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Squiddoodl_y - so happy got the girl of my dreams lyl @Lizzie_CWestwood xx
Lizzie's POV
I stretched in my bed, as I sleepily rubbed my eye I saw my iPhone 4S (yeah I know the 5 and 5C and 5S are out. I just prefer 4S) light up with a Twitter notification. It was David, he tagged me in a post. Awww, he's such a sweetheart, it says I'm the girl of his dreams! Hopefully Squidettes will like me... (that's my name for squid fans DON'T DIS haha I'm normal...)
I crawl out of bed, grab one of those lovely soft warm cream towels you always get at hotels. I pad through to the bathroom in my fluffy socks. I sniff all the posh hotel shampoo's, select my favourites (the tangerine shampoo and conditioner, with the chocolate orange shower gel) and quickly shower. I get out, dry myself and grab some rainy gaming day clothes - my Iballisticsquid t-shirt and leggings. I don't care if I have my boyfriend on my top, it's comfy alright!?!
I also pull my fluffy cat socks on again and grab my headphones; time for some tomb raider!
Tomb raider is my fave game ever! I've finished it like 7 times but I still always freak out when the psycho grabs my ankle and you have to kick him off so he doesn't stab you then move quickly so you don't get crushed by a giant rock... I'm making this game sound lovely aren't I...?
Anyway, I switch my Xbox on (yeah I brought it with me. Don't dis) and slide tomb raider in to the disk bit. While I'm waiting for it to work I fiddle with my character - I randomly give her a sailor hat?!?! Cos that's how I roll...
Then my game loads, and I'm at the part where there's the long dark tunnel. I know what happens but my heart is thumping. This game scares the crap out of me!! I'm just at the part where it happens (I've not played this far in real life, I only know that Something happens in the dark tunnel) when hands appear over my eyes. I squeal and hear a squish as Lara Croft's body hits the spikes. I hear laughter and then 'guess who?' I push his hands away and say 'the most annoying human EVER!' He winked and said 'that's why ya love meh' I roll my eyes, I'm 'get-a-room'ing at myself!
I follow Squid into the kitchen where he throws the Nutella jar at me. I grab a knife and start spreading chocolatey nutty goodness all over toast. I hear a knock at the door and tell Squid to get it. I hear him open it, then him, Becca, Emily, Wolfie and Stampy trek through. Becca looks super happy! She catches Squid's eye and kind of looks at the door to the hallway. He nods slightly then says 'scuse me. We'll be back in a sec!' and he and Becca run out.
Squids POV
Becca looks so excited. I'm just confused. 'What's happened?' She swallows and says 'oh, nothing really. Only -- I'VE GOT A BOYFRIEND!'
My eyes widen. 'Really? Who?' She grins. 'Well it's only god-damn p---'
Lizzie's POV (yeah I know you hate meh)
We heard squealing then silence from them. I roll my eyes; they're both so weird! But AWESOME!
I'm bored, so I check Twitter. And what I see is like a kick in the stomach.
'Who the f*** is this w****?!?! Ugly slutty b****!'
'Take your filthy f***ing hands off my Squiddy!'
'Bet she got with him to f*** him, ugly w****'
I can't believe it. These people don't even know me yet they're judging me. This is shocking.
I must be letting my upset leak onto my face because Emily is hugging me, asking what's wrong, saying it'll be ok. She doesn't understand. I'm a big Elounor shipper. I know what happens. And I know that this is just the beginning...
Making it a bit dark now 😜 but it's fun. Believe me it gets darker.
Tomb raider is actually an awesome game. Creepy. But awesome.
I know the times I do these are really inconsistent. Do you want them to be more spaced out? One a day? One a week? One a fortnight? I don't know! YOU DECIDE!
So yeah. Continue to check out my bestie, SamanthaTomlinson59, she is BOSSSSSS!!!
Farewell mah Luvlies...
chaZZa :3 💖💖💖

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