Shattered- Chapter twenty two

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Zack's POV

I knew what I was about to do was beyond wrong but if she won't listen to me...she may listen to him. She was drunk, restless and out of her mind...literally. Her nerves were a mess and she was still drinking.

Bryan kept giving her more drinks and kept telling her things that made her giggle but I was tired of telling her to stop because I knew she wouldn't listen, especially in her drunken state.

I dialed Andrew's number and he answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" His voice was groggy and sounded like he was sleeping, my call waking him up.

Usually, I knew he was a big party boy. Jessie and him must have really had a fight for him not to come. But why would she lie to me and tell me nothing happened. I knew she was lying but I thought we had built a trusted bond.

"Um...Andrew it's Zack."

"Why are you calling me? What do you want?"

I didn't know if I should tell him, so I hesitated a bit and just came out blunt.

"Jessie's drunk. And she's with Bryan."

"What?! How did this happen?! Is she at the party?! Why is she even at that party?! Did you make her come?! Zack I'll murder you! I'm coming now and you better not be around if you know what's good for you!"

He hung up on me and I rolled my eyes. What an ass. Telling me to stay away if I know what's good for me. I'll laugh in his face, I'll even spit in it.

I walk up to Jessie sitting on Bryan's lap and pull her by her arm and she stumbled a bit but she steadied herself by holding onto my shoulders. She looked as if she was about to vomit and I rushed her to the bathroom where I held back her hair and gagged. She wiped her mouth with her hand and then washed it along with her mouth.

Well maybe I don't!

Her voice echoed in my head like a track on repeat or a record that was stuck. I tried to push her words to the back of my mind, I tried to shake it away but I couldn't. I thought acting as if she didn't say it would make me forget, like she didn't say it but that's all I could think about. Yet here I was, helping her.

What's wrong with me? I didn't even drink at this party...I love alcohol.

"You know, Bryan only wants one thing for you."

She propped herself up against the sink, her eyes hooded by her heavy eyelids and her hair messy from it being tossled when she was vomiting.

She shook her head, "I'm not...umm...I'm not," she stumbled on her words and I waited impatiently for her to finish, folding my arms in front of my torso, "I'm not talking about this."

"I called Andrew."

She rubbed her head, "Oh okay."

"Did you mean it when you said-"

"Wait you called Andrew? I would yell at you but I could barely talk."

She pushed past me and tried to climb down the stairs, stumbling on her feet but pushing away my hand every time I tried to help her. She grabbed a red cup from some random person and when I tried to take it from her she dumped the whole thing over my head.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!"

Bryan grabbed her waist from behind, "That's no way to speak to a lady."

"I'll show you!" I was about to punch him but a hand caught my wrist. I turned around and saw Andrew. I looked back at Bryan and Jessie was already blacked out in his arms. He rest her on the sofa with with a smug smile on his face.

"You did something to her! Did you drug her?! You put something in her drink!"

"Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?!"

"Yeah," I said, "I'm about to beat his sorry little ass!"

"Zack I thought we were friends? Are you going to push me away like you did with Andrew, just for some girl?"

I thought about what he said and he was right. I couldn't loose another friend. And I do miss Andrew.

"I can't loose her."

Bryan laughed, "Don't you see it? You never had her. You never will. It's him she wants."

He pointed at Andrew and he rolled his eyes, "Why am I here?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't tell you to come."

"Yes you did."

"Well it was just to get her to leave but since he drugged her I don't need you anymore."

"He drugged her?!"

I face palmed myself. Did he not hear it when I was practically yelling at the top of my lungs to him? He punched him in his face and Bryan staggered back, holding his now bloody nose.

"The both of you are letting her come between our friendship. I mean come on, there's plenty where that came from. And why the sudden interest anyways? You guys never liked her. The bitch with no voice. So why the sudden change huh?"

"Bryan, were you always such a dick?" Andrew asked.

"What are you talking about? The three of us did stuff like this all, the time. And I didn't drug her. In case you haven't noticed, she had like a whole bottle of vodka. She's just passed out."

Andrew turned to me, "You made her come to the party! It's your fault! She could die from alcohol poisoning! She could have a cardiac arrest." He gasped, "What if she's dead?"

He walked over and checked her pulse and let out an breath and gave gave a thumbs up. "She's good."

"Why do you even care? You have a girlfriend. Where is she anyways?"

His jaw seemed to clench when Bryan mentioned Hailey, "How should I know?"

I interjected, "What's up with you two anyways, it's clear that you don't like her like you used to. You're just mean to her."

"I'm using her to make Jessie jealous."

Bryan walked away with some brunette and a blonde, who were barley covered.

My jaw clenched. He wants her to be with him. Well I don't have a chance anyways...she made that crystal clear.

A drunk man's words are a sober's man thoughts.

We walk outside and prop ourselves against a wall.He turns to look at me, "We shouldn't have let Jessie come between our friendship. I've know you since forever."


I stick out my hand for him to shake, "We cool?"

He shakes it, "We cool."

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