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(the songs are purely about vibes btw like a lot of the time the lyrics don't fit, plus they're just like a lil extra i really don't mind if you don't listen to them, it shouldn't greatly affect your experience of reading this fic!)

start the song: Wolves - Coasts!

Brendon was born to Grace and Boyd Urie. His family moved him when he was just five years old to Ohio. He'd only moved in a few days when the neighbours had been having a garden party. He was caught staring over the garden fence with curiosity and next thing he knew his mother was shoving him into a shirt and making him hold a bunch of flowers on the neighbour's doorstep.

Once he made it to the back garden a boy his age with big brown curls and hazel eyes was running up to him.

"I'm Josh!" He smiled.

"I'm Brendon."

"Do you want to see something cool?" Josh had asked and Brendon had nodded, letting Josh take his chubby arm in his own equally chubby fist and lead him down the garden, weaving in and out of the adults to where there was a smaller girl playing in the dirt, a much older woman trying to stop her from putting the fistfuls into her mouth.

"Joshua dear, did you find a friend?" The elderly woman asked and Josh nodded.

"His name is Brenon... Bren non... Bren-" Josh huffed unable to say the name.

"Brendon, silly." Brendon replied and Josh smiled widely at him.

"Can I show him what I found?" He asked the woman excitedly, bouncing on his feet, unaware he was still holding Brendon's hand.

She nodded. "No touching, just looking, I don't want you ruining your lovely clothes."

Josh nodded and dragged Brendon over to the flowerbeds, before pointing at the various bugs crawling around.

"Cool!" Brendon gasped as the two marvelled over the bugs.

"Joshua, are you behaving?" His mother asked as he and Brendon play fought.

Josh looked at his hands guiltily. "Yes momma."

Brendon looked just as guilty and Grace Urie chuckled at the two pouting boys.

"They make quite a pair."

"Indeed." Josh's dad laughed.

From that day on the two boys were inseparable. Playing in each other's backyards, talking over the fence when they weren't allowed to go see one another.

They played at the park and when Josh got a new rocket ship, Brendon brought all his alien toys over and they played for hours in Josh's room, making up space adventures.

"My mom has a baby growing inside her tummy. Dad says it's because she ate it but Nana said that's not what happened." Josh whispered as the two boys watched his mother over the back of the couch curiously.

"So that's where babies come from?" Brendon whispered. Josh shrugged.

When Jordan was born, Josh slept over at Brendon's house, the two staying up talking until they got caught.

They both watched the baby with scrunched noses and confused eyes.

"I don't remember Ashley being this small." Josh said and Brendon nodded.

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