[Fifth Period]

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| Y/n POV |

I quickly ran to Jean's locker hoping to catch him before he leaves

Speeding down the halls I finally reached his locker slowly down I walked up to him "Hey Jean!" I said waving "oh hey Y/n what's up?"

"Um, I wanted to know if you still wanted to go to the party with me?" Jean looked at me a bit surprised and light pink dusted in his cheeks "Yes, of course, I would!" He said cheerfully "great I'm excited" I smiled "okay I'll pick you up at 7:00 don't be late okay," he said looking at me "sure thing see you," I said watching him walk away waving

| Time Skip to the Party |

We pull up into a driveway in Jean's car I hop out as does Jean he quickly runs beside me and wraps his arm around my waist I flinch at his touch

"I'm glad you wanted to go out with me Y/n I have really like you for some time" I smile and nod I really didn't care because I didn't feel the same way I quickly ran up to the house opening the door to a full-out rave 'dam.. some party' you thought walking in with Jean following behind you

"I'm gonna get some drinks can you go find Connie" Jean says walking towards the kitchen you nod and start looking at the crowd for Connie

| Time skip because I'm lazy :p |

I had found Connie with Sasha and Marco they all had drinks Marco's half full (lol kms a Half Marco joke)

Soon Jean returns will our drinks as he hands me mine I take a sip 'hmm taste funny' I thought of me and the group laughed our jokes the rest of the night

| Time skip again sorry;-; |

I started to feel a bit tipsy and I could barely walk 'I have to find a room to lay down on I guess'

I begin to walk up some stairs passing people making out I find a room and walk over to the bed feeling really dizzy I lay down and try to sleep I close my eyes and the first thing that pops into my head is Levi 'shit why can't he leave my head' I start to get a little comfortable when I feel something on my neck I open my eyes to a blurry vision seeing so blob on top of me

I move my arms to push it off but the thing pins them down as I feel my pants being pulled down I start to scream kicking at the thing "s-stop... p-please.." I sigh before feeling too weak giving up when I start to hear yelling seeing that blob being pushed off my body by someone else

"Y/n! Oh, my gosh y/n are you okay?!"

I start to feel something shaking me I feel my vision clear up a bit seeing Jean hovering over me "Jean?" I say in a low raspy voice "Y/n are you ok did he hurt you?" Jean said pulling me up to a sitting position "who?" I question

He handed me a cup signaling that I should drink it I took a sip it tasting like my drink before I handed the cup back to him asking him "what happened?" Jean looked at me and spoke "Someone tried to Rape you" I looked at Jean and start to shake a few moments later he wraps his arms around me holding me in a tight embrace 'I feel safer now' I think to my self-moving more deep inside his chest

"Y/n look at me for a sec"

I look up at Jean as his face gets closer to me his eyes covered in lust I can feel his hot breath on my lips

His lips slam into mine his arm pulling me closer to him I rest my hands on his chest just letting him kiss me

The kiss gets heated turning into a full out make out session his tongue rushing into and out of my mouth I pull back a string of saliva connecting out tongues I feel myself being pushed down on to the bed Jean crawling on top of me

"Y/n is it ok if we do it?~"

I look up at him lust completely covering his eyes I didn't know what to say I mean he did just save me from being rape I feel Jean tugging on the end of my shirt looking at me "please..." he mumbles under his breath 'what do I do?' I look back at Jean and being to speak



A/N: Hello everyone long time no see sorry for not updating I have been kinda busy anyway sorry for the short chapter and leaving you on a cliffhanger but *hint hint* the next chapter might be a Lemon/Sumt also thank you for reading this book it really means a lot

- Im very Thankful for you guys \(^.^)/

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