Hand that saves

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"Kacchan, are you okay?", Deku asked as he stretched his hand out. The whole gesture practically said 'Let me help you'.

If this was me when I was a goddamn toddler or if this happened during our middle school days, I would have smacked away that hand and beat the bastard who owned it.

But I am not that person anymore...I think.

We had our fights and this big one where I had to convince Deku to fight me at Ground Beta, the place where I experienced my first loss against him with a plan to blow that past away.

Did I expect him to give me words of praise as I tried to beat him black and blue?

Did I expect him to question me as I screamed with my heart and soul when I thought he was looking down at me all these years?

Did I expect Deku to fully blame me when I said that I was to blame with All Might's fall?


What I didn't expect is that after I won the fucking fight, I was the one sitting on the ground with my hands covering my face, sobbing and crying. All these things keeping me awake at  night comes pouring out.

I felt Deku stand in front of me. He wasn't saying anything. I couldn't see his face. If I look up and see him sneering at me, I'll kill that nerd. In the back of my mind, I knew he wasn't that kind of person.

He was kind and sweet and even with a despicable person like me he praises how amazing I was and even compare me to All Might.

When I finally looked up and saw his outstretched hand, the very hand I hated all my childhood life, his worried face while I thought of him looking down at me...

I reached for his hand and he pulled me up, I let go of my anger. I was broken and Deku kept me from breaking apart. He pulled me up from this nightmare that I didn't know I was living in all these years. A load off my chest gone. I can finally breath.

He saved me once again. The nerd who I've pushed away all this time. I laughed. What have I been doing all my life? I lied and hurt and hurt myself and more to Deku. Years of bullying and he just forgave me...like it didn't matter to him now.

I can never become like you...you are my...


As I held his hand with a firm grip, he smiled so wide like the first day we met as kids. I haven't seen that smile just for me in a very long time. I couldn't help myself as I smiled with him and laughed like when we were kids, putting aside that we had bruises everywhere from fighting after curfew. We were both laughing our guts out, our laughter echoing inside Ground Beta. I haven't laughed like this for a long time.

Deku breaks our laughing streak, saying something between his giggles.

"Ka...Kacchan...is it okay to ask you this?"

"What?", I replied, stopping my laughter as well.

"Um...c-c-can we be....fr...fr...friends again?", Deku finally confessed out of his stuttering.

I was speechless. I looked at Deku's bright red face searching that maybe Deku was out of his goddamn mind. He was looking at me, waiting for my response.

I looked down at my feet. I really...so truly...didn't deserve this. I don't deserve Deku. I stared at both of my hands. These hands, hurt him so much. I can't...I shouldn't...

"Kacchan?", Deku's voice cut through my thoughts. I looked up to see his worried face. He reached my cheek with his hand and rubbed his thumb under my eye. I didn't realize I was crying again.

Bakugou Katsuki: Re-Origin (KatsuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now