It's been so long
Since you've been gone
Can you tell me what I did wrong
To deserve seeing you walk away from home ?
~Belle The Author
You and Bonnie could not believe the figure who was infront of you two ,mostly Bonnie . Bonnie grinned his teeth furious but deep down he was afraid .His Father slides his light purple hair to the back as he gave you two a slight smirk "You know it's pretty rude to keep a customer waiting "He said in a dark tone . Bonnie steps infront of you putting both his fists up "I-I won't let you hurt her dad .I don't know why you would do this especially to (Your Name's ) parents .What did they ever do to you ?They we're innocent ! I won't let you take another innocent life away from this planet "he said pulling you close to him .His father watched how he held you tight in a protective manner ,he saw the anger in his eyes as it reflected in his eyesight "That's right son ,let that anger grow ,pretty soon you'll grow up just like me ~"He said as he ended that sentence with a dark laughter .Bonnie eyes widen as he lifts his fist up "I'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOU !!"He said as he swings his fist to his father as it was about to hit him his father vanished as he fell down on his knees as one of them made a huge cracking sound .You ran to Bonnie's aid as you slowly help him up ,he hisses a bit in pain ."O-Ouch my knee " he said as he slightly held it as you stood him up "Let's close the shop for today and take you upstairs .Your in no good conditions to keep working "You say as you waited a few moments to see if any more customers showed up as you closed the bakery and guided Bonnie upstairs we're Harmony was reading a book on the couch .She looked up and gasps as she saw Bonnie with his eyes shut and slightly whimpering .She stood up and helps you put Bonnie on the couch .
"What happened to my little Bon Bon ?!" She said as she tried to check his knee but he only screamed out in pain "D-Don't !"Bonnie begged in a painful scream. You covered your mouth a bit scared as you slightly backed away ."Bonnie ...."you softly spoke behind your hands .Harmony just went to the kitchen to get the first aid kit she keeps under the sink as she tried her best to heal Bonnie without hurting him more than he already is ."H-How did this happened ?!" Harmony spoke in a shaking manner .You just stared away while biting your lower lip "M-Mr.Harmon showed up ..."you said as Harmony stared at you with a pale and shocking look on her face ."Brian ....."She whispered but then look back up as she saw you in tears .Her eyes widen as she finished healing up Bonnie as fast as she could as she held you tight in your arms "Sweetie what's wrong ?"She said as she softly rubbed your head "I-It's my fault Bonnie g-got hurt ,his father was the one who killed m-my .....parents" you cried more as you hugged Harmony .Harmony stared down at you still having a shocked look on her face ."I think it's best I never came here in the first place "you said as you got out of Harmony's hold and rushed out of the room "(Your Name) !!! "Bonnie screamed out as he reached his arm out but he hissed in pain as he sat back down .He lowers his head "Please don't go ....Don't leave me "Harmony's eyes widen when Bonnie said that last sentence as she had a sudden flashback .
"Dad where are you going ?"A little Bonnie said as he hugged a stuffed Bunny rabbit " I won't be gone long champ " He said grabbing his suitcases full of his belongings " Why Can't I come with you ?" Little Bonnie whined as his father stared away for a bit "it's going to be dangerous where i am going .You are too young to understand so i want you to be the man of the house now and take care of mommy for me " His father said as he turned away and began to walk away .Little Bonnie tried to go after him but the rainy night wouldn't allow him "Don't leave me and mommy alone! .She needs you !....I-I Need you! .Please don't go ! ...Don't leave me !"He cried . "DAAAAAAD!!!"
Harmony returned from her flashback as he saw Bonnie breathing heavily while looking down. She went to get him some water but when she gave it to him he just slapped the cup to the ground ."You we're thinking about that day again ,weren't you mother? " He said as he looked up at her ,giving his own mother a cold look that sent a huge shiver down Harmony's spine .

I'm Insane For You(Doctor Bonnie x Patient Reader)
Fanfiction(Your Name) was an ordinary girl. Living a carefree life along with her parents .But that rainy night changed everything. Her parents were murdered right in front of her. Her world came crumbling down when she had no other choice but to live at Fazb...