twenty one

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"You have no right to do this," says Hoojoon.

"And why I shouldn't have the right?"

"Firstly, he's my son and your step-son," He states. "You need to treat him same as Seokjin."


Jimin walked down the stairs. He could hear shouting echoing in the whole dinner room and few decibels in hallway.

He stood besides the door to dining room, to continue listening to their conversation.


"Secondly, what are you gonna do if he, eventually, falls in love with another male?"

"It's a sin!" Sumi declares.

"He has no right to disobey God's wo--."

"That's not the point," Mr Park interrupts.

"And you are telling me that you are very supportive of your little gay son that you have, huh?"

"Yes, I will support him."

"Why?" She asked, disgustingly.

"Because I'm Bisexual myself." He says, proudly.

Her eyes were wide as moon above night sky. She couldn't believe what her ears of what she heard.

"H-Have you dated a guy before?" Sumi hesitated.

"Yes and what are you gonna do, woman?"

"I-I" Tears started building up in her eyes.

"And how about you get out of my house?"

She looked him in eyes with disgust and left the room. Sumi didn't dare to look back; she didn't even notice Jimin besides the door.

"Sumi!" Jimin called. She turned around to notice Jimin running behind her until he catched up.

"You need to give the proposal ring to dad."

She gave him the ring and went off.


Jimin walked into the dining hall, seeing his dad sipping glass of water.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, are you?" His dad asks. Jimin nodds.

"I'm glad," He smiled. "She will never return back here again."

"I knew men are better; they aren't bitches."

"True," Jimin remarks. Both of the males fit into a giggle which turned into a laughter.

There was a light knock behind them and Jimin turned around to see Jungkook who looked like as if he's been crying.

Jimin ran to the younger and hugged him, pulling Jungkook's head against his shoulder and holding it by gripping on to his hair.

"Were you crying?" He asked, quietly.

The younger nodded, "I thought I ruined your father's relationship with your step-mother."

"Don't worry, Jungkook." Hoojoon interrupts. "She liked me because of my wealth."

The younger aparted himself from the hug when one of the maids gave glass of water to him. Jungkook thanked her, and she bowed.

"Dad," Jimin called out. "I heard that you have dated a man."

"Who was your first?" His son questioned.

"Oh gosh," Hoojoon embarrassingly giggled.

"I think his name was Yeongmin."

Jungkook's eyes widened at the person's name. He knew the name and it was very similar.

"Jeon Yeongmin?"

"Yeah, why?" Mr Park questioned.

"It's my dad." 

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