Chapter Twenty-two

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The next day at college, I spent the whole day with Soukvilay since the other girls had no classes. When we went at students café, Darell texted me to ask me If I wanted a movie night date at his place tonight. I accepted.

After that, I stayed chatting with Soukvilay  for half an hour until she left to her class.  As my class only started in an hour, I went to put my purse in my locker that's when I crossed Salmiya and her friends. She looked at me with contempt. I was wondering what she was doing at our college. I looked at her the same way and kept my way. When I finally arrived next to my locker. I put my purse inside and when to my classroom.

When my class ended, I went to the library while waiting for Darell class to end. I read a few books and a few minutes later I fell asleep on my desk till I felt someone shake my shoulders. I lifted my head to see who it was.

"Sorry to wake you up, I'm going to buy something to eat and I was wondering if you could watch my computer and my things. I don't want to lose my place." The girl said.

I didn't know her but I replied, "Sure."

"Thank you so much! Do you want me to buy coffee for you?" She said so nicely.

At the moment she said the word "coffee", I immediately thought of Darell. I didn't answer her right away. Instead, I looked at my phone. That's when I saw Darell's text messages.

"My class ends in 20 minutes. Where are you?" - sent 10 minutes ago.

"Dahila?"- sent 3 minutes ago

"I said do you want anything?" the girl repeated.

"No, thank you," I answered. She smiled and left.

As soon as she left, I texted Darell that I was in the library on the 2nd floor. He never responded but a few minutes later I saw him coming towards me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He went to take a chair and place it next to me. Then he sat on it.

"Hey," he said kissing me.

"Hey babe", I said.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Actually no, a random girl asked me to keep an eye on her things. she's supposed to be back soon."

"Look at you, all nice and all huh," he said.

"I guess I am. I could steal her computer and sell it. I know a lot of people who would love a Macbook,"

"Yeah right! Your nice ass ain't going to do that. Stop thinking that you are a thug, " he said.

"Respect me!" I said laughing while stroking his neck.

Darell was about to say something when the girl came back. She thanked me. Then, we had put on our coats and left. While walking he got behind me and started to touch my buttocks.

"Stop it, people are watching us," I said with a big smile on my face.

He kept touching my butt so I slammed his butt.

"You're bugging!" He said pushing me slightly. I laughed and we took the elevator. 

When we finally got outside it was dark although it was only 5:20 p.m.  We got inside Darell's car and we left the college ground.

A few minutes, we arrived at Darell's place. We spent time with his grandparents, ate and around 9 p.m. they went to sleep so we installed a blanket on the couch. Right after, Darell went into the kitchen to heat up the popcorn while I was trying to figure out which horror movie we could watch. By the time the popcorn was ready, I found a horror movie to watch. I started it when Darell arrived in the room and closed the light.

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