Chapter 7

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(Kiingtong's P.O.V)


3:09 P.M.

Hey guys! So you may be surprised that I'm back home. Well my purpose going to America has ended. So now I want to make this quick but informative. As you already know, I was in California for the past 10-16 days or so. During those past days, I've seen the #Grubble ship grow. And don't worry, I was also fangirling- or I mean "fanboying"... Is that how it goes? I really don't know! Anyway, so I think you already heard from Graser and Shelby about the "holding hands in the car"... Right? Well, I don't think they noticed but I was recording that moment. Worth it! And you may be asking... "Will! What are you going to do with that video?" Well, if the ship does sail... I'll play it at their wedding! Of course! Anyway, that's all I want to tell you guys... Hope you catched up! Let's just continue!


One week later

6:47 P.M.

"So when is the wedding?" Del asks.

Ok so I'm currently with Shelby, Graser, Liam, Del and Dylan. We're all logged into Harmony Hollow, planning out the #WilLiam wedding.

"I don't know, I want everyone to be at the wedding, so it's better than both of yours." Liam stated.

"Oh well, ok then." Shelby and Dylan says simultaneously.

Graser laughs out of the blue. We turn to him and he's still laughing. Shelby is more confused than us.

"What's so funny Graser?" I finally spoke.

"W-well the thing is- No matter what you do. Me and Shelby's wedding will always be the best!"

"And why do you say so?" Del pipes in.

"It's obvious! Our wedding was the first on the server... Right wifey?" Graser points out, turning to Shelby.

"Uh-uh y-yeah!"


They start to bicker, while me and Liam just sat there staring at them.

"So what do you think, Will?"

"Huh?" I turned to face Liam.

"When do you think we should have the wedding?"

"Uh-well I honestly don't know..." I said, rubbing my neck. Oblivious, to the fact that he can't see me.

"Then we should just do it when our friends aren't busy." He says calmly.


But I honestly want to have it now...

Wait what?!


Hello people of wattpad... It's me again! Yay! (sarcasm) *cough* ok... well then... I just want to say thanks again, but this time it's 2K reads! Also I just want to say that this chapter is dedicated to all them #WilLiam shippers (I, myself am one). I'm sorry if this was short, but I had to get something out for you guys 'cause I love you all! I think this is the only chapter that will be #WilLiam. Honestly I'm not sure... But yeah that's it...



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