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Edited until this chapter!! Let me know if you see anything wrong!! :)


Asher's POV

I watch her fall to her knees. Tears stream down her face. She's so upset. I don't know what to do for her. I don't know how to make her feel better. I stand still as a board, and I watch as she picks herself up off the ground. Her knees tremble, and her face is beat red. It's no longer fear that I see. Anger plasters her face.

She's standing and staring at me. I can't help but walk towards her. And then out of nowhere, she lunges at me. Her fist flies and hits my face. It catches me off guard. Pain sears through my jaw. The pain brings tears to my eyes. For such a small figure she sure does have some power. You would never guess that such a petite person could pack such a punch. Another blow, this time to my stomach. It knocks the wind right out of me. I gasp and reach out in hopes to stop her. It's too late before I know it, she has her hands around my throat. I can feel her ragged breath on my face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before she begins to squeeze.

"I'm so sorry." I murmur. Tears flood my face. My heart leaps. Fear overtakes me, and I can feel my body start switching.

Please take mercy on me.

She suddenly releases her grip, and my eyes pop open. I stumble backward and drop to my knees. My hands find my neck, and I heave for air. I look up at her. Her face is twisted with fear now. Her hands cover her face as she steps away from me.

"Oh god! No! Not again! Please, no!" She yells between sobs.

It's then that I realize how much of tortured soul she must be. How much we just might be alike. How much I sincerely want this girl. You would think a normal, sane human being would run for the hills. But I feel nothing more than sympathy for her.

I gather my strength and stand on my two wobbly feet. Taking a deep breath, I take a leap of faith and walk towards her once again.

Her eyes are wide as she stares at me with horror. I embrace her in a tight hug. And she goes limp in my arms.

"It's alright. I got you... I will fix this." I mutter.

Her cries soon turn to sobs and then hiccups. She lifts her head and kisses my cheek.

"I'm so sorry.... I think I have some explaining to do." She whispers weakly.

I can feel her pain, and I know how she must feel. Something horrible has happened to this girl.

"Tomorrow, you need to rest." I reply. I do believe I have some explaining to do myself.

I pick her up bridal style. She leans in close to me, and her touch sends sparks through my entire body. It's strange to have such a connection to someone. I lay her down and undress her. I leave her in underwear and her tank top not wanting to pass any boundaries. Not that I haven't seen or touched her bare body, but more out of respect for her. After covering her up, I make my way back down the stairs and retrieve my cell from my back pocket. I then sit on the bottom step.

I dial Blake's number, and he picks up immediately. Anger bubbles through me. This mess is because of me. I need to fix this, and I desperately want to help mend her as well.

"Hey dude!! It's done!!" Blake excitement booms through the phone. I can't get my voice to work. And I stand there feeling like a total ass. What have I done?

"No.. Bring it back.. NOW!" My voice shakes. My hands are now sweaty.

"Dude, is this because of the girl? ... She's gotten to you, hasn't she? We've done this a million times... you gonna let one girl ruin our friendship?" Is he threatening me? My anger now is over the top. I'm boiling.

"You listen here... you WILL bring that car back, or god help you! Besides aren't you the one who pushed me into this! YOU are the reason that my life is a living hell! And I swear if you don't bring that car back here, I will find you!" I take a deep breath and strike low knowing it's the only way.

"It won't be you that will be hurting either. I will hurt the one thing dear to you...... Brittany." The other end of the phone was silent. I wait for a response. I wouldn't hurt a fly, but something inside me breaks. I know even a threat to her, and he will be on his knees begging.

"O-okay man we are on our way." "Be there in 10... k?" He stumbles his words.

I hang up the phone and return it to my pocket. I could use a stiff drink. So I take a beer from the fridge and down it. I chug it, then another till there are four empty cans sitting on the kitchen island. I make my way to the front door and just as I'm opening it, Blake pulls in.

Rachel's POV

I hear my car pull into the driveway, and I gather all my strength. Pulling on my clothes I make my way down the stairs. I find myself standing and watching Blake get out of my car. The anger is back. And ten time worst then before. When I see his face, I can't help it. My thumps fastly and my head pounds. The smug look sends adrenaline through my blood. Before I know it I'm standing in front of him. I clench my fists and get ready to plow him in the face.

"So girly, before you go all rampage on me, has your beloved Asher told you?" The wicked smile on his face makes me all the more upset.

"Shut the fuck up!" I roar in his face.

He's now inches from me. And I can see Brittany still sitting in my car, fixing her damn makeup. That's it. I'm done. I let loose.

I clock him in the jaw with as much force as I can put forth. His eyes grow as he reaches up and holds his face. I can see that in a matter of seconds it become red and puffy. I take no mercy on him. He is going to get what is coming to him.

"Shit!" He mumbles.

I don't stop, I knee him in the stomach, and as he bends down in pain I push him to the ground. I then straddle him and punch him square in the nose. Blood trickles out as he moans on the pavement in agony.

"Pussy." I spit at him.

I look up to find that Brittany still in my car and she is oblivious to what's happening around her. So I make my way over to her. I open the door and pull her out by her hair. Her screams fill the night air.

"Let me go! It was their idea, not mine!" "Please." She pleads.

"Both of you leave now!!" I scream at them. I usher them to go before I can do any more damage.

They both dart down the road not caring to look back. I can hear their feet hit the pavement as they make their way into the darkness.

I grab my keys from the ground, which are laying in a small pool of Blake's blood. Gross.

Turning around to find Asher staring at me in amusement. I grin at him and take a slow step towards him. He puts his hands up in defense.

"Looks like YOU got some explaining to do." I remark.

"I ... I..." I cut him off seeing the tears threatening to leave his adorable face.

Honestly, I should kick his ass, but I don't have the energy, I genuinely don't have the heart either. When I look back at the last few days, it really could be worse. Something about Asher draws me in. Although, it's like all my good judgment has walked out the door. Meeting him completely naked, letting him drive my car, not to mention to a party. Letting him into my home, taking a bath with him, I could go on, but I think you get the point. These things are not me. But, around him, I feel as though I'm coming out of my shell. For the better? I don't know. Only time will tell.

"Listen, Asher, let's go inside.... Relax a bit.. Maybe watch a movie in the theater room?"

"Then tomorrow we can talk." "Okay?"

He shakes his head at me, and we walk into the house and do exactly that. I don't know what's to come tomorrow, but I want to cherish what might be the last bit of time I have with this strange but amusing guy.


It's a bit shorter than the other chapters... :/ I might add more.. what do you guys think? Your option matters so please give me some feedback! :)

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