Despite of her honesty
She hides lies
Do you think she has loyalty ?
Even if everything around her dies ?
~ Anonymous
(Warning : You will see an embarrassed Bonnie in this chapter . Aren't parents wonderful when it comes to embarrassing their children? X'D . Enjoy the surprise Chapter update that I had planned for Saturday but I moved it for today Monday ! )
As Bonnie's Mother , better known as Harmony closed the bakery ,she guided you and Belle up some stairs where her house was on the second level ."Welcome to our home ^^" she smiled . "Please have a seat while I go make dinner "she walks to the kitchen as Belle volunteered to help her out in the kitchen since obviously working all day to just come home to make dinner was pretty exhausting . Which means they left you with Bonnie . Bonnie on the other hand sat in a separate chair as you we're sitting on the couch . You knew he was still upset from the look of his face .You took a deep breath ." Bonnie I know your still mad about what happened today but let me explain . " you tried to reason with the purple haired male as he just sank a bit in his chair . "You don't need to explain anything except for one thing :How did you know I had a mother ? "He looked at you with a frown ."Belle told me" you lied .You knew because of his journal .Which it reminded you that you had to put it back in his office after you went back to the hospital .He sighed" well Belle does come here sometimes to talk with my mom .Alright , you have my attention . " he spoke. " Baby was behind all this don't you think she -"he cuts you off "You think that she likes me ? pfft are you crazy ? She is nuts ! don't you remember what she did to me a few days ago ? " "Yeah but she could be like one of those girls in anime shows .Doesn't want to show her feelings and just uses violence to hide it but at the same time loves to hurt people .A Tsundere !" " A what ?" Bonnie lowers his bunny ears not knowing much about anime as you signaled him to forget what you said ."So....does this mean Baby was making you say all those things to me ? " "Yes!" you cheered because you we're glad he understood the truth . But you realized he was looking down . "What's wrong ? " you asked a bit worried you might of made him upset or something ."now that I know what truly happen it means ..." he gasps and stood up "IT MEANS YOU DO FEEL SOMETHING FOR- "he was cut short by his mother calling both of you to the kitchen .He bit his lower lip and just went with you to the kitchen .
You two saw Belle setting up some plates and his mother setting the food on each plate . As you two sat , Harmony smiled ."eat up everyone "As everyone ate Harmony looked over at you " Well my little Bon Bon wasn't lying when he said you have beautiful eyes that shine better than the moon itself." Bonnie choked on his steak and drank some water as he coughed a bit while holding his neck a little .You grinned because the nickname his mother had given him was pure music to your ears . "What else has he said about me ? "you asked confused " Tons of wonderful things !Oh ,where do I begin ?~ "She cheered " mother please , can we leave this conversation after dinner ? " Bonnie tried to reason with her but she gave him a frown . "Bonnie ! Don't be rude to this young lady ! she just wants to know what you told me about her .Plus it's not nice to hide things from people . I'm sorry he can be a grumpy pants sometimes " His mother joked . " well he also said that you have a well back posture as well and that he really enjoys your voice ~ ." Harmony smiled . " Oh! you wanna see Bonnie when he was a baby ? " She offered . Bonnie's cheeks turned dark red because he knew which picture she was gonna show you . " Mother it can be any picture but not the one I think your gonna get . " He tensed up a little. " But I like that one "She gave him a hurt face as Bonnie bit his lower lip more . "Plus you can't hide things from my future Daughter in law " You suddenly choked on your steak as well as you heard those words coming out of his mother's mouth easily and with no shame . Bonnie grinned sheepishly ."I-Ignore that ^///^ " he said but then he saw his mother going out of the room to get the picture and walking back in where he covers your eyesight quickly " I-IGNORE THAT TOO! 0////////0 " "I don't have to because I have already seen it three times "Belle giggled . "If it's making Belle laugh I wanna see !"you spoke up .Bonnie sighed "Please promise me you won't laugh if I uncover your eyes " You nodded as he looked away as he uncovers your eyes as your eyes see a picture of Baby Bonnie taking a bath as he was smiling for the camera but it also showed his baby butt .You hold in the laugh instead you awed . "he was pretty chubby back then " you commented innocently . "I know right ? "Harmony smiled .

I'm Insane For You(Doctor Bonnie x Patient Reader)
Fanfiction(Your Name) was an ordinary girl. Living a carefree life along with her parents .But that rainy night changed everything. Her parents were murdered right in front of her. Her world came crumbling down when she had no other choice but to live at Fazb...