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Ally's point of view.

I stared at Justin in absolute fright, before letting out a small scream. I felt terrified.

Justin quickly covvered my mouth, looking at me angry. A waitress walked toward us, and in a matter of seconds Justin had slipped his shades back on and was seated normally in his seat.

The waitress walked to us, a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright in here?" She asked, and looked at us. I looked down, not daring to speak because I was afraid that if I'd say something wrong Justin would lash out on me again. Justin looked up at the waitress and nodded.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine." Justin spoke, his voice now sounding surprisingly normal. I looked down at my lap, fiddling with my fingers. I was nervous and scared. Justin's eyes were so frightening.

He was frightening.

The waitress nodded, before walking away from us. I didn't dare look up at Justin, he scared me a lot. I don't know what he is, but I want to know.

What creature has red eyes and is this frightening? Has this sort of temper? I felt Justin's stare on me, but I didn't have the courage to look up.

"Ally?" I heard Justin's voice, which didn't sound angry - surprising. I shook my head slightly, nervously fiddling with my fingers. Justin sighed heavily, and I head a chair screech against the floor and then footsteps coming to the other side of the table and to me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch from the sudden pain in my shoulder. The bruises were still sore and they hurt like hell to be honest.

"Don't t-touch me." I whispered, my voice cracking slightly as I fought back the tears. I didn't want to cry again in front of Justin.

I didn't want to cry anyways - I couldn't come off weak no matter how hurt I was right now. Justin gently lifted my chin up with his index finger. I looked up at him.

He had taken his shades off again, but what I saw now was shocking yet again. His eyes were a dark brown and they were filled with concern. I bit my lip anxious and scared as I looked at him.

"Y-Your eyes" I whispered, causing Justin to sigh.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else? Please?" His voice was quiet and soft as he spoke. I bit my lip, trying to decide if I should say yes.

What if this was all just an act and Justin would hurt me all over again? Right as I thought of that, Justin's eyes filled with sadness and regret.

At first I didn't understand what had happened, but then it all dawned on me. Justin could read my thoughts. He heard all that.

"Ally... I won't hurt you again. Never. I promise. And..I'm sorry." Justin whispered, looking at me seeming ashamed.

I sighed heavily. I felt bad for hurting him. I knew my thoughts hurt him but I just can't control my thoughts. I guess I'll have to learn to control my thoughts whenever I'm around Justin - I don't ever want to hurt him. Not again - I don't want to hurt other people whether they're humans or not. It's still hurting someone.

And besides, Justin seems vulnerable in a way - despite all the though guy-act and the way he gets angry sometimes. Deep inside Justin is vulnerable and he seems lonely. As I looked up at Justin, he was looking at me with the most confused look on his face.

"You're right Ally, how did you figure all that out?" His voice was laced in amazement and confusion. I found it amazing how his moods would just change in a matter of seconds from one to another.

I looked up at Justin's eyes and shot him a small hesitant smile. I was still a bit scared of him but it was starting to ease away as he was now accting nice and caring and all that.

"I don't know. I just... I guess I saw it in your eyes." I whispered. Justin nodded, stroking my cheek gently. I blushed at his actions. Jeez, he's one hell of a confusing guy.

We were seated in Justin's car, and Justin had parked the car at the side of the road, and now he was looking out the window, holding a cigarette between his hands.

I once again found myself staring at his features. I couldn't help but admire him. His eyes were closed and he seemed so relaxed. He was blowing our rings of smoke through the window and his lips were parted.

"You know what Ally?" Justin suddenly spoke, opening his eyes slightly. He glanced my way, before returning his gaze back to the window on his side. I looked at him, wondering what it was that he had to say.

"Yes Justin?" I asked, although I knew he could read my thoughts. I just felt like it was better to speak. Justin chuckled lightly - probably at my thoughts - before speaking.

"You're different from other humans." I tilted my head to the side, looking at Justin confused.

What did he mean by that? What are humans like from his point of view anyways? I mean I don't think I'm that much different from others.

Except that I don't throw myself at guys and act like a total slut around guys. Justin chuckled.

"Other humans are selfish, greedy, ignorant and they have a heart full of envy. You are something else though. I've never seen someone so honest, selfless, caring and you have the most beautiful heart I've ever seen. You're beautiful inside and out." His words caused my cheeks to heat up and turn probably a bright crimson red.

I couldn't help but smile, his words were so kind. Right now he was a totally different person than back at the café and this Justin I actually somewhat liked.

Despite his player attitude which would show at times.

"Justin?" I spoke up, biting my lip nervously. What I'm about to ask may make him mad but I need to know.

He looked at him, a weird expression on his face. It was like he already knew what I was going to ask. Maybe he did, since he could read my thoughts.

"Yes, Ally?" His tone was quiet, wondering. I knew that he was awaiting for the question and I also knew that he knew that I'm going to ask.

"What are you?" The words left my mouth, quiet and hesitant. I was afraid that I would make Justin upset. But I needed to know what he was since I was hanging around with him.

Also, I wanted to know since he admitted to me that he isn't human. I need to know.

Justin took a deep breath and looked at me for a while and took a drag from his cigarette.

"Ally, promise me you won't be scared of me after I tell you. Promise me you won't leave me." I looked at him confused, we aren't dating so I can't necessarily leave him.

But I guess we're friends on some level. So I could leave him - but I'm not going to. I looked at Justin and nodded.

"I promise Justin, I won't leave." I shot him a reassuring smile and he nodded, before taking another drag from his cigarette.

He ran a hand trough his hair, clearly nervous. And when he spoke, his words caught me by total suprise and shock.

"Ally, I'm a demon. From Hell."

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