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Ally's point of view

A few days had passed since the incident in the cafeteria. Ever since then Justin and I had been growing closer - despite of how afraid he was of his boss finding out about me.

I hadn't asked him anything about his boss, because I sensed that he didn't want to talk about it. I had decided though, that I was going to ask him about it sometime.

Justin had brought me home after school yesterday, because I didn't have a ride and he didn't 'like the idea of me walking home all alone'. I however gladly accepted his offer - I mean I enjoy being around him.

Justin is really a nice guy in fact - despite him acting like a player at times. He still has many girls basically throwing themselves at him, but I think the incident in the cafeteria a few days back changed things a little bit. I don't know yet if it was for the better or for the worse - Savannah has been even meaner than she usually is, but she hasn't dare come near me when Justin is around.

I guess she's really frightened of Justin. I don't blame her though - Justin is pretty scary when he's angry.

Right now Justin and I are in the library right now, working on our project. Justin had been acting really silly the whole time we'd been in the library. At first I found it funny, but now it's annoying me. I mean I want to get this project ready and done with and Justin messing around is not helping at all.

"Ally, can we just go home already and finish this on another day?" Justin whined. I groaned, looking at him annoyed. Justin looked at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes and smirked. He knew I was annoyed, and now he'd probably use it to his advantage. At moments like this I hate how he can read my thoughts - and all that just because sometimes I just want to keep my thoughts to myself.

"Oh so I'm annoying you huh?" Justin smirked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Yes, because you're not helping me at all." I said, sighing annoyed. I felt a slight headache beginning to pound in my head. I shut my eyes tightly, massaging my temples. I felt stressed and I just wanted Justin to co-operate for once. When we started working on the project today, Justin actually was helping me. But that only lasted for the first half an hour. Ever since then he has been goofing around and throwing flirty comments at me.

"Well I can't help the fact that I'd much rather be doing something else." Justin winked at me. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks, but I tried to ignore it the best I could. Justin seriously has to stop this and actually help me on this - because we're in this together. I'm not going to do this myself.

I shot Justin a glare and went back to the project, writing down some stuff. Justin snickered beside me and traced his fingers up and down my thigh. I groaned, annoyed by the way he was acting. The player act all over again. Jesus Christ.

"Justin, can you just stop already!?" I exclaimed, glaring at him, my lips pressed into a thin line. Justin smirked at me and shook his head.

"No chance shawty." He said and chuckled. I groaned and lightly pushed his hand away, wanting him to stop being so childish. Why couldn't he act normally for once? Why couldn't he just help me with the project instead of acting like this?

"Why can't you just act normally and at least try to be a decent person and actually help me with project!?" I snapped suddenly feeling angry by the way Justin was acting and how he was touching me and acting like a fucking player. Justin glared straight back at me and his jaw clenched. Great, now he's probably angry - but it's his damn fault.

"How is it my fucking fault huh!?" Justin exclaimed, sounding extremely pissed off. So now he's being a drama queen and probably trying to blame me for everything. I huffed, and scrunched my eyebrows together, my eyes never leaving Justin's as I held the same angry glare.

"Well what do you think, huh!?" I yelled, swatting Justin's hand away from my thigh. He clenched his hands into fists and pressed his lips in a thin line, breathing deeply through his nose a few times. He was probably trying to calm himself down I guess - totally reasonable if he wants to keep his promise of not hurting me.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong, maybe if you would have agreed on stopping for today this fight would never have happened!" Justin seethed through gritted teeth, his eyes turning a little darker now, there was a light shade of red in them already. Now he's even more angry - great.

"You might not realize it but we have to get this project done!" I yelled, breathing heavily. I gritted my teeth, wanting nothing more than to punch Justin in the face right now. And to think that this morning we were doing just great and acting friendly.

It's funny how things can change so fast. Justin's eyes turned into a more reddish color, which frightened me a little. I knew by the way his eyes were changing closer and closer to the blood red color that he was getting more and more furious by every second that passed.

But still, I couldn't find a reason to why this would be my fault. I hadn't done anything wrong - Justin was the one wrong here. He was annoying me and acting childish and not putting any effort for the project at all. Well except for the first thirty minutes.

"I do realize that, I'm not fucking stupid!" Justin yelled, bringing his face closer to mine. His eyes were even more red now, however there was still a light shade of brown to be seen in them.He was breathing heavily and every few seconds a low hiss would escape from his lips. It frightened me how angry he was getting.

"WELL THEN YOU WOULD'VE HELPED ME!" I screamed furiously at Justin. He remained silent for a while, shutting his eyes tightly, breathing heavily. When he opened his eyes a few seconds later they weren't the same color anymore. They were the color that I never wanted to see again, because it frightened me. His eyes were blood red.

"Well maybe if you wouldn't be such a fucking bitch about it I might actually help!" Justin barked,causing me to flinch at his harsh words. He did not just say that. But he did. I gulped, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Justin breathed heavily, his eyes slowly going back to their normal color.

He stared at me his lips parted, but I didn't even dare look him in the eye. I didn't even want to look him in the eye - I was too hurt. He really hurt me this time, this was even worse than the last time in the library. This way worse than any pain I've ever felt before - I don't know why.

A single sentence like that one shouldn't hurt this much, but it did.

Justin's point of view

I gazed at Ally, her eyes looking at anything but mine. She was biting her lips, clearly trying to hold back tears. I sighed shamefully, knowing I really hurt her this time. This was yet again one useless fight, and basically it was my fault.

I just am really bad at admitting something like that. I knew from the start that I'd end up hurting her if I'd allow myself to get that mad. But somehow it just slipped from my mind and I lost myself.

Of course, Ally shouldn't have yelled at me either, but I know I caused her anger by the way I acted. Ally gulped, a quiet whimper escaping from her lips. That little sound made me feel even more regret than I already was.

"Ally, look, I'm so sorry-" I was cut off by her thoughts that hit me like a thousand bullets at a time.

'You can go back to hell for all I care' I gulped, pain replacing the feeling of regret. I can't believe she just said that. Well, she didn't exactly say it but she thought it. Not that it would matter - it hurts all the same anyway.

"So that's what you want?" I whispered, my voice slightly cracking. I know I looked weak right now, but I couldn't help it. I was hurt. Ally looked at me, her expression no more holding the anger that it was. She looked at me regretfully, her eyes widening at my words.

"No, Justin I-" I cut Ally off mid-sentence, not bothering to let her speak.

"Then I'll just go. You won't hear from me ever again. Goodbye Ally-" I paused, looking her deep in the eyes and taking a deep breath before completing my sentence:
"See you in hell."

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