Chapter 15

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*3 weeks later*

Kaceys P.O.V.

"Hello Kacey!" Calum and Michael exclaimed both of them popping up either side of me.

"Uh, hi?" I said, a little confused as to why they we're so happy and excited.

"So? What are you getting him?" Michael asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"What are you getting him?" He repeated.

"Getting who? For what?" I asked, completely confused by all of this.

"Well Kacey, if you haven't noticed, it's your boyfriends birthday next Thursday. And you need to get him something" Calum explained and my eyes widened. Shit. I completely forgot about Luke's birthday.

"You forgot about Luke's birthday....didn't you?" Mikey asked.

"Yes. But don't tell him that, he'll hate me" I replied.

"So what are you gonna get him?" He asked, completely ignoring my last reply.

"I don't know! Yous are guys, help me" I said.

"We'll help you" Calum said.

"Thank yo-" I started.

"If" He continued, cutting me off. "You buy our presents for him"

"What? No!" I exclaimed.

"It's only fair" Michael said.

"No it's not. Yous are only helping me choose, not buying the present" I replied.

"Then we won't help you" Calum said walking away.

"I'll pay half the price if yous help me" I said.

"Deal" They said and shook my hands.

"Then let's go" I said and we went into town. We looked around for at least and hour and a half before I almost felt like giving up.

"We've been looking around for almost two hours and we haven't seen anything" I said.

"Then we have to keep looking" Michael said.

"But I'm bored of looking" I complained.

"Well that's not our problem" He replied.

"You guys are supposed to help me though" I said.

"Okay fine, we'll help you" Calum said.

"Okay, so what does he like?" I asked.

"Penguins" Calum replied.

"You guys are no help at all" I sighed.

"Well we don't know!" Michael exclaimed.

"You have known each other for years" I said.

"Yeah well" Michael mumbled.

"If you guys aren't going to help then I'll just look myself" I said.

"Kay bye!" Thy exclaimed and ran off. Well that was easier than I thought. I looked around some more before giving up. I was in some shopping center and I sat down on a bench. I sighed and looked around. I seen a pharmacy that printed pictures, since that was my only idea left, I walked in.

"Hello, would you like any help?" The lady at the counter asked when I walked in.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering could I get a picture printed onto a keyring please?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Do you have the picture with you?" She asked.

"Yes, I have the picture on my phone" I replied, then someone came in behind me.

"If you could just get the picture ready for me while I handle this customer that would be great" She said as she went over to the other customer. I looked through the pictures on my phone, I literally had no idea what picture I was going to use. I didn't want it to be too sappy and cute but I didn't want it to be...weird. I scrolled through until I finally found one. It was the first picture we took as a couple. Yeah yeah I know I said I didn't want sappy but, it's not as sappy as you think. We were both pulling weird faces thinking we were hilarious.

"Have you chose your picture?" The woman asked me.

"Yes I have" I said, giving her my phone.

"Ah, boyfriends. Anniversary?" She asked.

"Nope, it's his birthday next Thursday" I replied.

"Nice idea for a present" She said.

"Thanks" I replied.

"This will take about 15 minutes" She said.

"That's okay" I said and she walked over to a printing machine.

"Would you like the cover black, white or blue?" She asked.

"Blue please" I replied. She came back to the counter and put it in a small bag.

"That will be £5 please" I gave her the money and she put the receipt in the bag then gave it to me.

"Thank you" I said taking the bag off her.

"You're welcome. Goodbye now" She replied.

"Goodbye" I said then walked out. I continued to walk back to the hotel and then Michael and Calum popped up beside me again.

"Would you two stop popping up on me like that!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry! So what did you get him?" Calum asked.

"That's a surprise" I said.

"So we won't find out till next Thursday?" Michael asked and I shook my head and they groaned.

"Sorry" I said.

"Well then" They said and we made our way back to the hotel.

~Authors Note ~

Hai guys! I'm really, really, really sorry this is so short but I wanted to update and explain a few things, and I'm really sorry I didn't update any sooner >.< I was meant to but I just didn't and I didn't know exactly what to write for this chapter. But anyways, I have an idea for the next chapter and I'll have that up A.S.A.P. but I may not because from today, I'm really really busy till summer on Mondays and Wednesdays I have camogie, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have karate and then on Friday I have this youth club and I'll have homework and then exams are starting soon so I have to start studying for them so I'll really only have the weekends to update and stuff. I am fucking wrecked from today because I had to run a mile this morning, then I played soccer at lunch and I had a camogie match and training from 2 till 4 o'clock. And it's also 'Active School Week' in my school and basically there's sports and shit everyday of this week - don't blame me if I'm dead on Saturday.

So in other news, 5SOS ARE DOING A FREAKING SIGNING IN DUNDRUM ON THE 24TH OF MAY WHICH IS THE DAY BEFORE I'M GOING TO THE CONCERT AND I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!! ~~(^0^)~~ so if any of you guys are attending the concert on the 24th or 25th and Luke isn't there....don't worry, he's okay;) I really wanna draw something and give it to them, even though I can't draw for shit:/ but ah well:L

Hmmm....I think that's all I wanted too say....I'll add on if I forgot anything:L



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