessories.
"Bath time!" Antonio spoke out.

Time skip~
When he washed you, he tried to be gentle of not touching the bruises that were marked upon your skin.
Your throat came out with whimpers and hisses from the warm water touching your open wounds.
"Lo siento, chica." Spain apologises as he tries to get some hard mud off of your body.
Soon enough, he got you out of the bath, dried you off and got some clothes, which wasn't much only a dressing gown, it was wrapped around your body like a big, thick blanket.
"So cute." He whispered out.

Soon after, he ordered pizza for both of you.
As he placed the box by you, you can smell the melted cheese and the scent of tomato paste just made your mouth water and your stomach to growl louder.
"Do you want a slice?" Antonio asked as he broke off a slice of pizza for you.
"Um...No thank you, I'm... not that hungry." You responded.
You noticed that Antonio's smile was gone as his eyes were filled with sadness.
"Hey. I'm not like your madre; I won't leave you in a starving state." He reminded you as he gently held your chin, "And I promise to protect you, so can you please eat for me?"
"Can I?"
"Sí, that'll make me happy if you do."
That split second, you seemed to nosh down the first slice that you manage to finish in a few minutes.
"Have some more slices, you need it." Your father pushed the box towards you with that cheerful smile of his appearing again.
"Do you really mean it?" He nodded again.
And again, you manage to eat half of the pizza in less than a few minutes.
There were some slices left, so you pushed the box to Spain.
"You can have the rest, padre."
"Don't you want the rest of the slices?"
"I want you to have them; I'm already full up anyways."
"Gracias!" Just as he took a bite of his pizza slice.
Soon enough, both of you had became tired. Your father let you sleep with him.
After a few minutes, Spain was already fast asleep, you couldn't sleep and shifted your body closer to the end of the bed as you tried to stifle your cries.
"Chica, what's wrong?" Your father's voice startled you.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you and brought you closer to his warm chest.
"Don't be like that (Y/N), I said that I promise I'll protect you, didn't I say that?"
A slow nod of your head in reply.
"Good, because I'm not letting you get hurt by other people." He replied with his hand slowly stroking your (H/C) locks, "Why not try and go to sleep, don't worry I'll be here when you wake up."
His voice vocalised out a Spanish lullaby that sent you into a peaceful sleep.
Him soon following afterwards.

A few weeks later~
You and Spain got off your plane to go to the next meeting. Then you spot your uncles nearby in the airport.
"Tío Romano, tío Italy!" You yelled as you started running up to them.
"Ciao, (Y/N)!" Felix waved when he saw you coming.
"Ciao, (Y/N)," Romano muttered but you still heard him.
"Where's that tomato bastard?" Romano glared around the airport.
"Romano!"Italy frowned at him.
"Where's your padre?" He corrected.
"Papá? He's over there."You pointed out, just as he came running up to you all.
"About time tomato bast...I mean tomato-idiota." Romano huffed.
"Nice to see you, amigos." Your father beamed.
"Hey papá, can we get something to eat, por favor?"
"How about some pasta?" Italy grinned.
"Sí, can we have churros as well."
"Let's have both!" Italy beamed.


Pequeña chica=Little girl
Lo siento, chica= Sorry, girl
Gracias=Thank you
Papá= Papa/Daddy
Por favor=Please 

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