How Much Longer Do We Have To Wait
For The Next Victim To Become The Bait ?
Morning shined once more over the city . The little ray of sunshine that made it's way into Bonnie's Bedroom slowly beamed over your face . You then wake up as you put your hand over your face so the sun wouldn't shine over it that is when a hand stops you . You look alarmed as you turn to the direction of the hand and you saw Bonnie staring at you with his red eyes and with a slight sleepy smile . "Morning ~" he said with a yawn . You awed "Aw little Bon Bon is still tired ~" You teased but your eyes widen as he pins you down as he rubbed one of his sleepy eyes . "Stop calling me that >////0 " He just pecks your lips a bit and got up . I am just gonna check if my mom is awake .Oh ...your probably gonna need something to wear " He runs out of the room then comes back with a box " I know you might not like the idea of wearing my mom's clothes for when she was a teen but maybe you should give what's inside this box a chance ? " he smiled as he walks out of the room . You got out of bed and peeked your head inside "No way .....Harmony was a fan of (Band Name ) ?! "(Even if the band you pick isn't that old let's just say maybe it's The Beatles or something ) . You then began to get dressed for the day . Bonnie sees his mom in the living room drinking some tea as he smiled "morning mom " he hugs her " Morning my little Bon Bon " She said with a slight smile . "Why do you guys keep embarrassing me with that nick name!? " He said with an embarrassed blush . "Because no matter how old you are you will always be my little bon bon "She awed (I mean who can relate to what Bonnie is going through right now Am I right ?)
After a while you and Bonnie we're sharing a few jokes in the kitchen table as Bonnie's mom was preparing breakfast for you guys .Bonnie looked over at his mom who seemed a bit exhausted but was highly aware of her surroundings ."So mom did you enjoy the book club?" Bonnie asked at his mom who nodded as she turned to wash the dishes and kitchen utensils she used to make breakfast. "Of course ,we had fun explaining the history of Shakespeare's greatest work over the years but that was until- ."She paused as she had a huge grip on the sponge she had in her hand ."M-Mother ,did something happen ? "Bonnie asked in a worried tone as his mother turned over to him with a scared look on her face . "Your father showed up ...."Harmony said still having a scared expression on her face ."Dad ? " Bonnie tilts his head a bit "I haven't seen dad in a long time ,didn't he tell you why he returned ?" Bonnie asked but Harmony shakes her head "He just stared at me and my friends and with just a blink of our eyes he was gone " Harmony said a bit scared ." It was a probably an illusion mom ,I am sure it wasn't him . " Bonnie tried to reason with her . "get some rest ,I'll take over the bakery for today " She looked at Bonnie as she smiled and hugged him tight ."Thank you my little bon bon ! You are soo cute when you help mommy around here " "Mom please not infront of (Your Name) "Bonnie begged as he looked over at you seeing you giving him a playful smirk "D-Don't look at me like that ! "Bonnie covers his deep red face .
During your time at the Bakery with Bonnie it seemed like a normal day .There wasn't much customers in the store so things might go easy for now . Bonnie comes out of the kitchen with a white apron and with some donuts in a silver tray as he places them in a display case ."Now remember (Your Name) .It may be easy now but my mom's sweets are the best in town and people will come from miles just to get a taste ,heck I even get a taste too " He said grabbing a chocolate filled donut but when he turned to you to see if you we're paying attention to him he saw you staring at the picture of him when he was a baby . He then takes the picture back "I am keeping this >//////> "he said while putting it inside his vest as you giggled . "Just take the orders while I go get the caramel apples done "He said as he returns back to the kitchen . You just giggled and turned to the cash register "Hello Welcome to Harmony's sweets may I take your or-"You froze as you drop the pencil and the notebook .Your eyes couldn't believe who you we're seeing . After finally getting over your biggest fear it has come back once again . "Guess who got out of prison for good behavior ?~ "The man said with a dark smirk "N-No....It can't be .G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" You screamed as you backed away as Bonnie comes barging in a bit alarmed ."(YOUR NAME) WHAT'S WRONG !? WHY DID YOU SCREAMED !? " You hide behind Bonnie as you pointed in fear as he turns around and saw the man .Bonnie then remembered that in your file the part where the file said "Dark coated man had killed (Your Name's ) Parents match the man that was infront of them this exact moment .He was also afraid of his shadowy form thanks to the dark coat and hat he was wearing . "S-SHOW YOURSELF ! " He said taking his apron off and lifting his sleeves up as he wasn't afraid to start a fight .
He stared at Bonnie for a while as he let's out a small smirk as he takes it off revealing the man's appearance for the first time since the accident .Both you and Bonnie couldn't believe it .Even Bonnie was shivering for how shocked he was .The Man finally spoke once more while giving Bonnie his dark coat and hat "Do me a favor and wash it for me ....."SON" "

I'm Insane For You(Doctor Bonnie x Patient Reader)
Fanfiction(Your Name) was an ordinary girl. Living a carefree life along with her parents .But that rainy night changed everything. Her parents were murdered right in front of her. Her world came crumbling down when she had no other choice but to live at Fazb...