Chapter Five

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 Chapter Five:

My morning started off from bad to worse. If there’s one thing in this world I can’t stand hearing, then it’s “Up All Night” by One Doofus, and that’s what my pesky little cousins decided to use as our daily stretching routines. And that’s the song they used against me so I’d wake up and join them.

I grouchily threw my covers over my head and tried my best not to drift to sleep knowing that my morning could go from bad to worse to worst. And I hate bad/worse/worst morning because it affects my whole day performance. Like for example, now.

“Can you stop frowning?” Aunt Bee commented as we ate our breakfast at her French style veranda. Almost all furniture made up of different kind of woods, way too many for me to name or even bother to know and/or do a research job about it.

I looked at Aunt Bee, my frown never seems to vanish. “I didn’t have a very peaceful sleep, and let’s not forget to tell that I’ve been woken up by a horrible music blaring into my ear.” I said bitterly. I could feel her wincing at every word I said. What hurts her daughter hurts her the most.

“It is not a horrible music!” Hailey said. Defending the One Doofus, I rolled my eyes at her. I can’t really blame her. Been there, done that. Once a Fandom started, there’s no nice or ugly about it. Whatever he/she/it/they do, they’re perfect adorable and likable.

“Okay, not a horrible music. Freak music, how’s that?” I asked and shoved a spoonful of cereals into my mouth.

“You know, Liam hates spoon,” Molly said as she blurts out yet another One Doofus facts that I never seem to remember at all.

“We know, Molly.” Hailey tells her and they’re back to assessing their signed CD’s. “By the way, Lizzie.” I turned to her, expecting for the best that she won’t bring up the One Doofus, but preparing for the worst that she might. “Have you taken a quick look at your CD?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. If she meant quick being going gaga over a CD, almost worshipping it and making a special rack for it to sleep on, well the answer is no. And probably, I wouldn’t dare to even have a sneak peak of it. “No. Why?”

She shrugged. “Dunno. Wanna read your message, I guess. So what did it say?”

I raised my eyebrow a little higher. “I told you, I didn’t even look at it since yesterday when it got signed. And I am not planning on it.”

“Can we have it?” Molly asks as butt in. She’s like a mushroom lately, you’ll never know when she’ll come up or when she’ll leave.

“What? No!” I said. Seriously, why did I just say that?

“Why, then?” They both ask, cornering me. From the corner of my eye, I try to look for Aunt Bee but my radar cannot find her.

“Because! I told you, I think my mind is changing about how I see them,” I lie. The truth is, I’m saving it up. Just in case there might be some quality takers in eBay willing to pay my price for a signed album of One Doofus.

They looked at each other, assessing my words. Looking for clues underneath it, but they seem to not to detect my playful lie. I felt myself smile, “I told you guys yesterday that I’m not entirely changing my whole view point about them. If before, I think they’re garbage and nonsense,” Molly flinched, and so did I, “well, now there’s an improvement. I think they’re o.”

“O? You mean okay?” Molly asks. Hopes rising up in her face. Even Hailey brightened up a bit.

“No. It’s an O. You heard me right. Just the letter ‘O’ they’re slowly making it to the “K”, “A”, “Y” part.” I explained. They nodded.

“But you can spell “OK” with just two letters, why fill up “A” and “Y”?” Hailey asks, confused. I was confused for a little while, but I think I understand what she meant now.

“Because short cuts can make really big difference. Sometimes, not all short cuts bring no problem. Sometimes, they’re the one causing the block.” I say. Well said. But am I really using a road short cut as an example? Can I think something else?

“Oooh,” They both said as they nod. I think they understand it. Good. They started walking away from me. Finally, no more goof talk. I smiled.

But as fast a smile formed in m lips, it vanishes that quickly. Hailey and Molly are heading towards me again. I wonder what they forgot to ask. “May I help you lads?” I ask. Let’s get this over with.

“We’ll help you.” They said in unison. I raised my eyebrow at them again.

“Help me with what?” I wonder aloud. What are they up to now?

“To get over “K”, “A”, “Y” stage.” Holy fuckaroonie. I’m not hearing what I’m hearing right?

“Holy fuckadopey!” I cursed aloud. I couldn’t help it. The truth and agenda sinks in. They are not trying to make me love at least like One Doofus. No way!

“What? We thought you’re starting and trying to like One Direction?” Molly said, disappointed. Aunt Bee came into view, eyeing me. This is my fault. I’ve encouraged them too much, I have to fix this.

“That’s not what I meant.” I said, eating back my curses. “I meant I couldn’t hold the excitement and happiness inside me that you’re going to help get pass the stage.”

That’s it. It’s official, I’ve ruined my life. Molly seemed happy, but one look on Hailey tells me that she’s not that kind of a fourteen year-old that you could lie on.

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