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Emily_Fashion_Blog - I don't care if you're Christian. Pray for my best friend, @Lizzie_CWestwood. If you are a true Luvly, pray for her. She needs all the help she can get. I will keep you updated...
Emily's POV
I hate hospitals. But there is no way I am leaving Lizzie. She was always there for me when I needed her, and now she needs me.
This morning was a normal morning. I was waiting in Starbucks for Lizzie at noon, and I received a text. I thought it must be her, saying she'd got distracted and was dragging herself away from tomb raider. But it was in fact an email to tell me she was in hospital. I gasped, reread it a million times, and the tears started trickling down my face. I ran out, hailed a taxi and sat in silence biting my fingernails until we got there. I hoped it was some cruel trick, she'd be fine. But I knew it wasn't.
I ran in, told them who I was and they let me in. I saw her at the end, out cold, with a plaster cast on her right ankle. A girl with red hair was sat next to her, grey eyes anxious, twiddling her bright hair around her finger. The nurse told me the situation and I hugged the girl and gently patted her back, she was still crying, sort of hiccuping, and I held her until her mother came to pick her up.
Her mother was white as a sheet, she ran in and hugged her girl. She then turned to Lizzie and gasped. 'Is this the girl who saved Lucy?' I smiled sadly and nodded.
When they'd left I texted Squid and Becca. They both arrived quickly, and Becca was comforting Squid - I could imagine how stressed he would be, just got the girl of his life and she's in hospital!
Apparently she was hit on her *long-word* nerve - ages ago that guy was hit on it and died. Therefore I am practically having a panic attack and Squid is silently crying while holding Lizzie's stone-cold hand. He is muttering to her as he squeezes her hand.
Squid's POV
'Please stay alive. Please. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you. I am falling in love with you. No, I already AM in love with you. I need you. I always have and I always will. Forever...
Then my heart stops as I feel her tiny hand move. Her chest heaves. She sighs, and her eyes flutter open...
So she's alive - thanks GAWD! Daheq was that?!?!
So hope you're enjoying! 300+ reads - wowcha in pajowcha! That makes sense...
This chapter and the last one were dedicated to the Quadricorn for coming up with Lucy! I love it hon!
Comment if you know a blind girl.
Farewell ma Luvlies...

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