12. Meeting Mac

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Chapter Twelve


 I crept silently behind Daryl, holding the gun up ready to go, just in case I needed to use it. The town was very silent, apart from the occasionally grunt coming from trapped walkers inside the buildings. However there was no walkers on the street. They were all dead, and pushed off the sides of the roads, out of the way. Whoever has taken over the town are doing a good job at keeping the walkers at bay.

Daryl suddenly halted in front of me. I stopped, and tried to peek over his shoulder to see why he had stopped. I could not see anyone in front of us. The police station was only a couple building up the road.

“What the matter?” I asked Daryl is hushed voice.

Daryl looked back at me. Concern in his eyes. He shook his head “Nothin, just thought someone was watching us. But I can’t see anyone.”

I nodded, suddenly feeling uneasy. I too felt like we were being watched. But from where? I looked all around us. The streets where empty. I looked up at the top of the houses and stores, but could not see anyone there either. It was probably just the walkers making us feel this way I told myself.

I looked back at Daryl to notice he was a bit ahead of me, heading towards the police station. He must not of notice I was not directly behind him anymore, because I could hear him talking to me as if I was right behind him. I could not make out what he was saying though.

I went to run to catch up with him. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me from behind, pulling me into a side street. Whoever it was had their hand over my mouth, preventing me from screaming. They had a cloth in their hand that was over my mouth. I tried to scream out for Daryl, but all that came out was a muffled squeal. I tried kicking and clawing my hands at the person who was behind me. I felt myself getting dizzy, and realised there must be something on the cloth causing this as I breathed it in.

“Alex?” I heard Daryl’s panicked voice yell out, as my consciousness faded away.


“Alex, wake up.” The voice kept repeating in my head. It was Daryl’s voice I was sure of it. I tried so hard to find him, but all I could see what black.

“Where are you Daryl?” I sobbed, but there was no answer. I stayed silent listening for his voice. I heard him again, telling me to wake up. I ran as fast as my legs would take me towards his voice.

Light finally hit my eyes as they began to open. “Alex?” It was Daryl again. I fully opened my eyes and saw Daryl staring back at me. He was sitting in front of me tired to a chair. His legs were tied to frame, and his hands were behind his back. That was when I realised that I was also tired to a chair.

I struggled against the thick rope that bound my wrists together.

“Daryl?” My voice held fear “What going on?” I continued to struggle, the rope hurting my wrist with every pull.

“Stay calm Alex.” Daryl whispered in a hushed voice. He licked his lips nervously and looked over towards the door. I followed his eyes towards the door. It was shut, but through the tinted glass, it looked like someone was standing on the other side of the door, keeping guard.

I looked around the rest of the room. It was a small room, with a table in the middle of it. On the back wall where Daryl and I were tired to the chairs was a large mirror. I realised we were in the police station in one of the interrogation rooms they have. I was guessing that the mirror next to us was probably a double sided one, and there could possibly be people on the other side watching us.

“Who took us?”

Daryl shrugged his shoulder. “I noticed you were not behind me and went back to look for ya, someone must of snuck up behind me. Hit over the back of the head with something. Knocked me out. Next thing I know I’m waking up here tied to this chair.”

I gulped nervously. Why would these people take us and keep us alive? What did they want? And are they the ones who took Merle?

“Everything is gonna be ok. I will get us out of this.” Daryl reinsured me. He had noticed the terrified look in my eyes. I really appreciated Daryl for it, but I honestly did not believe that he could protect me from whatever was going to happen next. I mean how could he? He too was tired to a chair with no way out.

The door of the room creaked open, and a man I had never seen before walked in. “Ah I see you are awake, excellent” He smiled at us showing black teeth. He had short, messy brown hair, lighter than Daryl’s hair. And he had a short beard on his chin.

“Where is my brother?” Daryl demanded. The man turned towards Daryl. Pulling back his fist he hit Daryl hard across the face. I gasped in shock, as Daryl’s head swung to the side, blood splattered out of his mouth and onto the floor.

“Don’t give me that attitude boy!”

“Fuck you!” Daryl spat at the man. Causing him to get another hit across the face from him.

“No, leave him alone!” I screamed, tears coming to my eyes at Daryl’s suffering.

The man’s attention turned to me, and I quickly shut my mouth hoping that I did not earn a punch from him also. The man smirk at me, showing me his horrible black teeth. He was disgusting and the way he was looking at me sent shiver down my spine.

“Hey Mac, can I bring him in now?” Another man’s voice came from just outside the room.

“Bring him in,” Mac replied, his eyes still on me.

Another older looking man walked in. He was older than Mac, and had a full grey beard. In front of him, with his arms bound at his sides with rope, and a gun pointed at the back of his head, walked in Merle.

Straight away I noticed the stump where his hand use to be, and it made me cringe away.

“Merle?” Daryl asked in disbelief.

“Hey baby brother,” Merle replied less than enthusiastically.

“Alright, enough with the reunions. Time to get down with Business.” Mac smirked.


Thanks for reading. So as you may have notice I have put Mac from Red Canyon in this story (Another Reedus Character). Quick note though, him and Daryl don't seem to look a like in this story.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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