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I woke up, my kitten still in my arms. I shook him, knowing katelynn should be in here any minute to wake us up. "Kitten wake up." I said a little louder than necessary.

He pushes me away and curled into a ball, falling off the bed. "Oh my God kellin smooth." I laughed. He blushed furiously, getting up and going to his dresser and getting dressed.

"Hey i like the view!" I co.pmained as he covered his ass. "I know, who doesnt?" He asked cockily as I stood up from the bed and walked over to him. "Cocky bitch." I said, tickling him until he begged me to stop.

Katelynn walked in, a bell in her hand. She took in the sight if my naked ass, Me holding kellinx sides, shirtless krllin, and the fun on the wall. "Looks like you two are getting along." She said, a twinge of jealousy in her voice.

"Why ya jealous sweetie? Is it because I had sex with the most gorgeous man alive and you didn't?" I asked. "No! Now get dressed and go to breakfast you too." She said, leaving in an embarrassed hurry.

I walked to my side if the room, getting dressrd and grabbing a Kleenex and cleaning kellins cum off the wall. "So kellin." I said casually.

"What Victor." He said back. "Do you think if I broke up with Johnnie youd be my herion?" I asked, extremely self conscious. "Sure." He replied.

Sure. Not an enthusiastic yes but a yes nonetheless. Good. "Okay well your cum is off the wall so let's head to breakfast. It's always nasty, just saying." I informed.

He cringed at the word cum and walked with me to breakfast. "Now kitten don't show That you like me because I'm still technically with johnnie. You can show it whenever you want after I break it off." I said.

"Why would I like you?" He asked, taking disgust. Well at least I hope faking. "Good. Now let's eat some nasty ass food." I said disconnecting our hands.

"Can you please get out of my space, bud?" I asked, shouldering past kelkin.

"Dont know why I'd want to even share the same air as you so why would I want to be in the same space as you?" Kellin scoffed.

Goddamn that actually hurt. "Whatever. Hey Johnnie um u need to talk to you after breakfast." I said, sitting next to my soon-to-be ex. He had a nervous expression on his face, most likely exoecting what I'm going to do. Oh well

After breakfast I walked to johnnies room with him, saying goodbye to kellin. "Since when do you act so nice to him?" Johnnie asked in disgust.

"Since last night. Look Johnnie I'm sorry about this. I really am. We were fireworks that went off too soon. What I thought was love was probably just me taking too much cough medicine. And anyway there's a cute new guy in the room next to yours. His name is kyle if uoure interested." I said, pointing through kyles window.

"Its okay. I know its practically impossible to love me. I might as well take a shot at kyle though. He ia hot." A dussapointed Johnnie replied.

I walked away to my room for the little break in between breakfast and group. (My little cousins are so weird)

I stopped at the door, taking a deep breath to act happy for the millionth time. Why can't I just be normal? Generally happy like the rest if the world? Why am I terrified of everything I used to love?

I walked into the room, seeing a half naked katelynn on top of a clearly not gay kellin. I turned around, crying, and ran away from the room. Godsmanit why can't I just be loved?

I found a corner in the dining room. The quiet, empty dining room. Inhale, exhale. Why is it so hard to breathe? Inhalw, exhale. Why isn't this working?!

When I go,I wanna know if I was more than just a name on a stone. I'm just a would've been, could've been, should've been, never has been and never will be.

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