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Ally's point of view

"The Devil?" I asked, looking at Justin with my eyebrows scrunched together. He nodded, not speaking. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were just as dark as always.

In this moment he seemed so tense - I could see how he didn't like talking about this subject. And I was not going to push it, I don't want him to be mad at me again. Of course I wanted to know more, but I'll just wait until he is ready to talk about it with me. As I was thinking, I noticed how Justin's eyes widened a little, and he parted his lips slightly, his jaw not clenched anymore.

His eyes were locked on mine, as if he was trying to read every single thought that was going around in my head at this very moment. He looked like he was concentrating on something, and then in a matter of seconds he looked both frustrated and bewildered.

"What the fuck..." I could hear him mumbling under his breath, and then he looked me all over. I had no clue what was going on or why he was acting like this all of sudden. Was it something I thought? Was it something I did? Why did he seem so upset all of sudden?

I sucked in a deep breath, biting my lip nervously. Then, a little while later spoke:

"Justin what's wrong? Did I do something?" Justin shook his head, looking deep into my eyes. His dark brown eyes were confused and frustrated - he ran a hand through his hair and shook his head.

"That's impossible." He muttered, shaking his head. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. Now I was really curious, I wanted to know what all this was about. Suddenly Justin once again looked at me, stepping closer. His lips were parted as he examined me like I was some odd creature. Like there was something wrong with me.

"Justin seriously, what's this all about?" I asked, becoming a little frustrated by the way he was acting. Justin chuckled humorlessly, looking at me, his eyes boring into mine yet again.

"I can't read your thoughts." He said, looking at me. Somehow he seemed amused by the situation, although I could see how frustrated he was. Somehow the fact he couldn't read my thoughts frustrated him. But it was strange - I mean he could always read my thoughts before, why not now? What had happened? Was there something in my head that kept him from reading my thoughts? I don't have a clue.

"Wait- What?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, looking at him as confused as ever. Justin sighed, repeating his words of just a minute ago.

"I can't read your thoughts, Ally. I can't- Your mind is somehow keeping me from reading them." He told me, making me even more confused than I already was. How could I keep him from reading my thoughts? I mean I haven't intentionally done anything to prevent him from reading my thoughts. I have no idea how this happened.

I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was just a few minutes until the start of the next class. I sighed.

"Look, Justin, I gotta go... Class." I said, flashing him a small smile. Justin nodded.

"Yeah... I'm gonna come too, so let's go then, I guess." He smiled, and then we walked to class together - well Justin walked me to my class and then went to his. This was the only class we didn't share, but Justin promised to wait up for me after class so we could go to lunch together. It was just like nothing ever happened yesterday. What was strange about the two of us, we weren't together, still Justin would walk me to class, sit with me during lunch and drive me home whenever my parents couldn't.

I don't even know if the two of us are friends, but I sure would want to be friends. Oh scratch that, I would want Justin to be my boyfriend. I mean I like him a lot.

I like him dangerously much - I mean I've been hurt in my past relationships and I'm afraid for it to happen again. But there's something about Justin that tells me that he isn't going to hurt me like that.

I stepped into class, and walked to the seat next to Hannah's one. She was already sitting there, doodling something into her notebook.

"Hey girl." I said, and Hannah's head immediately snapped up and she looked at me. A smile soon spread across her face.

"Well hello there, anything new between you and Mr. Bieber?" she smirked. I felt the blush rise to my cheeks as soon as she said that.I shook my head, a little too quickly. Hannah looked at me with this 'oh-please-quit-the-act'-expression. I sighed.

"Okay, fine. I might like him but-" I was cut off mid-sentence by Hannah's rather loud squeal.

"OH MY GOD YOU LIKE HIM!?" I looked down at my desk embarrassed, as I felt everyone's eyes on me. I mentally slapped Hannah for saying that so loudly.

I mean it's not that I'm embarrassed of liking Justin, I just don't want every single girl in this school up my ass. I mean they already give me these death stares each time I walk through the school halls with Justin. If looks could kill, I'd be long gone.

"Yes, Hannah. I like him." I mumbled, still blushing. Hannah giggled and clapped her hands together, grinning in an absolutely silly way.

"That's so adorable I mean he's totally crazy for you!" She said, once again causing everyone to look at us and the girls give me death stares, as it was not pretty obvious we were talking of Justin. But Hannah has it all wrong. Justin is absolutely not crazy for me.

"Is not." I said in a 'matter-of-a-fact'-tone.

"Denial works a lot." Hannah winked, just as the teacher walked in. I shook my head, staring down at my books. Maybe Hannah had a point though - I mean sure, I want Justin to like me. I don't want to be hurt again because of love - not this time, I want to be happy.

As there was about thirty minutes off class left someone suddenly threw a note on my desk. It was crumbled, and as I unfolded it and read it I immediately felt annoyed.

Stay away from Bieber,
you're not good enough for him nerd.

I shook my head at the words, knowing exactly who threw this note at me. I looked to my right, and saw Savannah giggling with her friends, occasionally glancing at me. I smirked, scribbling an answer on the note.

Like you're any better, in fact you're way worse.
You're nothing but a fake bitch.

I threw the note back at her, hoping for the teacher not to notice. And thankfully she didn't. However a few seconds later when I looked back at Savannah she was glaring at me.

I tried to hold my laugh in, as she looked so ridiculously angry. I mean I can't help the way she is, I just told her the truth. Besides it ridiculous how she acts this way then Justin doesn't even pay any attention to other girls in this school - he doesn't show a single ounce of interest in them.

Maybe that's why she's acting this way - all jealous and like the usual bitch she is. I smirked at her, and then looked back down at my book, focusing on my work. I couldn't wait for class to end so I could see Justin again - yes, I miss him. There, I admitted it, I miss Justin Bieber.

I'm seriously liking him dangerously much. Finally class ended, and I was quick to get out of class. And as soon as I was out of class, I saw the familiar boy leaning against the wall.

He had a smirk on his face, and right when I was about to walk in his direction his head snapped into my direction, and his smirk changed into a smile.

I smiled back, as I walked over to him. He chuckled lightly, and looked down at me. However what he said next was the most confusing thing I had ever head before.

"I missed you too, shawty."

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