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It's two weeks since Jimin visited Jungkook's father, and now the pair were sitting in the train on their way to the capital city.

"When was your last time you have seen your parents?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm thinking about that now," Jimin says as he stares out of the window.

"I think about four years when i have fully stayed with them," Jimin says.

"But, it was Seokjin's birthday few months ago, so around that time."

"Alright," Jungkook remarks. "Do you miss them?"



"Next stop is Seoul, where we terminate at. Please check you have taken all your belongings."

Jimin shaked Jungkook to wake him up, who fell asleep soon as they were in Daegu. Jimin was watching Jungkook sleeping all the way.

"Are we her-" Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw the city lights flashing quickly.

"It's been long time since I have been to Seoul."


"When was the dinner planned?" Jungkook asked as he looks through the local map.

"In about 2 hours." Jimin answered as he checked the time on his phone.

"We should go to Han River."



The pair arrived by Han River, too see lots of people gathered around the edge of the river. They looked for free spot and successfully found one.

Jungkook sat down on the grass, stretching his legs out. He looked up and saw Jimin observing the river.

Jungkook smirked and dragged the older down, making him trip over and fall on top of Jungkook.

Their faces were so close, that their noses were almost touching. Jungkook moved his head away to hide his blush.

"What are we hiding?"

Jimin moved his head to Jungkook's, but then, he moved his head to another side, but Jimin followed him.

Jimin giggled a little and pulled him in. The kiss was gentle but passionate, making both of their stomachs full of butterflies.


Jungkook and Jimin catched a subway to Seocho-gu, where Jimin's parents lived. The area looked little bit dull, since all the houses were nearly the same and were amazingly big.

They entered the street, where Park family lived and far away in the distance, the house was already visible.

The closer the pair walked to the house, the more nervous Jungkook went. He could feel anxiety filling up inside of his stomach. His hands were also shaking, but Jimin squeezed his hand so tightly that it calmed down.

"Everything would be fine," Jimin whispers.

Jimin and Jungkook were right in front of the house. The house was much bigger than Jungkook thought it would.

Before ringing the bell, Jimin looks at Jungkook, who's nervously biting his lip. Jimin moved up close and kissed him gently. The younger smiled as Jimin softly pulled away.

"Thank you."

Jimin rang the doorbell and they waited for someone to open the door.

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