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People think that just because I'm a "nerd" it means that I can't like sports or cars or anything that is "manly" and out of the books. Which they are totally wrong, as always. Hence why I'm outside instead of the library where "people like me" are supposed to be. I was leaning back in my favorite tree with a copy of The Girl on The Train__ I know I just said that just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I have to be stereotypical but I like to read, ok? Sue me__ when suddenly a shadow came over me and pulled at my feet and dragged me straight to hell, just kidding. But let's admit that we were all kind of hoping something like that would happen, but news flash buddy, life isn't a movie.

When I looked up I wasn't exactly surprised at what I saw__ but at the same time I was... you know what I mean? __. It was the bad-ass, or how as her parents decided to name her, Evelyn. There she was in her ripped jeans and leather jacket glory, and the most surprising thing about this? She was staring straight at me. Well not straight at me, but down at me since she was standing and I was sit.... Yeah, anyways.


I had to look both ways and then realize that this girl is actually talking to me. Cameron Valentino Blood. The geeky nerd that doesn't have many friends and always get kicked or teased in the hallways and mostly bothered because he likes to read instead of doing "manly" shit people expect men to do. It took me a few minutes to finally register that she was actually talking to me and when I did, I did the only rational thing that came to mind.

I blinked twice. I looked both sides again. Looked up at her one more time. And then went back to my book.

"hey, dumbass I know you heard me so stop ignoring me".

'Wow how rude'.

Bet you all thought that didn't you?, but to my surprise, I didn't. I know, I question my sanity at times also. But I didn't because even though her choice of words weren't the best, she didn't say it to be mean. She said it to get somebody's attention. I haven't had a proper conversation with the girl and I could tell that that was just how she was. Out spoken, outgoing, and later on I would also know that she's plain crazy.

So I lifted my head in her direction once again and spoke "uhm... hi?"

"what's your name stranger?" she asked while she dropped in front of me and crossed her legs and, also, took my book out of my hands as if she knew me at all. I didn't want to take my chances with her, not because I was scared, but just because I wanted to see where this would go, so I answered her question. "Cameron, my name's Cameron".

"that's a nice name. mine's Evelyn, but since these assholes know only one thing, and that is gossip, I'm guessing you already knew that". It was more of a statement rather than a question, but I still nodded my head helplessly while I looked at the strange girl look through my book until she found what she was looking for, got a highlighter out of her pocket and then proceeded to mark something on my book, I know I should've been mad, pissed actually; but just as I was about to say something she spoke, again, "we accept the love we think we deserve. Do you know why is that dear Cameo?" I was about to correct her about my own name, but I had a feeling that this was just another "Evelyn" thing to do. So I just played along and just shook my head sideways and let her explain.

What she did, was not answer me, oh no. What she did was grin like a Cheshire cat and close my book. Handing it to me and standing up she spoke once again "you have much to learn my little grasshopper" and just then the bell rang and everybody got going to their former classes. She kissed my forehead and padded my head. "until tomorrow Cameo, don't miss me too much now" and then she winked and skipped away inside the school. Yup, you heard me correctly. The Latina school bad-ass just kissed my forehead, padded my head, winked at me, and skipped to school. You might think I might hyperventilate, or even faint, how many times do I have to say that I am NOT your stereotypical nerd. I just sat there dumblessly looking after her and trying not to reach out to pad my hair back down or my forehead to see if what I just felt was really true. See? Nothing stereotypical about that.

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