Shattered- Chapter nineteen

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Zack placed his hand back on my thigh offering me a smile and I put my hand over it. He kept it there the whole drive to school.

"I'm sure he'll come around and you'll both make up especially if he knows he's loosing someone beautiful, kind, funny and smart in his life."

It was like their roles had switched.

Zack was being sweet and such and Andrew was being a jerk...a heartless player who doesn't consider anyone else's feelings.

I mindlessly played with the bracelet, Zack gave me, on my hand as I put the ring at the bottom of my bag.


He hummed in response. "Are you and Andrew still cool with each other?"

He stopped at a red light and looked at me. "No. But I miss him. I wish I didn't drive him away. He was my best friend...the only person I could turn to. I wish we could make up but I don't think he'd want to speak to me."

He sighed and I looked at him, "I think you two should make up."

He smiled. "For you, I'll do anything."

My heart fluttered and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He pulled up at the school and we went to our separate classes after he kissed me goodbye.

Eventually, the period which I've been dreading finally came.

I sat in my seat next to some boy named, Josh...I think. Zack sat in his usual seat next to Amanda, Hailey was in her seat but Andrew was next to her. He had switched seats with the person she usually sat with.

Josh usually never speaks to me but apparently today was different. "I'm having a party at my place tonight. Anybody who is somebody will be there. You in?"

I thought about it for a while. It could be a good distraction from Andrew but parties aren't really my scene.

"I don't know."

"Aw come on. It'll be fun."

I sighed and felt like slapping myslef for complying. "Okay. I'll be there."

He wrote down the address for me and Ms. Grey walked in.

"Okay everyone be quiet. You won't be having your theory test now." There were shouts and fist pumps in the air but I groaned. "I forgot the test papers at home so you'll have it next class. Don't get to excited. Now I'll have a chance to make it even harder considering you have extra time to study now. To your stations now. You have your practical test now."

Everyone was preparing at their stations but I just sat there in my seat. Andrew briefly looked at me before kissing Hailey. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the station, putting on my apron and head tie.

I started taking out the needed untensils and baking sheets and pans. I had no idea what cake we were making and I definately had too much pride to ask him.

I started mixing the bitter eggs and milk together, beating it until it turned into a fluffy dough.

He just stood there watching me and when he saw I wasn't saying, he rolled his eyes and walked up to me. I though he was going to say something but he took out about five different coloured food coloring and threw it into the batter. He poured it into the baking pan, after covering it with a sheet, and put it into the already preheated oven.

He mixed another batter and put it into a pan, and another, doing the same process with them both as he did to the first one.

He took out white frosting from the fridge.

When the cakes were fished baking we took them out and sat them on cooling racks. They were smooth, smelled good and hopefully tasted good too. They weren't golden brown though. They were unique. Each one cover in its own unique patterns of vibrant colours.

He handed me a frosting spatula. "Frost the whole cake in white."


"Why do you have to be so difficult? Just do it."

I frosted two cakes while he frosted the base which was the biggest one. After he assembled the three piece cake, we still had time. Hailey walked over to us with a smile and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, babe. What kind of cake are you guys doing?"

"It's none of your business," I snapped.

"Oh hey Jessie, I didn't see you there."

Sure you didn't. Zack came running across our end of the classroom with a bowl of leftover batter. "Jessie!"

When he reached in front of me he said, "Jessie you have to taste this, it's legendary." He was smiling goofily and practically jumping up and down.

I smiled and Andrew acted like he wasn't paying attention even though I knew he was. "Sure."

He stuck his finger in the bowl and offered it to me. "I'm not doing that."

He rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips, "You know you wanna," he sang. He licked it of his finger and dipped it into the bowl again, "See. Easy. All you have to do is lick it."

I scrunched up my face. "That's disgusting. Plus you already put it in your mouth."

He rolled his eyes and pushed his finger in my mouth. I gasped along with Andrew and Hailey. It tasted good...the frosting. I dipped my finger in the bowl and put frosting on his nose and he laughed, "You're just looking for an excuse to lick me."

"Ew. No. Leave me alone you pervert."

He placed a small kiss on my nose and I laughed.

"I think you should go back to your station, Zack." He glares at Zack but he didn't move. Instead he placed his hand around my waist and pulled me close.

"Why? Am I disturbing you?"

"Yes actually you are."

He whispered see you later in my ear before kissing it.

Andrew held Hailey's hand and pulled her across to were he was. She stood between his legs as he sat on a stool, "You should go back to your station, babe."

She smiled and played with his hair, "Okay," she bit her lip, "But I need a kiss first."

I rolled my eyes so hard I'm surprised that it didn't stick. She finally left and Ms. Grey started checking the cakes and marking them. We were the last ones since we were at the end of the classroom.

His eyes lingered on my bracelet. "Did Zack give you that?"

I nodded. "Why didn't you put back on the ring?"

His eyes searched mine but I looked away before I felt any emotion. "I didn't want to. I don't know why you gave it back to me anyways. I don't want it."

He fiddled with his thumbs on his lap. "Oh...I'm sorry. I mean I had no right to show up at your house. And I was the one doing the ignoring. I also shouldn't have called you a slut. That was out of place, among other things. And I'm sorry for what I said about Anaya. I'm really sorry Jessie. And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but-"

"I'm glad you know that," I said a little harsher than intended.

He opened his mouth to say something but he was cut of by Ms. Grey who had approached our station.

I didn't want to hear what he was going to say anyways.

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