7. It's all your fault!

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Hope you all like the update, and don't forget to vote. Won't be too long until the next chapter is out!

Enjoy! :)

Chapter Seven

Daryl did not look at me. I peeked around him to see what had upset him. On the ground the dirt was stained red with blood, and a lot of it by the looks of it. Sitting on a tree stump in the middle of the blood was a shrivelled up, human hand.

I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle the sound of my gasp. “It that Merle’s hand?” I asked while gagging.

Daryl didn’t answer. Using a spare rag from his back pocket he picked up the hand from the stump. “No walker did this.” Daryl said, more to himself than me. “Somebody had severed his hand off.”

On the tree stump you could see a large cute where a blade and chopped down onto it. Daryl placed the hand back on the stump wrapped in the rag. “Somebody has taken him, he could still be alive,” Daryl growled. “We got to hurry.” Daryl began to quicken his pace following a drip trail of blood.

“What about our stuff back at camp?” I asked Daryl, hurrying my short legs to try and keep up with him.

“Merle is more important, we can go back for our stuff once we find him!”

Half an hour later Daryl had stopped. He was standing just outside the tree’s looking into the town that stood before us. It was abandoned and looked like a ghost town from a horror movie. I could hear the distance sounds of walkers grunted in the dead streets a head of us.

“It ends here.” Daryl said, taking in deep breaths.

“What does?” I asked looking around me to see.

“The trail. The trail ends here.” Daryl shook his head, and sat down crossed legged on the ground. His elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. I did not know for certain, but I was pretty sure he was crying. I shifted awkwardly on my feet, I was never good a comforting people. Especially not someone as tough as Daryl.

“Maybe he is in the town somewhere.” I said hopefully.

Daryl shook his head. He lifted his head from his hands and pointed out in front of him. “The trail ends right there. There is tyre marks on the ground. Whoever took him, put him in a car. They could be anywhere by now.”

“I’m sorry Daryl.” I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

Daryl stiffen under my touch. He shrugged my hand off his shoulder and got to his feet, facing me. His face held anger and he glared at me straight in the eyes. “This is all your fault!” Daryl growled at me.

I took a step back from him shocked. “How is this my fault? I didn’t do anything!” I defended myself.

“Merle, and I was doin just fine before you came along! You slowed us down. We would have been long gone from this area if it wasn’t for you!”

 My heart was beating fast. I did not know what to say. He was kind of right. I just been slowly them down this whole time. They had to spend extra time hunting to get extra food to feed us all. And I could hardly keep up with them when we moved sites.

“I..I.. I’m sorry,” I whispered with a sob. I turned away from Daryl and began to walk towards the town.

“Where are ya goin?” Daryl yelled after me.

I wiped away the stray tears that slid down my cheeks. “I won’t be slowing you down anymore.” I yelled back to him without looking.

I heard no reply from Daryl. I walked up to the first house I saw, and pulled my pocket knife back out. I peeked through the dusty window to see if I could see any movement inside. I could not see any movement, but I knew that didn’t mean it was safe. I looked back over my shoulder to see if Daryl was still up by the trees. He wasn’t; I could not see him anywhere. I guess he was gone now, he was probably glad to be rid of me, finally.

I turned the handle to the front door of the house. Unfortunately, it was locked. I walked around the house trying all the windows to see if any of them where unlocked.

I thought about smashing a window, but I did not want to draw any unwanted attention to where I was from the noise. I got to the back door, when I heard a smashing sound coming from the side of the house. I gripped my pocket knife tightly in my hand. And stepped back from the house. The back door handle began to rattle, and the door swung open with a creek.

“Hurry, get in.” Daryl’s voice came from the dark within.

I obeyed and ran inside the house. “I thought you were gone?” I whispered, as Daryl locked the back door behind me.

“What? And leave ya out here to fend on your own?”

“I can take care of myself!” I protested.

“Whether I like it or not, I am responsible for ya now.” Daryl told me, as he tried to push a book cabinet in front of the broken window.

“No one said you had to be.” I crossed my arms across my chest.

“Yeah, well I did. Now quit your bitching and help me with this, will ya?”

I stared at Daryl, but didn’t move. I did not understand why he would want me around when he blames me for Merle being taken.

“Look, I’m sorry I yelled at ya. It wasn’t your fault.” Daryl wiped some sweep from his brow with the back off his hand. He gestured with his hand for me to help. I walked over to Daryl and he moved out off the road so I could stand where he was.

“You push. I pull.” Daryl got on the other side and gripped the large book case.

“Now,” he commanded. With all my strength I pushed on the bookcase. It began to move, and a couple of books fell from the selves hitting the floor. We got the bookcase in front of the window, blocking the opening Daryl had made to get in.

“We should have a quick look around to make sure there is no unwanted guest already in here.” Daryl told me, and I nodded knowing he meant we should check for walkers.

I pulled out my pocket knife and held it up ready. Daryl frowned down at me. “What?” I asked, frowning back.

“Ere, take this.” Daryl held out a large hunting knife. “I’m sure Merle won’t mind you hanging onto it until we get him back. It will protect ya a lot more than that little thing,” He pointed to my pocket knife.

“Thanks,” I mumbled grabbing the knife from Daryl, and folding up my pocket knife and placing it back in my pocket.

We checked out the rest of the house, and was relieved to find no walkers inside. There was a few cans of food left in the cupboards and the water was still running.

“I guess we can stay here tonight, and in the morning we will go back and get out stuff from camp.”

“Then what?” I asked.

“We find Merle.”

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