11. Police Station

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Chapter Eleven

“Look up ahead to the right. Is that a car?” Daryl squinted in the direction I was pointing to. Sure enough not too far in the distance there was a red sedan run off the side of the road. The bonnet of the car was wrapped around a tree. It looked like who ever had been driving, had a pretty bad crash.

“Do you think it has any fuel left in the tank?” I asked Daryl.

“There is only one way to find out.” Daryl pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car. I also got out and followed behind him. I peeked into the passenger side of the red car. A low growl could be heard from within the car. In the driver’s seat was a walker. Her legs were crushed under the steering wheel. It looked like it had been there a while, her flesh was all shrivelled up rotting off her bones. She reached her hand out in desperate attempt to reach me.  

“Fucking ugly skank,” Daryl growled as he opened up the driver’s door, driving his knife into the walker’s skull.

“Was that really necessary?” I crossed my arms against my chest, with a glare on my face.

“What?” Daryl asked, playing dumb. “Would of ya rather I left that thing alive so it could get ya?”

I shook my head at him, “These things were once human. You don’t need to be so disrespectful about it.” Daryl frowned, with a little shake of his head. He went back to checking out the fuel tank. I hoped back in the truck, slamming the door as I did.

I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the seat. The warmth of the sun coming through the windshield was nice on my skin, and was making me feel drowsy.

I was soon snapped out of my sleepy state, by the shaking of the seat. Daryl had hoped back into the truck. “Got a little out of it. Hopefully it will be enough to get us to the next town.”

“Hopefully,” I mumbled. I sat up straight in my seat.

Daryl took off up the road again. I stayed silent and stared out the window. As we got closer to the town I started noticing a lot of dead walkers lining the sides of the road. Daryl had to swerve a bit to stop the truck from running over some dead ones on the road.

“Who do you think killed all these?” I leaned forward in my seat so I could see better out of the windscreen.

“Maybe the people who took Merle. They might be set up somewhere close by. Probably in the town.” Daryl answered me.


The truck started to spluttered, and hop along the road, until finally it came to a complete stop. Daryl banged the steering wheel angrily with his hands “Shit!”

“What do we do now?” I sighed.

“We will have to walk. I ain’t seen no other car since that red one.” Daryl shook his head, running his fingers through his hair, letting out a long breath as he did.

“What about the bike on the back?” I asked, remembering Merle’s bike.

“She’s empty.” Daryl informed me.

I sighed heavily and rubbed my sleepy eyes. The sun was not too far from setting and was shining directly in our eyes from out in front.

“How far is it?” I groaned, terrified of the answer.

“Not too sure. Probably about 10k’s away. Two hours or so walk. Depending on how fast ya can walk.” Daryl turned his head and looked at me with raised eyebrows.

“Don’t worry. I will keep up.” I rolled my eyes.

We grabbed our water, and weapons and left everything else in the truck. I wanted to bring Daryl’s poncho because I knew it would get cold when the sun finally went down. Unfortunaly Daryl made me leave it behind. He didn’t want anything slowing me down.

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