Bruises and smiles

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I expect her to lunge at me with her claws, swing a fist at me, or make a reach for me, but instead, she stands here in a nonchalant stance, waiting for me to make the move. If anything i have learned, never make the first move! Since she's skilled, she would calculate the move I would do and use it to her advantage.

She smirks, refusing to make the first move, standing with her hand on her hip, watching. I am her prey, she knows if I make one small mistake, she will easily win. I can't let her win.
I'm still in my ready position, my hands curled into fists, up in a protective stance and my legs spread apart. She rolls her eyes, realizing I will not move until she does.

She begins slowly walking around, side stepping. I mirror her movements, my eyes narrowed. I feel the burn, the passion, and the adrenaline. I was "Roxanne, the shy girl." I'm not her anymore, I'm going to try all that i can, if I fail, I fail, doesn't mean that I didn't try.
She lunges at me, I quickly dunk and slam my head into her rock-hard stomach. I push her until her back hits the cage.
Boy is she heavy!
Her sharp nails dig into my sides as i refuse to budge, before i can register what she does next, I feel myself being hoisted up by my legs. I'm literally upside down,hanging on her meaty arms! I struggle to get her hands and arms free from my legs, she is dangling me off the ground like a rag doll!
I feel myself being lifted up higher and slammed back onto the hard floor. I can barely take the time to breathe as she swings her leg into my side. The pain causes me to cry out , I quickly roll over on my side, despite the protests from my ribs. I get back up, slightly staggering. She's laughing, she's freaking laughing!
The b*tch wont be laughing for long that's for sure! As she laughs, nodding to one of her clan members, acting like I'm not there. I take the opportunity to run at her full speed. Don't be too nonchalant, suck-face!
I leap onto her like a cheetah, wrapping my legs around her neck and bringing her down with me.
Her weight slams onto me, once more the air is knocked out of me ,but I keep my vice grip onto her neck with my legs. I hear her gurggle and trying to get air , her arms clawing my skin, causing me to hiss out in pain. But I will not let go!
Her arms are hitting the mat, a sign of truce. I let go,getting back up, and taking a big deep breath of air. But quickly i'm pushed to the floor, slamming up against the cage. She tricked me! My head begins to spin and my vision blurs, I am growing weak, and she knows it.
I hear shouts of protests but I can't register what's being said as she pulls me back by my hair, throwing me onto the ground.
'Come on roxanne!" I finally recognize as landon screaming and cursing. I look up at the blue-haired woman who is standing, looking down at me with such mockery. She brings her leg up, putting her foot on my neck. I  feel the air woosh out of me, the weight and pressure causes me to wheeze, and those black dots dance in my vision once more. My eyes dart to dimitri who is smirking..
Here I am, losing, weak and small, that's all I ever been, letting people walk over me.
Not anymore.
I quickly grab her leg at her kneecap, twisting it in a swift harsh movement, causing a crack to echo in my ears.
She cries out, falling to the floor while she cradles her leg. Time to finish it. I breathe heavily, feeling the welt on my throat that she made with her shoe.
I hurry to her, bringing my fist down on the pressure point of her nose, lights out blue-haired ogre. Her head slumps back, notifying me that she is unconcious and that I have won, barely.
I did it.

In a daze, i stumble out the caged door, my wobbly legs almost cause me to fall on my face. I quickly am surrounded by everyone, it is a big group hug. Choruses of "You did it!' "You pulled through!" Are thrown around, causing me to weakly smile. I just want to sleep..
My eyes look around for roman, but he's no where in sight. He didn't watch? After all he's done, he didn't stay and watch me? He probably thought I would fail..
Oh, I see how it is.
As the big group hug is broken, I look at benji who is grinning like the Cheshire cat.
"Roxanne, you're amazing!" He exclaims, wrapping his arms around me. I nod, letting my head slump against his shoulder. I should be estatic, smiling and jumping around, but I can't, I don't feel it. I am happy I won, but the pain and the fact that roman isn't there to watch, causes me to feel disappointed.
"I bet Roman is so happy!" Benji murmurs in my ear.
"No he's not, he's not here." I glumly state. He pulls back with an angry expression, his eyes scanning our area.
"That little fu-" I cut him off by patting his shoulder.
"It's ok." I whisper, my eyes darting to my bleeding leg. That girl had claws..

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