Chapter 4

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"I know you are." I say quietly with a little sarcasm.

"I should have never done this! I'm so sorry!" Michael said shamefully.

"I was just scared of getting hurt again...its okay." I grab his hand, trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't know why I kissed you. It felt absolutely perfect, but the kiss on the cheek was me just being nice." Michael looked at me sadly, his eyes gleaming.

"You don't know how unattractive the expression on you're face is right now. Smile." We smiled and laughed a little.

"So, do you have the promise ring with you?" Michael asked.

"Yes." I hand him the ring.

"I will always be yours and you will always be mine, even if we are just friends. I promise." I giggle while he slides the ring on my finger.

"I promise." I said smiling. We kissed and we sat there in the dark with street lights shining through the window on our faces.

He walked me home and I told him I might not be closing up next week. After he left, I had no problem sleeping. It was the best I had slept in weeks!


I have Sundays off so that means a whole day with Michael. He planned the whole day for us but he didn't tell me what exactly we were doing. I got ready early so I'd be able to eat. It was cold so I wore skinny jeans with my very cute fuzzy coat. The shirt I was wearing was purple with the word 'PROMISE' on it. I honestly didn't notice until I put it on, but I was too lazy to take it off and change again. Michael picked me up by the studio doors and we headed off.

"You look great." Michael said smiling at me and not watching the road. I blush while I softly turn his head to face the road.

"Thank look... fit." I said, laughing playfully. He poked my side.

"So where are we going?" I tried asking again.

"It's a surprise." Michael winks attractively.

"Okay, then leave a cliff hanger." I said, chuckling. I wink at him but he didn't see because he was watching the road like I wanted him to. We turned into a parking lot and parked in front of an arena where people have concerts at. Michael walks out and goes around the car to open my door and takes my hand while I walk out.

"Thank you, kind sir." I giggle as he slowly bows dramatically.

"I put the door on child lock so I could open the door for you." He laughs. Michael pulls me in while we walk across the parking lot to the doors. I walked in first.

"Wow, this place is huge and nobody's here?" I said with a gasp. It was weird seeing the place completely vacant and empty.

"Nope. Just you and ourselves." He winks and I playfully nudge him. We walk on stage and sat down.

"So this is what it looks like when you perform. It's magnificent. And I can only imagine what it's like when the seats are full with screaming fans."

"It is and very thrilling." He leans in and I lean in. We are nose to nose.


"HEY MICHAEL!" Leo shouted. Lindsey, Chris and Leo come walking in.

"Oh god." Michael says softly. I laugh because they were all wearing those huge cowboy hats with a lot of stuffed animals around the edges.

"What are you doing here? And where are Nathan and Lee?" Michael says.

"Nathan is with Margret and Lee on their dinner date." Leo says with a laugh.

Michael stood up and told me that he needs to show me something. He grabs my hand and we go back stage.

"Remember the picture you were going to paint me? Well I've made something also." I look at him in confusion and he smiles. We keep walking and we stop at a door at the end of the hall.

"Open the door." He says, holding my shoulders. I opened the door and saw the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. Michael pulls me in close as I stare at the painting of a guy and a girl looking at each other. It wasn't perfect and it was suppose to be us, but it was so sweet and showed so much effort.

"Do you like it?" Michael says looking at me.

"Like it? I love it. It's so sweet! No one has ever done anything like this before. Thank you." I give him a big hug and I was about to kiss him when.

"HEY, YOU LOVE BIRDS! I found a secret door!" Leo comes running in and pulls me by the sleeve. Michael looked kind of annoyed so I gave him a hug to feel better but he only smirked. Then I gave him a kiss. Yup that did the job. I smiled.

We walked to the 'secret door'. It was only a tiny door and Nathan was in it. Margret and Lee dropped him off because they were going to the fair for their date.

"Hello guys and Lorel." Nathan says while crawling out.

"What about me?" Lindsey said.

"And Lindsey. Sorry, I didn't see you there." Nathan says while shrugging.

"How could you not see the person I love?" Chris looked at Lindsey.

"You are my crazy, fun girlfriend." Chris pulls her in to kiss her and we all turn away.

"You better watch it, sister, he's my man." Leo said in his American accent. We all laughed and they continued.

"Where did you get those cool hats at?" I asked Leo.

"We went to the fair! Don't I look sexy in it?" Leo strikes a pose.

"Ha-ha, yes, of course, Leo!" I said, holding in the biggest laugh ever.

"Well, Lorel and I are going to leave now." Michael said while giving Nathan a manly hug.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked Michael smiled.

"I'm not telling you, Leo." Michael says, annoyed.

"I'll find out. Don't you worry." Leo said in a mumble. Nathan gave me a hug and whispered in my ear.

"Leo put a tracking device on his tire." I had the painting in my hand and we walked outside. With that in mind, I went to the tire and took it off without telling Michael.

"Sorry about the guys, they can be uncontrollable sometimes." Michael apologized.

"It's fine. I think they are quite entertaining. So, where are we going now?"

"Hopefully somewhere completely alone, without any distractions or frustrations." After a while, we stopped at a red light. I took a quick picture of us. Michael looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked, laughing. He was looking at me and not paying any attention to the road as he drove his car into the middle of the intersection. I pointed to the road aggressively, but he just stared at my eyes.

"Nothing, I'm just glad we're--"

A huge truck side-swiped our car, sending us spinning as I screamed and Michael put his hands around my waist, holding me against his body as sparks flew and all I saw out the window was the huge semi about to crush us. At least I was with Michael. We were alone. No distractions. No frustrations. Just me and my boyfriend. That's all that mattered.

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