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A few weeks later.

Rachel's POV

Things are different now, and I can't believe just how far Asher and I have come. Asher stays will me almost every night. Although he still sleeps in the room next to mine. 

I think he's left maybe left like twice. I have to wonder if he even has a home. But I'm not going to complain. I very much enjoy his company. Last week we did indeed sit down and talk. He explained how much he was truly sorry, that he did it because he needed the money. Told me how his Grandmother has cancer and he only wants the best for her. That her treatment is costly and he is the only family she has left. He also told me how from the moment we met, and he saw my car he knew he would steal it. The money from my car would pay for his Grandmother's treatment and more. But after seeing my naked ass, and feeling the connection between us, he couldn't bare doing it. He and Blake had talked it over throughout the party that night. Blake pushed him, and he had succumbed to peer pressure. He cried to me and promised never to do anything to hurt me ever again.

I have to say it felt honest and genuine. But don't get me wrong it still lingers in the back of my mind.

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." The words echoed through my head. 

As for me sharing or explaining my actions, I didn't. And frankly, his confession was the bigger problem. So now we have agreed to move forward and try to make whatever this is work.

"Grab me a drink too will ya!?" Asher yells across the house to me.

Such a lazy butt I think to myself. A smile plastered my face as I grab him a bottle of water from the fridge along with a Mnt.Dew for myself. I skip back to the living room but stop dead in my tracks. There sitting on my couch is Asher, he's holding a white envelope. How could I have forgotten that letter?!

I slowly walk over and plop down on the leather couch.

"What is this?" Asher asks.

"Don't know I haven't opened it yet."

I hand Asher his water, and he gives me a warm thank you type of smile in return.

He offers me the letter. And I look it over again. I've seen this writing before. I just can't put my finger on where.

Rachel Baker

Sunset Dr.

Anchors Bay, CA, 90017

The sender's spot is empty. I want to tear it open and see what's inside. It's been almost three weeks since the letter arrived. And I'm extremely anxious to open it. I wonder what could possibly be inside. It looks important and fancy. Not only the handwriting that seems so formal but also as I turn it over in my hands, there is a big real wax seal. It has an intricate emblem interlaced into it.

Asher's POV

I find myself falling for Rachel. Yeah, we have a connection. From the start, I knew she was different. The amount of difficult circumstances we have already endured is unreal. Not to mention how much I have opened up to this girl. She makes me feel at peace.

I'm sitting on Rachel's couch, wondering what will come of us, What will be our next steps. Honestly, I should be wondering what we are right now. I still sleep in the bedroom beside hers. I think tonight I will take the next step, even if that means just snuggling her, and laying on her bed until she falls asleep. I would love to pick up the pace with more speed than that, but I just want to take this slow. I think we should learn more about each other. There's no denying the electric between us sexually, but I don't want us just to be that. I want to have a committed and real relationship with her. I know that she has a past. Although she hasn't told me anything yet, her actions speak loud.

When I told her bout Grams, it just came barreling out. I felt at ease telling her such personal stuff. But when I told her about the cancer, she looks so upset, so sincere. I wish I could do more for Grams. She is so kind hearted and loving. She took care of me as a child. She is my rock, and I don't know what I will do without her. I don't want to be alone in this appalling world. 

I blink and push all the negative thoughts away. I take a moment to compose myself.  I look around the room taking in the beautiful architecture of Rachel's home. It then that my eyes fall upon a small white envelope. It looks a bit faded and old but still in excellent shape. It's not opened but is indeed addressed to Rachel.

I fan the envelope at my face, and it gives off a slight smell of men. Strange.

I feel a bit possessive and jealous.

Rachel's POV

As I sit on the couch looking at the letter. I'm frozen. I stare at it, and I have a very uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Are you going to open it?"

I look over at Asher on the edge of the couch staring at me with his light blue eyes.

The letter smells of dust and cologne. My eyes widen, and I know tears are about to spill. My hands shake noticeably as the paper mail twitches in my hand.

"Rachel, what's wrong?" Asher whispers.

He moves closer to me on the couch until our legs are touching. He takes his hand and softly lays it on my knee, sending waves of calmness throughout me.

"D-Dad..." My voice falters.

I remove the wax carefully and then take out the letter from the envelope and cautiously unfold it. My eyes find the beginning, and I start to read. The words seem to float off the paper, bouncing around in my face.

"If you're reading this, it means I am no longer able to tell you in person. And for that I am sorry. My dear child your mother and I wish to tell you how much of a blessing you are, how much love was shared upon you. Please know that we did our best to keep you safe. And if you are reading this, it means we have succeeded. Life is a confusing and scary place. I wish I could be there to help you with the hardships that will come. Just know that we loved you dearly, and still do from the afterlife. We will always be watching you from above. I can only imagine how you've grown, how much sadness you must have felt. By now you have grown into a lady, and I'm quite confident that you are a beautiful one at that.

That being said, there is something else I wish to tell you. Please take a seat. Make sure you are alone. For the next part will be of shock.

My dear child, you are known as Rachel Baker. You are now at age, 20. We have given you our life savings along with everything we own. (Hope my car suits your needs. She is one of a kind, and I bought her for your 16th birthday.) But my sweet baby, you have much to learn. I will start by telling you this. Your name is not Rachel. Your name is... Ember Cage.

I have much more to tell you my dear. But you need time to process this new news. I figure this must so please beware of the following letters that will come.

             Sincerely, your loving father


The letter slips through my finger dropping to the floor. I stand on my feet, and I run. Tears stream down my face as my legs carry my body. I'm not sure where I'm running to, but I continue going as fast as my legs will go. The door then slams behind me leaving a loud echo ringing in my ears.

"Ember Cage." The words fly from my tongue as I continue running. I find myself darting behind a tree. There's a bit of a familiar feeling surrounding me as I lean against it and slide down the smooth trunk. My ass hits the ground sending a slight pain up my back. I heave grasping for air as my hands tangle in my brown locks.

My eyes close as blackness surrounds me.


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