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Ally's point of view

The whole class Justin just kept playing with my hair and it annoyed the living hell out of me. I tried to ignore him the best I could, and finally there was only 15 minutes of class left.

Our teacher started talking about this project thing. Everyone immediately began talking to their friends and began pairing up. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder and as I turned around I saw Justin. He smirked at me.

"So, what about we two pair up, shawty?" He asked, raising his eyebrows slightly, his eyes still being covered by those damn shades. I cringed at his words and quickly shook my head. Sure, Justin is handsome and all that but he annoys me way too much.

"Never in a million years Bieber" I said, and turned my attention to the window, as if it were interesting.

Justin chuckled and I swear I heard him mutter something similar to 'Well see about that' under his breath. I just shrugged it off, and stared out of the window.

Our teacher cleared his throat and spoke: "No need to pair up class, I've already done that."Everyone groaned annoyed, and the teacher started telling the pairs.

I prayed I wouldn't be paired up with Justin, but of course luck wasn't on my side today. "And finally... Ally Jones and Justin Bieber."

I mentally yelled all the curse words I knew at the teacher. His words made me so damn upset and angry. Why me of all people? Justin chuckled next to me, and I turned my head to him. I glared at him annoyed as he smirked at me.

"See? We are paired up shawty." He said and chuckled at my annoyance. I groaned and threw my books in my bag. I wanted nothing more than to get as far away from this annoying guy as possible. Even if it took leaving class early - which I rarely did.

"Yeah, sadly." I spat and got up from my seat, only to be pulled back by Justin. I suddenly found myself sitting on his lap, his arms tightly around me - keeping me from moving.

I literally couldn't move an inch, that's how tight his grasp was. I saw all the girls in the class glaring at me, jealous expressions spread across their face.

"Now, shawty, that's not a nice thing to do is it?" I felt Justin's breath on my neck as he spoke. I shivered, his breath was cold - freezing even. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he only held me tighter.

"Let. Me. Go. Bieber." I seethed through my teeth, now getting really annoyed by his actions. Justin chuckled and shook his head annoying me even more.

By now everyone in the class had gone back to whatever they were doing and no one paid attention to us two.

"But shawty, class isn't over yet." Justin spoke, sending chills down my spine as his breath yet again hit my neck. Jesus Christ, the things this boy does to me...

I wanted to moan so badly, that's how g0od his breath on my skin felt - but I can't just moan in the middle of a classroom.

"I don't care now let me go." I spat, trying to get away from Justin. I was really pissed off right now - thanks to this 'lovely' boy right here. Note my sarcasm there please.

Justin smirked and I felt his lips brush against my ear.

"You know you love me shawty." He whispered and then finally let go of me. I was quick to get up and sit back in my own seat, scooting away from Justin. I was annoyed after sitting next to him for not even one whole class - and now I had to a project with him?

Thank you, God. What a lovely idea. As class finally ended I was the first one out of there. I heard someone follow right on my tail though, and I instantly knew who it was.

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