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a/n: short fluffy filler for you guys :') there is smut so if you want to skip watch for the (🐺) symbol!

wait to start the song!


It took Tyler a few weeks to fully recover from the blood transfusion, the human blood in his system making him weak and leaving him unable to turn for a short while. It made Tyler antsy and restless and often extra aggressive when spooning.

"Tyler, if you don't lie still, I'm gonna kill you." Josh huffed, half asleep into his pillow. Tyler growled but pulled Josh into his chest and tried to sleep.

He lasted all of five minutes before he was shifting again and Josh took a deep breath. "Baby what's wrong?" He sighed, turning over to face the alpha.

"I feel all wrong, it's like there's this itch I can't scratch. I think my body is ready to turn but my blood hasn't got rid of all the foreign shit yet." He huffed and Josh fumbled for his face in the dark.

"Eyes." He said and Tyler instantly knew what he was asking for. Dim red pupils appeared out of the darkness but as they locked with Josh's they grew brighter than they'd been in weeks. Josh gasped a little. "They're almost back to normal." He said still a little baffled.

"What is it?" Tyler asked sensing Josh tense.

"Nothing you're just breath-taking." Josh replied honestly and Tyler was glad it was dark so he could blush without Josh noticing. "Can you kiss me? I can't see." Josh asked softly and Tyler smiled, using his enhanced senses to press his lips perfectly to Josh's. Josh sighed into the kiss, opening his mouth to slowly deepen it.

"Thank you." Josh said when they finally pulled away, stealing one last peck from Tyler's lips before turning back around. "Now get some sleep, it's supposed to help with healing or something." Josh said tiredly, pulling Tyler's arm back around him.

Tyler smiled and pulled Josh flush against him, startling him a little. "You help with healing." Tyler replied playfully, nipping at Josh's neck and causing him to squirm and laugh.

"Okay bedtime for big strong alphas now." Josh mumbled sleepily, smacking his lips a little and snuggling down.

Tyler smiled fondly and pressed a soft kiss to Josh's shoulder before finally relaxing enough to sleep.

start the song: Howl - florence + the machine!

Two days later Josh was startled awake by excited scratching at his window.  Josh sat bolt upright, startled by the sound. Carefully he got out of bed, stumbling a bit and rubbing his eyes and moving to open his curtains.

He almost jumped when his eyes adjusted to bright sunlight enough to reveal a big black wolf that was pawing excitedly at his window. Josh's face burst out into a smile as he lifted open the window enough to let Tyler in.

Tyler instantly jumped down running circles around his boyfriend and making him trip up a little and fall onto the bed. Tyler jumped up onto the bed too, rolling around excitedly, his tail wagging happily as Josh laughed and bounced the bed a little. Tyler yipped excitedly wiggling his bum and pirouetting as though to say to Josh 'look at me'.

Josh laughed happily before remembering he didn't know who was home and putting a hand over his mouth. Josh flopped back on his bed, and Tyler instantly began sniffing his face licking his cheek in excitement.

"Tyler." Josh whined, wiping off the slobber. "We discussed the licking." He berated, a fond edge to his tone. Tyler sat down, kneading his paws into Josh's chest and letting out a sound that sounded a bit like an apology.

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