4: Cold

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The only noticeable sound within two metres of me was the swishing inside of my bottle, until Jamie sighed loudly.  Not bothering to look up, I approximated his position to be somewhere to the left of me.

“Can you at least, oh I don’t know, act civil or something?”

“You and I both know that’s not going to happen.”

“So what then?  You’re going to spend the next three months by yourself?”

“Uhm, no.  I have you guys, Lisa and Jessica.”

“Unfortunately, we’re not going to be excluding those guys like you are.  And I doubt they like you very much after that show of ridiculousness back there.  You might’ve wanted to think this through a little but before blacklisting yourself.”

“Whatever, Jamie.  You’re not going to like them in a couple of days anyway – they seem boring.”

“You know I love you Tay, but you’re making it really hard for me to like you right now.”

And with that, he turned and walked away.

“Have fun with your new boyfriends.” I called after him.

* * * * *

The morning of our departure, I found myself wedged between the bus wall and the couch, blindly trying to find the outlet so I could plug in the PlayStation.  I was stubbornly attempting to complete the task without much movement of the couch, but I was failing.  So there I was, desperately grasping at the wall, always just a couple centimetres too far.  After what had seemed like an eternity, the couch shifted away from the wall by about a foot, allowing me to plug in the cable.  I victoriously shimmied out and stood up, wiping the dust off my knees.  A job well done.  Noticing I wasn’t alone, I snapped my head up.  One of the boys I had met the day before was pushing the couch back into its original position.  What was his name?  Nate?  Nigel?  Niel?  When he had finished, he looked up and smiled at me.

I wrinkled my nose at him.  “Something I can help you with?”

The grin immediately fell from his face, and I almost felt a pang of guilt.  Key word: almost.

“I realized we got off to a weird start yesterday, so I wanted to reintroduce myself.  So, hey.”  He grinned awkwardly at me as he waited for my response.

Taking a couple of steps towards him, I paused when I was only centimetres from his face.  As his eyes widened, I scanned them and then lowered my gaze to his lips.  Bringing my eyes back up to his, I whispered in a low tone, “And what made you think I wanted to meet you?”  Stepping around him, I made my way out of the bus, stopping only once to look back at the confused expression on his face.

I Don't Need To Be Saved; Nathan Sykes & Taylor Momsen FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now