1. Lost

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Hello! This is a 'The Walking Dead' Fanfic. However, it will not be following the same storyline as the show itself. Hope you all like it. :)

Chapter One

My legs were aching with every step. I swear I have walked more in the past week, than I have in my entire life. All I had was the clothes on my back; a small bag, which held a couple of bottles of water; a lighter, and an old red pocket knife. The woods seemed like the only safe place to be lately, and that was exactly where I was.

There was a virus outbreak, and it was very deadly. It is passed on by a simple bite from an already infected person. If bitten, it will killed you, but then something very strange happens. You come back to life, but you are not yourself anymore. You turn into a monster, which eats the flesh of other humans. Pretty much you become a zombie, is the way I would put it. The ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ has officially started, and I was the only survivor so far, that I knew of.

 The only problem now was, I was lost. I tried my best to stay close to the town. So I could sneak back in to get food, and water when I needed it. Somehow, I seemed to have strayed a bit further than I attended. I could not find my way back. I have seen nothing but trees for days, and my stomach was growling furiously with hunger.

There was plenty of bushes with berry looking fruits on them, but I had no idea how to tell if they were safe to eat or not. I just knew I was not willing to risk it- just yet. I was still hoping that I would come across an injured animal, something easy to kill, so I could cook it up and eat it. As far as I know, animals don’t seem to be affected by the virus.

“Fuck!” I groaned. My foot had caught a large tree root, which was sticking slightly out of the ground. I stumbled forward, but managed to balance myself, stopping me from falling to the ground. I had lost count to how many times I had nearly fallen over in the last day. My feet were dragging along, and my pace was slow. I did not have the energy to lift my feet properly as I walked.

I stopped, leaning against a thick tree trunk. I stared up through the tree canopy. The sky was a dark pink colour. I knew it would be getting dark very soon. I needed to find myself somewhere safe to sleep for the night.

I looked around at the trees surrounding me. Just a couple metres away I spotted a tree, with thick branches, and relatively low ones. It would be easy to climb. I sighed, and pushed off from the trunk I was leaning on. I walked over to the tree, and reached for the closet branch. I had to stand on my tip toes to grab a good hold onto it. With both my hands holding the branch firmly, I used my feet on the tree trunk to climb up onto the branch. It was a lot harder than usual, and took all the little strength I had left in me.

I sat on the branch gathering my breath. I looked above me into the tree, there was many more branches that I could use to climb a bit higher. I stood up on the branch, and began to climb further up the tree.

I stopped about four metres off the ground. The branch that I was on was thicker than my hips, making it easy to sit and balance on. I sat with my back leaning against the trunk, and my legs laid out in front of me. I hung my back pack up on a close by branch, taking a bottle of water out to sip on. In the distant sky I could see the faint orange glow of the disappearing sun. It would be completely dark within the next 15 minutes.

My stomach growled loudly, causing me to jump slightly at any noise. My first thought was the noise came from an infected. I relaxed a little, when I realised it was myself who made the noise. I held my hungry stomach, and groaned. I have never gone this long without food before. Not even when I thought I was fat as a teenager, and tried to starve myself. That only lasted half a day.

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