14. Unexpected (And Maybe Unwanted?)Guest

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14. Unexpected (And Maybe Unwanted?) Guest

"No." Syra found herself mumbling the word out loud before she even processed what she was saying.

She moved to wriggle her way out of Sebastian's gentle hold and he allowed her to, his arms falling away.

"No. Don't say that."

"I mean it, Syra and you know I do."

She stood, swaying unsteadily from his words, and moved to collect her bra and dress from the bathroom when a voice -- so familiar -- penetrated her entirely.

"I knew it! This will keep you on Earth forever, you'll never even be able to visit the Abyss now."

Vixen. Her fücking sister.

Syra turned stiffly and found Vix standing in the doorway to Sebastian's hotel room.

"How did you get in here?!" Sebastian's voice was a snarl, but Vix merely sniffed at it her focus on her sister.

Syra felt as though she'd had buckets of cold water doused on her in rapid procession, the second worst than the first.

This, this is what her sister had wanted: for Syra to never return because if she did return it would mean Vix being slightly below her sister in rank.

"I always knew you were different, sister but I didn't think even you would be insane or desperate enough to sleep with an alabaster, an angel."

Vix's voice was now ringing in Syra's ears and she felt the urge to knock her sister out just so she couldn't run back and tattle on her to Lera like she was five. But as she glanced over to Sebastian, his face a hard mask of rage and despair, she began to wonder if they didn't plan this.

"How did she get in here, Sebastian?" Syra asked deadly calm. "I swore I saw you lock the door."

"I did. I don't know how she got in. Must've used her succubus magic," he snarled in Vix's direction.

"Or maybe you let her in," Syra shrieked and ran to the bathroom, pulling on her bra and dress.

"Why would I let this bitch in if I knew she would hurt you?!" Sebastian's voice echoed into the bathroom.

"Yes, why would you?" Vix's overly cheerful voice mocked sarcastically.

Syra entered the main room to see her sister's smug smile and Sebastian's angered one.

"Fück you both. Just fück you."

Syra's body burned in shame, anger and hate as she raced from hotel Mirage back to her own.

She raced through the lobby, ignoring the receptionist's dirty glances and people milling about, until she reached her room. Syra couldn't slide her card key into its slot fast enough as she whipped open the door and just barely refrained from slamming it shut.

She dumped her things on the floor and kicked off her heels, then she crossed the room to her bed where she crawled into it and began to process the overloaded emotions and thoughts drowning her.

First thing was first, what was she feeling?

Hurt, angry, confused, worried and well, in love...still.

Why did she feel those things?

She was hurt because Sebastian had said he loved her, but let Vix in to catch them together.

Angry for the same reason as she was hurt plus Vix going to tattle to Lera.

Confused because she wasn't entirely sure if Sebastian had meant he loved her.

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