4. Redneck asshole

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Chapter Four


I sat at the camp, waiting for the boys to return. It was starting to get dark now. As the sun went down the temperature started to drop. I shivered as I rubbed my arms with my hands, trying to keep warm. I got up and walked over to the camp fire. I did not know if it was a good idea to light it or not. The walkers could easily spot the fire in the dark.

I decided against it. The guys might get angry at me for doing something so stupid, and force me to leave. I really did not want to be on my own again. I turned around and spotted the small tent behind me. I wondered if maybe there was a jacket or so something to keep me warm inside.

I walked over to the tent and unzipped the opening. A bad smell hit my nose as soon as I crawled into the tent. I scrunched up my nose, it smelt just like Merle in here. The boys were not the most hygienic people. I guessed they did not wash regularly. But I guess it did not overly mattered these day. I myself did not get the opportunity to clean myself regularly anymore.

Inside the tent I could see two sleeping bags, messily laid out on the floor. There was a couple of backpacks in the far left corner. I crawled over to them, opening the closes to me. I peered inside the bag. It was full of random junk. A few knifes, arrows, and bottles of water. I peered inside the second bag to see it was filled with similar stuff. I frowned, the boys did not pack any spare clothes at all. Maybe they did not have time to like me. I pulled out a rolled up magazine in the bag and looked at the cover. A young naked lady was staring at me from the cover. Maybe they decided some things were more important than clothes. I scrunched up my face in disgust and shoved the magazine back into the bag.

I sighed, giving up. I was just going to have to freeze again. I started crawling out of the tent when my hand brushed against warm material. I looked down to see a large rag, or blanket at the end of a sleeping bag. I smiled and took it out of the tent with me. I stood up and flung the material out. It was not a blanket, it was a poncho. What a weird thing to have I thought.

I put the poncho on over my head. It fell all the way to my knees. I could feel the warmth from it, and my shivering started to stop. I sat down with my back to a tree, snuggling into the poncho. I really hoped it was Merle who owned this, because I doubt Daryl would be too happy with me touching his stuff. I probably get another arrow from him.

The sun was almost fully down. I could hear crunching of footsteps on leaves and branches getting closer to the camp. They sounded to steady to be walkers, so I assumed it was the boys. I held my knife close though, just in case I was wrong.

The boys came in view, and I let the breath I had been holding in. “Where did you go?” I asked Merle.

“Huntin,” Merle chucked a dead rabbit at my feet. I cringed away from it, feeling disgusted. “That looks good on ya,” Merle smirked at me, eyeing off the poncho. Daryl who was walking towards the tent peered over my way. He stopped dead in his tracks, and glared at me for a second.

“What the hell ya’ doin?” He growled taking a step closer to me, “Did I say you could touch my stuff?”

I gulped nervously. So the poncho did belong to Daryl. “Sorry, I was cold,” I explained.

“I don’t give a shit!” He walked over to me, grabbing my arm roughly, pulling me to my feet. A jolt of pain went through my injured leg as I fell forward onto my hand and knees. Daryl gripped the poncho from my back, and pulled off my head.

“Asshole,” I growled as he walked off. I rolled off my knees into a sitting position. I looked down at my leg to see blood was seeping through the rag that was wrapped around my injury.

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