Chapter 18

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(Shubble's P.O.V.)

My head hurts, my throat is dry, my vision is blurred and my heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest. I hate it. I hate this feeling. I hate it so much. 

I left the aquarium and ran as far away as my feet could take me. The pain denied me to turn back. I'm so glad I gave the car keys to Liam. 

People are watching me run by, I know it but I don't care. I have no idea where I'm going as long as it's far away from the aquarium and my apartment. With the energy I still had, I ran even faster and even farther.

Sometimes, love is cruel. Hearts will be broken. Tears will fall.  Lives will be messed up. However, that's apart of life and we can't do anything about it. We have to accept it and move on. No matter how painful it is. No matter how long it takes. Love is really cruel.

Somehow, I made it to a beach, I'm not really in the mood to care which. I did notice that there is no one here, surprisingly. I was out of breath. 

My legs couldn't take it any longer. My knees fell to the ground and I erupted into tears once more. Being out of breath really made it hard for me to cry, but I can't help it. 

Remembering what happened makes me want to scream. So I did. Grabbing sand and throwing it, screaming as loud as I can. Both my throat and lungs hurt from the screaming. However, I didn't stop. 


The sun is setting. I haven't left my spot for the past few hours. I was dead inside and out. I'm totally drained. All I want is to collapse on my bed and go to sleep, but I refused to go back home. 

I grabbed my bag, which was slightly buried into the sand, and took out my phone.

Missed Call (15)

29 Text Messages

Will (Kiing)
Missed Call (12)

Will (Kiing)
27 Text Messages

Missed Call (22)

43 Text Messages

I turned off my phone and placed it back in my bag. I let out a deep sigh. My eyes are heavy. I'm exhausted. I brush my hands through my hair and stared at the sunset.

The sun is beautiful. The way the color blend so well together... It's absolutely breathtaking. I want to get lost in the beauty. I want the beauty to wash away the pain. 

Minutes passed, the sun is gone. It's getting dark. The pain still lingers. It didn't wash away. It can't.

I'll just cry today then smile tomorrow

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