Special #1 - Texts between Kamui and Nobume

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Nobume : Hey loser! 

Kamui : Hey it's donut-chan! How'd you  

get my number? 

Nobume : ....If you don't know how I got it, 

then how do you know it's me? 

 Kamui : ....erm.....uh....

Nobume : Did you already have my number? 

Kamui : Maybe

Nobume : Then why haven't you texted me before?!?!?

Kamui : Was I supposed to?

Nobume : Why wouldn't you? 

Kamui : Dunno

Nobume : So you had my number for show?

Kamui : No! Maybe! Yes....

Nobume : Why?

Kamui : I just had it in there in case for emergency's! 

*Kamui accidentally sent this to Kagura who responded with...*

Kagura : You had what in what for emergency's? 

Kamui : What? Oh crap. That was to go to Nobume. 

Kagura : Oh, so she finally realized you had her number? 

Kamui : Yes! And I'm trying to convince her that I didn't have it in there because I wanted to see her name in my contacts!

Kagura : You are such a bad liar baka-nee. I have seen you agonizing over your phone, wondering if it's alright to text her! 

Kamui : SHE doesn't need to know that! 

*Kamui really needs to pay attention to who he's texting seeing as this one just went to Sougo*

Sougo : What are you talking about Kamui? 


Sougo : Are you drunk? 

Kamui : No. I just keep texting everybody the wrong thing and crap, gtg.

Sougo : Ah. So Nobume found out you have her number and now she's calling you wondering why you haven't answered her last text for the past ten minutes?  

Kamui : WHY DO YOU KNOW THAT?!?!?!

Sougo : Dude I'm sitting right next to her. 

Kamui : FML

Sougo : Can't wait to have an excuse to use this against you ;P

Kamui : YOU'RE EVIL!!!!! 

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