30. Loss

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30. Loss

Syra sank into the mildly cool water with a gasp. Sebastian had already thrown himself in and had sent cool droplets against Syra who had promptly scowled.

Sebastian had urged her in though and she just couldn't resist as she seen his muscled body rippling through the clear blue water.

Now she was in and Sebastian was swimming towards her with a devilish grin spread over his face. Syra giggled and pretended to get away, but Sebastian moved through the water with the grace of a shark and was on her in seconds, steel-like arms encasing her.

"Told you it would be fun," he murmured, looking at Syra's happy face.

She stuck her tongue out, but jumped, squealing with delighted shock as Sebastian tried to suck her tongue into his mouth.

He stopped after she struggled for a bit and gently kissed the side of her forehead. "I love you, very much, my little succubus."

Syra stilled, her heart thudding rapidly and turned to gaze into those jade eyes she loved so much.

"How cute." A very familiar, singsong voice muttered behind them.

Syra whirled around, water splashing her slightly and scowled.

"Vix," she said, disgust clear in her voice. "Haven't seen you in awhile. What do you want?"

Vixen smiled, a thing that was as cheap and fake as herself. "I'm just here to check on your health, sister."

Sebastian snarled, but Vix merely blinked at him, her lips curling up. "What alabastard?"

"Don't play games with me, bítch. You're up to something, what is it?"

"I'm just here to check on Syra's health, no more."

"Why do you give a damn about her health?!" Sebastian spat and squeezed Syra to him.

Vix made no reply, instead a malicious grin spilled across her face and she watched, waiting.

Sebastian looked to Syra and she shrugged, beginning to move towards the edge of the pool.

"Syra, maybe you should-"

Syra screamed as something grabbed her foot and dragged her under the water. Sebastian's voice faded away as she was swallowed by the water.

Chlorine burned her nose, eyes and throat as she choked on the water. Her breath caught on instinct as she was dragged down into the depths further and further. Syra could see Sebastian move to follow her down, but a dark figure sprung at him from behind and forced him to leave Syra to battle off his attacker.

After all how would he save Syra if he was dead?

Syra struggled again at the thought of death as the water pushed against her on every side, she reached down to rip at the hand pulling her, but it held firm.

Syra kicked out even and still nothing. She couldn't see the person that had captured her and that worried her.

Syra glanced up and seen the waves and dark shadows of Sebastian and another fighting. She felt her air supply begin to dwindle and her lungs begin to burn.

The hand grasping her ankle suddenly let go and Syra immediately tried to flee to the surface, but the hand was replaced with hands and instead of her ankles, they wrapped around her stomach, sharp nails digging in.

The baby! Her mind screamed in horror and she went to thrash harder, but the nails only gripped tighter and she saw a dark stream of what she thought was blood drift up to the surface.

Syra stilled, her oxygen supply almost up. The hands never stopped touching her waist, but she did get to see what held her in the water.

A massive form appeared in front of her, all shadows and darkness at first, but as her eyes strained through the burning chlorine water she finally saw a demon.

And not just any demon -- Zharah.

Her red skin was a rusty color in the water but Syra couldn't mistake the gruesome grin on her face or those wicked black eyes.

Syra squeezed her eyes shut, praying for a damn miracle, for the baby she almost hadn't wanted, but now did.

She felt Zharah's nails pierce her skin again and she jerked, though it was weak as her air supply became no more.

Syra opened her mouth, inhaling water, and quickly clamped her lips shut. She gazed at Zharah and saw the demon had on a wet suit but her hands were left exposed.

Syra was going to die. She knew it and she forced herself to accept it.

Her mouth sprung open again, water flooded in, and blackness took hold. The last thing Syra was going to remember before she died would be Zharah's soulless black eyes.


Bright light made Syra wince and wincing caused pain in her stomach.

If I'm dead shouldn't I not feel pain?

She tried to pry her eyes open, but it was far too hard with the sharp, stinging bright light. She groaned and went to roll over when a pair of warm hands restrained her.

She felt her stomach tug and pain shoot through her when she went to struggle away, so she relaxed, thoughts of her baby entering her mind.

Her eyes shot open as she recalled everything that had happened with Vix and Zharah. The brightness made her eyes water until it looked as though she was crying, but she didn't close them again.

Her eyes adjusted slowly and painfully and she suddenly could see the bright light above her, the white surroundings and the figure attached to the hands that restrained her.

"Bast!" she cried, taking in her alabaster's worn, haggard face.

He gave Syra a weary smile. "Stay put, love. Don't want you ripping those stitches."

Syra remained still and watched as Sebastian slumped back in his chair. He passed a hand over his face and eyed Syra warily.

"How long have I been out?" Syra asked.

"A day," he responded flatly.

"What happened?" she murmured, playing with the white hospital sheets.

"I kicked an angel's áss to an inch of his life, threatened your poor excuse of a sister and managed to save you from the clutches of the demon bítch...but...Syra-" Sebastian choked as he struggled to finish. Syra watched him and sucked in a breath at the hollow and stressed emotions on his face and in his jade eyes. "You.. I almost fücking lost you. Had I been any later, they said, you would've died from the water flooding your lungs."

Syra reached out and gripped Sebastian's hand tightly. Tears stung her eyes, but she forced herself to ask the next question.

"What...about the baby?"

Sebastian paled, his eyes met Syra's and it looked as though he wasn't breathing.

"Bast?" Tears tipped over the rims of Syra's eyes and down her face.

She lost the baby. They made her lose it. Oh god.

"Syra... I..." Sebastian broke down, sobs wracking his massive frame. "I'm so sorry."

Syra felt her body go numb, her mind shut down.. She knew.. she knew it might happen. She knew Zelina and Dante might push her, but god, she had wanted their baby.

And they took that baby away from her.

Syra remained numb through the doctor coming back, making exclamations about how Syra had made a remarkable recovery, Sebastian explaining to the doctor that he told her their loss to which the doctor murmured his sympathies and left.

Through the whole ordeal Syra had one thing flowing like a loop in her mind over and over again-- Zelina and Dante had took her and Sebastian's baby.

And they would pay.

Screw getting them together so they could fück.

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