Chapter 3

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   He was walking through a forest. It was peaceful. The sunlight was dappled on the path. He liked it here. 'I'll have to show the others some time' he thought.
   Suddenly a house appeared on his left. It was small but it looked nice so he walked up onto the porch and rung the door bell. Strangely the door swung open seemingly of its own accord. He walked in and found a little living room with a couch, tv, and coffee table. He sat down on the couch and tried to turn on the tv but it wouldn't work. Suddenly Anxiety barged in.
    "Hi Anxiety..." he trailed off when he realized that the dark trait had a knife. "What's the knife for kiddo?"
    He got his answer when he charged at him knife raised.

   He sat straight up in bed. Chest heaving as he realized it was just a dream. He went to rub his eyes and realized he was crying. 'Anx wouldn't do that, there's no way that would ever happen.' He told himself.
   Even so he flinched when his door slammed open but calmed when he realized it was just Logan. Every thing was okay.


   He was walking through a forest. It was pleasant. Prince or Patton would say it seemed like a Disney movie. The sunlight was dappled on the path. It was peacefull. He could sit here for hours.
    He didn't think much of the small house that appeared on his right but for some reason he was compelled to enter. Everything seemed fine when he walked up to the front door but when he saw what lay in the first room he gasped. Mo' was there, laying on the couch, gasping for breath. There were blood stains on his shirt. Logan rushed to his side and shook his shoulders slightly.
    "What happened, what happened? Are you okay? Who did this?" He stumbled over his words.
    "I was going to watch tv, but it wouldn't turn on. Then Anx came in and he-he had a knife and he rushed at me and-"
    "It's okay. It's gonna be okay. You're fine." He lied through his teeth. For the first time he didn't know what to do so when he realized that Mo' had stopped breathing he scrambled to find a pulse that wasn't there. He clutched onto Pattons body...

   He sat up straight in bed.  He realized he was crying as he slammed his glasses on and rushed out of his room. Practically running down the hallway to Patton's room. 'He has to be alive, please let him be alive' was running through his head on repeat. When he opened the door in a rush he didn't miss Mo' flinching. He rushed to the bed, grabbing morality and holding him tightly.
   "You had it to?" Without mentioning it the father like trait had nailed what was wrong.
     Logan nodded into his shoulder and bit back a sob. He didn't know why he was crying. He usually avoided emotions let alone crying. Its probably just shock, yes that's it. I'm just a little shaken up is all. He told himself. Even so... He didn't want to leave Moraltity's embrace. It was warm and calming- stop. He didn't have time for this. But he just couldn't resist when Mo' laid down on the pillows. He didn't want to move his head from its spot in the crook of his neck. But if course, at that moment all four traits felt a tugging sensation in their guts.


   He was walking through a forest. The sunlight was dappled on his path. Prince or Morality would compare it to a Disney movie. But... in Disney movies usually the path doesn't turn suddenly and you're in front of a house. He didn't want to go in but he felt compelled to do so. It was like he wasn't in controll of his own feet.
   As he stood on the porch he couldn't explain the sense of dread he felt growing with every passing second. Slowly, he pushed the door open. He couldn't contain the gasp that left his lips when he saw the scene that lay in front of him.
    Logan was clutching Mo's body to his chest and Prince was rubbing his back and glaring at Anx. Was that- that was. Anxiety had a bloody knife in his hand, and there was no other explanation for why he would be smiling like that.
    The host was horrified as it dawned on him what caused this. Anxiety must have stabbed Mo'. He couldn't believe it...

   He sat straight up in bed. Realizing it was a dream he calmed down almost immediately. But, it was so  realistic. He had to check. He hesitantly summoned the four traits.
   He sighed when they all appeared, and again when he saw that they were cuddling. All of a sudden Logan realized where they were and sat up cross leged on the bed, blushing furiously. Anx was curled into prince's chest and he awwed silently. Seeing as some of the traits were asleep he whispered "Can you, take them. You know. Back-"
    "In your mind? Yes." And
Logan grabbed them and sunk down.
   Thomas, now calmed down, laid down and fell asleep.

Yeah, the ending sucks. I'll fix it later. Anyways... what do you think? If you liked it leave a vote and a comment with anything you would like to see!
See you next chapter!

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