[Fourth Period]

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- A Week Later -

| Levi's POV |

'Tch it's been a week and this brat hasn't talked to me and I haven't seen her drawing on her paper what's wrong with her?'

"Now class turn to page 69 in your math textbooks"

I sit back in my seat and lean back in my chair looking at
Y/n 'At least now I get to see her... wait why do I want to see her so bad?!'

The bell rings and I watch my students walk out of my class to there next class I look over at Y/n still packing her stuff 'She always the last to leave' I think to myself and smiled

"Hey Y/n can we talk?"

My smile drops 'Why the fuck is He talking to her!' I sit down and pretend to do some paperwork listening to there conversation

"Yea sure Jean what's up"

I look at her smiling at Jean 'that's the way she used to smile at me... why am I getting so worked up about this?"

"Well Connie's having a party and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?"

'That Dam Brat! Asking her on a date I'm not gonna let her go with him...'

"Shouldn't you two get to your next class. Y/n stay a bit longer we need to talk"

I stand up to say with an angry tone they both look at me "oh yea sorry Sensei Ackerman, talk to you later Y/n" I watch Jean walk quickly out waving to her I growl at his action then turn back to

I look at her for a few seconds then I pull her into a tight embrace nuzzling my face in the side of her neck
"Y/n I missed you~"

I start to feel pushing against my chest "Y/n?" I let go moving my hands to her waist I look at her sad look "Y/n are you ok-" "Stop Sensei...!" She says cutting me off as she moves my hands off of her walking towards the door

'No I need to know what's wrong' I grab her hand pull her back to me "Y/n tell me what's wrong right now!" I demand at her she looked at the ground and spoke: "W-we can't talk anymore..."

"What do you mean?"

I was so confused what did she mean 'We can't talk anymore' being lost in my thoughts Y/n had slipped from my grip and stumbled backwards I noticed and caught her I held her in a tight embrace caressing her upper back I felt my shirt get a little wet I looked to see Y/n crying "Hey it's okay" I said moving my hand to caress her cheek

Her crying had slowed down as she was sniffing lightly I had sat her down in my lap while I sat on a desk her crying had stopped as her eyes were a little red a puffy I looked at her 'I still need to know what's going on' I asked her one more time being more gentle

"Y/n what's wrong?"

She began to speak "someone knows about us, about what we do and they plan to make it public and ruin both of our lives" I was shocked 'someone knew How? Who? Why?' These thoughts were running through my mind I looked back at Y/n "do you know who this person is?" She shook her head "no I'm sorry"
I look at her and smile
"How did you find out?" She glanced out the window and begun talking "I got a note in my locker a week ago...."

| Y/n's POV Flashback |

I walked to school like a normal day I was ready to see Sensei Levi after a long weekend alone 'Yayy I love school now' I thought giggling at my own joke walking up to my locker


I pulled on my lock and open my locker when a piece of paper fell out 'huh a note' I thought picking it up and reading it

To Y/n

Hello there y/n.
You don't know who I am but I know who you are and your little thing with
Sensei Levi Ackerman
Unless you don't want me to go public about it I suggested you keep away from him and stop talking if you ignore this warning I will go public about your "relationship" with him and ruin both of you guys lives

I step back in shock 'What the how does this person knows... ruin our lives' I sighed 'what do I do' I thought taking my things from my locker and closing it walking to my first class 'Shit I have Levi as my first class' I looked down at the note again feeling a tight pain in my chest 'What if this person is telling the truth I should stay away from him... just for a little while I guess'

I walk into class and see Levi sitting at his desk 'don't give him attention Y/n' I quickly take a sit and looked at the blackboard behind waiting for class to start as I wait I notice Levi looking at me

I look at him for a spilt-second then turn my focus to the window beside me feeling his harsh eyes pinning me down I keep looking at the window ignoring him

"Hey brat look at me!"

I feel my desk move a bit knowing he slams his fist against my desk still staring out the window feeling a bit nervous I knew this was ticking him off I hated doing this to him....

"Fine be like that.."

He taking off back to his desk I sigh 'I hate ignoring him' soon my classmates came into the classroom and Levi started his lesson

I sat through the whole lesson with my eyes on the window 'god I miss watching him teach'

| End of Y/n's Flashback |

| Y/n's POV |
I look at Levi with a bit little shock on his face as he shifted moving me sitting on his lap then out of nowhere he hugged me tighten his grip every minute

I slowly wrap my arms around him patting his back a little     'I have never seen him act like this before'
Levi began to speak "Y/n...." he said in his husky voice moving his arms a bit "If you want to stop talking then we can, peak but I'll miss you". Levi said giving my cheek a peck. I thought about it for a long minute then spoke
I spoke into his ear. He looked at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Maybe we should take a break... just for a little bit tho," I said in a sheepish voice
Levi look at me like he was gonna cry I went and gave him a quick kiss before embracing him in a hug
"It's only for a little bit okay" he sighed then placed his hand on my shoulder

"Okay I guess but only for a little bit"

I smiled and jumped up to hug him which took him a bit but surprise he chuckled hugging back "I love you so much brat" I hug him tighter "I love you too Sensei~"
We both giggle still embracing each other

| Unknown's POV |
'Haha watching them be all "Lovey Dovey" is disgusting it makes me sick' I was looking at them through the window on the classroom doors 'A teacher and student relationships is sick I hate it so much' I look back at them hugging some more 'gross' I smiled 'I thought I told that little slut to stay away from
"Sensei Ackerman~"
'Maybe I'll warn her again' I chuckle 'she's such a bitch' I smirk walking back to my class thinking about my plan

'Y/n never gonna know what hit her....'



Hello, lovely people, I'm over my writer's block Yayyy! (^^)

And I'm glad to be back to writing (•̀•́)و

Anyway I think I might publish a new chapter every two weeks or try to at least

Well, I hope you guys enjoy the lasted chapters and to everyone who commented helpful ideas on my last update, it was really helpful thank you so much I really appreciate it (^o^)

Until next time ~ 👌

I Love You Sensei [• Teacher Levi x Student Reader•]Where stories live. Discover now