Chapter Thirty-six

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After that moment, a month passed. Darell had not spoken to me since, despite my attempts. To be real, I didn't have that much time to think about our relationship, as preparations for my brother's upcoming wedding occupied all my time.

It was a sunny extremely cold Saturday in December. Today was Estephania and Jamal's wedding day. They had decided to get married in the winter since during the summer Jamal had his football season and school which occupied all his time. For this occasion, Jamal came back to Toronto after his bachelor party to make sure everything was ready. Jamal had had his bachelor party in Dubai with my brothers, Hakim, Quincy, Darell, his close friends and his football friends. From the beautiful pictures on their Instagram, they really looked like they had fun. As for Estephania, she had a bachelorette party in Brazil with us and her cousins. It was one of the most beautiful and chill trip of my life.

It was currently 6am and I had just woken up, as my phone alarm and Kaneasha's, who was sleeping in the same room as me, rang. The girls and I had slept at Estephania's house with her, her cousin Marianna who is her maid of honour, her mother, my mother and her aunts. As for Jamal, he was with my other brothers, Hakim his best man, two of our cousins, our father and Estephania's father at his house. We were only going to see them at the church for the ceremony.

The wedding was at 11am and our schedule for the day, created by the planner, was busier than the government's. it looked like this:
"7:00 am: Manicure, pedicure, waxing and      eyebrow.
8:00 am: Hair and bridesmaid dresses.
9:00 am: Make-up
10:20 am: Photoshoot "

And so it kept going until the party in the evening. After my rude awakening, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on some comfortable clothes. Kaneasha did the same after me. We left our room at 6:42 a.m. and headed to the kitchen. When we arrived in the kitchen, a delicious smell invaded our nostrils. Estephania's aunts had made us a breakfast worthy of a feast. We all ate together and started to get ready, as the professionals had just arrived.

At 9:55 a.m. we finished we were ready and waited for the limousine to arrive.

Our bridesmaid our tight-fitting gold dresses were long with a large opening on the thigh and a low neckline. We had wavy, loose hair that came to the bottom of our breasts, as we all had extensions installed. Our makeup was flawless and highlighted. Estephania, on the other hand, had her hair up. It was wavy but tied up in a messy bun and several strands of her hair fell over her shoulders. Her hairstyle was beautiful. By the time she had put on her tight white coral lace dress, her mother had started to cry. I had never seen her look so elegant in my life. We all complimented her on her appearance. What I loved most about her makeup was the matte red lipstick that brought out the beauty of her white-toothed smile.

After our morning schedules, we arrived at the church at 10:50. Around 11:15, the ceremony began. The guests had taken their seats and Jamal was about to make his entrance followed by his groomsmen. As he entered the room, some music began to play. Then the priest spoke and it was Estephania's entrance time. Therefore, so did ours. The song You make it easy by Ty Francis started playing. This was our signal. An employee who was in front of the two large doors where we were standing opened them. Everyone had risen and looked back at us. The church was full of people. We walked slowly forward. Estephania was behind us, walking with her father. When Jamal saw her, he smiled with pride and happiness. Even though she was walking at a slower speed than a turtle, Jamal's gaze never wavered from her for a second. For a moment, we saw tears streaming down my brother's face. He put his right hand on his face to try to pull himself together, but he did so in vain. Seeing him cry made everyone in the church emotional, including me. Hakim, who was on his left, put his hand on my brother's shoulder. He whispered something to him and my brother nodded. This scene was adorable.

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