(Warning:Strong Language use in some parts)
These memories are getting in the way
They are just about to break
So I will stay here and Lay
As The Flames and Memories keep me awake.
Toy Freddy and Bonnie ran as fast as they could to the courtyard but as they reached towards the entrance, outside the window they could see smoke coming from outside "Oh no! He already started !" Toy Freddy Panicked. "Get a hold of yourself ! This is what we trained for. To handle these kinds of problems" Bonnie reminded him. Toy Freddy nods as Bonnie opens the door and sees SpringTrap laughing insanely as he was burning some bushes ." Now let's see what you can do?"SpringTrap purred as he held in his hand a gas tank as he jiggles it around hearing the liquid that was inside of the tank. As he was about to pour it over the burning bushes to make them burn a whole lot more Bonnie tackles him down and signals Freddy to get the hose to make sure the fire doesn't spread more. "WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKING SPRINGTRAP!? YOU COULD HAVE BURNED THE WHOLE INSTITUTE DOWN!" Bonnie screamed as he held both SpringTrap's arms behind his back like cops would do to a criminal "That was the point you Jackass"He grinned widely but then pouted as he saw Toy Freddy putting the fires out "How dare you !? The Fire was so mesmerizing ~ I-It....reminded me of "Home" SpringTrap cursed under his breath as tears formed under his grey eyes . "Mama .....I'm sorry I ran away but Dad was scaring me" SpringTrap spoke to himself. Bonnie grins his teeth a bit as he saw Toy Freddy had handle the fires but out of the corner of his eyes he saw you as his ears point up surprised "I-I told you to stay inside !" He said worried now as you frowned "I can help !" you demanded "Yeah Harmon let your GF help "Toy Freddy chuckles a bit as Bonnie's face turn red "SHUT UP AND G-GET BACK TO WORK!" Bonnie points to him as Toy Freddy narrows his eyes and starts cleaning up the mess SpringTrap made . Bonnie then scanned the area to see what types of chemicals SpringTrap was gonna use but sees that they weren't that strong enough to make SpringTrap sick or hallucinate so what is this yellow haired man talking about ?What home? what mother and Father ? What did the father do that was so scary to him that made him run away? . Bonnie then looked down at SpringTrap who had calmed down but stands him up still holding him down. Even if SpringTrap was taller than Bonnie ,Bonnie's grip on him was a lot stronger than he thought "Alright I think you should go see Belle again " Bonnie frowned a bit still mad at SpringTrap for calling him a Jackass and a bit mad at you for not following his instructions but he knew you we're his curious Alice so he let's it slide....for now .He looks over to you "Go to your room. I'll be there to check up on you soon" and with that being said he leaves with SpringTrap leaving you paralyzed because of the stare he gave you. It was a mix of rage and lust at the same time "Geez...."You we're snapped out of thoughts by Toy Freddy talking . You turn to him and see him gathering up the hose and looked at you. "That's the first time he has seen a patient with that kind of expression.I guess you are his Curious Alice after all." He spoke . "What is it with everyone calling me a Curious Alice ?" You frowned a bit starting to hate that nickname but Toy Freddy tilts his head"I thought you would like it considering Harmon calls you that when me and him eat lunch together.he honestly never stops talking about you so...you shouldn't get mad at a nickname that someone who cares about you too much gave to you ." Toy Freddy said as he walks back inside .You stand there analyzing what happened but sighed and head back inside as well .
"Alright SpringTrap I think we are done here for today. "Belle smiles as she puts her clipboard and pen down and follows him outside and back towards his room. Closing his room door and making her way back to her office where Bonnie stood there waiting to talk to her about something that was bugging him."Belle? Is it okay If I talk to you about something ?" He asked politely "Of course Harmon"She guides him into her office . He sits down as Belle sat behind her desk ."What can I help you with Dr.Harmon ?" She said as she was cleaning her red glasses" Bonnie looked over at her clipboard and then at her"What did SpringTrap talked to you about? " Belle paused from cleaning her glasses and looked at him" Bonnie....you know I can't show that kind of information .The department that you work doesn't handle that ,mine does ." Belle sadly spoke but Bonnie explained his reason" I know it isn't in my department to handle that kind of information but I need to know because SpringTrap kept mumbling about a Mother and something that his father did that scared him and made him run away. Please Belle ....I need to at least know what was he talking about or at least know what he has told you ." Belle sighed as she grabs her clipboard adjusting her glasses and reads the following:
Last Name:Unknown (?) Note:Having thoughts on his last name due to what the patient told me in today's session.
Notes: The Patient was found in the courtyard with lighters and flammable chemicals but Doctor Harmon and Toy Freddy Handled the situation. The patient was brought to my office to lighten up the atmosphere around him and ask some questions. At first the patient wouldn't cooperate saying Harmon was a "Bastard" and a "Prick" . The patient slowly calmed down and explained that when he was 8 years old his parents told him he was gonna be a big brother meaning that his mother had told him she was pregnant but he wanted to be the only child . One day however the Father started acting strange. the father one night came covered in blood and his eyes glowing dark. SpringTrap was just coming out of the bathroom at that time. His father then stared at him coldly and stepped towards him making SpringTrap scared and run out of the house . The father eventually grabbed him and told him to not scream. Tying the young SpringTrap down then SpringTrap saw he was pouring gasoline around an old shed the father took him and a lighter . The father looked down at him once more before dropping the lighter into the gasoline filled shed. SpringTrap cried for help as the flames surrounded him but as the flames got closer he began to pass out "The flame was the only one there for me" he said "I never felt so safe afterwards" from crying he went from laughing. Then .....nothing . When he woke up he was in someones house . A browned haired father and his two sons who look like twins took him in.The only thing that the patient remembers is that his mother and father's names are Harmony and Brian Harmon .
Belle paused and look over at Bonnie as she finally concluded something "Bonnie .....Is SpringTrap..." She was interrupted by Bonnie" Holy Shit ....I-It can't be .IT JUST CAN'T BE ! THERE IS NO WAY THAT PYROMANIAC IS RELATED TO ME ! " Belle looked at him shocked but gave him a much more calmer option . "Then go ask him . The room's doors have little windows that you can use to talk to them when the patients are not stable enough to have them out of their rooms. " Bonnie looked at her suddenly feeling upset "Dear God what if he was saying is true? What if he is my brother ?"He puts both his hands covering his face."I never seen pictures of him in the house or any of his belongings . "Belle looked down a little ."Maybe you didn't search hard enough "

I'm Insane For You(Doctor Bonnie x Patient Reader)
Fanfiction(Your Name) was an ordinary girl. Living a carefree life along with her parents .But that rainy night changed everything. Her parents were murdered right in front of her. Her world came crumbling down when she had no other choice but to live at Fazb...