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I stared at the two piles of ash in front of me, not even processing yet what had happened. All I knew was that neither Justin nor Jason were standing in front of me no more.

I felt a couple raindrops fall down from the sky and I shuddered as a cold breeze blew over me. I saw how the wind picked up the ash from the ground, throwing it around in the air. That's when it all downed on me, Justin was gone - along with Jason.

My boyfriend, who I love more than anything in this world was gone. Rain started pouring down from the sky, harder than before, making the last of the ash that was on the ground, disappear.

I felt my eyes sting as tears streamed down my face. Justin couldn't be gone, he couldn't be. This couldn't be happening, not now that he had his mission done and he managed to get rid of Jason.

Not now that everything was finally falling in place. Now that things were finally getting better - I mean we could have finally been together without anything holding us back. But now that this happened, this may never ever happen, I mean I'll probably never see him again.

A strangled sob escaped from my lips as it all began to dawn on me. Justin, the love of my life was gone, for good, I think. I just saw my own boyfriend burn to ashes in front of me.

He died protecting, he died saving me. Well, if it could be considered dying as he was a demon... But nevertheless, I lost the person that meant the most to me. I lost Justin, and now that it happened, I don't know what to do.

Suddenly I felt something in my hand, it felt soft. I opened my hand, curious to see what was there. As I saw what it was, I gasped shocked. It was a black feather, Justin's feather.

I don't know how it got there, but it was there. I whimpered as I continued to stare at it. Tears poured down my face along with the rain, I was already soaked but I didn't care. I couldn't do nothing but stare at the black feather in my hand - the only thing I had left of Justin along with all the pictures I had.

I sniffled and brought the feather up to my lips, letting it brush against my lips. I sniffled, thinking of how Justin was here just a few minutes ago. And now? Now he was nowhere to be seen or even heard. He, Justin Bieber – my demon, was gone.


Justin's tattooed arms were tightly wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him. I smiled and ran my fingers over his tattoos. I felt Justin's chest vibrate against my back as he chuckled.

I felt his lips press against my temple, lingering there for a while. His touch gave me shivers and caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I turned around so I was facing Justin and looked up at him.

His brown eyes met mine and for a while we just studied each other in a comfortable silence. Then, Justin cupped my left cheek with his hand and leaned closer to me, his soft lips brushing against mine.

I smiled, wrapping my arm around his neck, my fingers playing with his short hair.

"I love you so much, Angel. More than you could ever imagine." Justin whispered, his voice raspy. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away from Justin as an attempt to hide my blush.

"I love you too Justin. So much." I whispered, a wide smile spread across my face. I turned my head back to face him and then pressed my lips against his.

Justin immediately kissed back, our lips moving perfectly against each other. I pulled Justin closer to me, playing with his hair. Justin's grip around my waist tightened, his tongue running across my bottom lip. I parted my lips, granting him access to my mouth.

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