It Took Me Time To Realize This
Something I Would Forget
But To Be Honest This Is ...
The Decision I Would Regret
~Little Bonnie
The room was blank . No windows decorated this place . Just a void of blankness. The girl with (E/C) eyes woke up and stared directly at the ceiling . That girl was you (Y/N) . (Y/N) struggled to say a sentence but no words would come out . She even tried to get up but something was holding her down . That's when she realized she was tied down to a hospital bed . (Y/N) struggled ,squirmed and even kicked but atlas ,she failed . She suddenly heard the door handle jiggling which means someone was coming . She tried to gasp but still nothing would come out of her pale lips . The door finally swung open to reveal someone's shadow . She stared carefully trying to figure out who it was until finally it was none other than Bonnie himself . You cried tears of joy happy to see him . You wanted to hug him and kiss him but you we're tied down. You saw Bonnie approach you but when he finally reached your side you knew he wasn't the same Bonnie you knew and loved . This Bonnie had dark eyes and a evil grin plastered around his face while a dark aura surrounded him "Agh~ I see your awake " Bonnie chuckled darkly . "B-Bon..." you tried to speak up as Bonnie held up a syringe "Just relax ~...."he said this next part in a demonic voice "Everything will BE FINE! "He said as he was about to ram the syringe in you as you gasp .Suddenly everything stopped .Your eyes shot wide open and you screamed . You look around the room . It was decorated now . You we're sweating in fear ."I-It was all a ....dream ? It looked so real " You closed your eyes for a moment to analyze the dream deep within your thoughts that's when the door opened to reveal a worried Belle .She gasps with Joy as she saw you we're up " (Y/N) ! Your awake ! " She ran to you and hugged you but you we're stuck thinking . She realized and she looked at you "Ss everything alright ?" You nodded and spoke up "Yeah I just had a nightmare " You honestly said as Belle sat in a chair beside your bed "You wanna talk about it? I am a psychiatrist you know ~ " You nodded as you explained everything to Belle .
Finally she got up and stared into the wall thinking about something . "So it's true ~ " She slowly sighed "What's true ?" you asked curiously which Belle adjusts her Red glasses towards you " (Y/N) ....Bonnie is suffering from a split personality disorder . He got it a long time ago thanks to his father . If Bonnie turns into his other self once again ....There's a chance he might stay like that forever "Belle said in a worried tone as you stared at her with shocked eyes "W-Where is he now !? "Belle bit her lower lip " I'm not sure .Because .....
*FLASHBACK! ! ! ! *
Belle was just finishing up with her last patient when she heard the cry for help . She dashed her way towards the call and saw you out cold in Bonnie's arms and Bonnie's eye turning pitch black "B-Belle please .....h-help her " He handed you to Belle as Belle looked at Bonnie "B-But what about you !? Y-You need he-" she suddenly hasp as Bonnie stared at her with dark eyes "J-JUST GO!!!" Bonnie screeched as he runs towards his office holding his head . Belle stared as he vanished down the hallway of the institute but then she stares down at you .
You listen to Belle as she finished explaining what happened but you couldn't believe it : Bonnie was trying to help you. You then remember all
the good times you both shared . You didn't care if his father was the reason of your parent's death . You knew you had to keep going forward despite of the bad weather . Because there will always be a rainbow and sunny blue skies ."Belle take me to him !" you demanded as Belle nodded and dashed with you to his office but when you finally reached his office , the office door had a clawmark on it . "Oh No ...."Belle whispered as she pulled you behind her just for safety as you two made your way inside the office as you saw it was a huge mess . Suddenly you heard something groaning in the closet . Belle heads towards the closet door as she had a syringe in hand just in case . In a shaking manner , she twists the door knob and to reveal a wounded Bonnie holding his stomach as blood was trying to come out of that area as he even coughed a bit of blood out . Belle quickly tried to find some tissues to put pressure on but you went to Bonnie's side and held his hand whimpering "W-Who did this to you ?! "She cried .
"(Y-Y/N) I .....I did it to myself ......I did it to protect you because I-I love you so that other self wouldn't hurt you"
With that sentence you finally knew the truth . But the truth sometimes hurts and the truth ....."SHATTERED" .

I'm Insane For You(Doctor Bonnie x Patient Reader)
Fanfiction(Your Name) was an ordinary girl. Living a carefree life along with her parents .But that rainy night changed everything. Her parents were murdered right in front of her. Her world came crumbling down when she had no other choice but to live at Fazb...