Chapter 14

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We all, together went to rehearsals. While the boys messed around with uncle Si, I called the artist guy and told him I cant take his offer now. He was sad but understood. Lee and Margret stayed at the hotel.

The boys watched us perform. It was weird because usually we are watching them perform. They said we did great. Once we were done with our first round of practicing a girl walked in. Michael looks and stares which makes me a little upset.

"Hi Simon, you called me to teach Bold Beauty to dance?" The girl says. As she gets closer I realize who she was.

"Yes, here they are. Lorel, Lindsey, this is Danielle." Simon says casually. He obviously doesn't know that Danielle is Michael's ex-girlfriend. They broke up because they weren't able to see each other for about a year.

"Hi." I smile weakly. I can feel Lindsey looking at me with concerned eyes. It's become awkward and we're just standing there not saying anything.

Nathan runs onstage.

"Hey Danielle, this is Lorel," he swings his arm around my shoulders. "And this is Lindsey." He finishes, doing the same thing. Danielle's eyes widen just a tad when Nathan appeared onstage.

"Nathan what are you doing here? Is Michael here?" She asks. Nathan nods but before he could say anything Michael walks onstage.

"Hi Danielle." They both give each other hugs.

"What are you doing here?" She says releasing my boyfriend from her hug.

"We are helping our friends for the Xfactor opening act." Michael says not taking his eyes off of her.

Lindsey gasped really loud and whispers in my ear.

"Oh no he didn't just say friend."

"It's ok..he's just in shock that she's here." I walk back stage and Lindsey follows.

"This is awkward." Chris says handing me and Lindsey water.

"Whoa! Awkwardness and I'm not causing it? Something's wrong here." Leo said jumping up.

Nathan comes behind me and puts his shockingly cold hands over my ears.

"What are you doing?" I said in a chuckle.

"Your ears get red when you get nervous. I'm just cooling them down for you." He says sweetly.

"Thank you Nath."

"What if he still likes her? What will you do?" Chris stupidly asks. Lindsey hits his arm and I let out a small laugh.

"I trust him." I reply.

Michael walks backstage.

"Danielle and I will be back. We're going to get coffee for everyone." Michael says with a smile.

"Ok be careful." I said but he already left. Without saying goodbye.


"Let's get back to rehersals." I said interrupting Leo. We practiced our performance three times then it was time to go but we had to wait for Michael to come back. Michael and Danielle came back an hour later laughing.

"You missed the girls performances." Leo said walking in front of the giggly exes.

"Oh yeah, sorry we got caught up in a conversation." Michael said handing Leo a cup of cold coffee.

"Uh huh." Chris said sarcastically and grabs his cold coffee.

I walk passed them and walked out the doors without putting in the time to even say hi. Not like he would seem to notice anyway.

"The coffee is cold..gross. and it's not the kind I like either." I said dropping it into the trash. I followed Lindey to Leo's car. We sat inside to stay warm from the cold wind.

"Umm," Lindsey hummed.

"I don't want to talk about it. They could just be friends and I don't want to start anything." I said.

"I understand. But I think Nathan cares more about you than Michael. I mean, Nathan knew that your ears get red when your nervous. I didn't even know that and I'm your best friend. Michael doesn't know how you like your coffee." Lindsey rubbed her hands together.

"I hate to admit it but it's true. I can't just break up with Michael to go out with Nathan. It could break the band and their friendship. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't have the heart to do it."

"True..Maybe you and Michael could just break up so you wont have to feel upset every time Danielle is around." She suggested.

"But I'll feel bad knowing that I like Nathan but cant be with him because I'm with Michael or I dated Michael...if that makes sense."

"It doesn't."

Leo and Nathan gets in the car.

"Why are you in here I thought you were riding with Michael." Nathan said all bubbly like.

"I didn't want to stay in the cold," I glance out the window and saw something that made me a little angry.

"Besides, he's got a passenger." I said pointing at Danielle getting in the car.

"Oh he's dead." Leo said.

"How about we go get coffee that isn't cold." I suggested.

"Yeah and it'll be nice and cozy inside so you wont be cold." Nathan said.

We went to a coffee shop. We sat in a booth as we drank our warm coffee. We went home to find Lee and margret stand up with their arms crossed staring at Michael who was sitting on the sofa twiddling his thumbs.

"Hello?" I said curiously.

"Michael needs to talk to you...alone." Lee says then points to my room. I follow Michael into my room and he sat me down.

"What's going on?" I ask once the door was closed.

"I did something horrible."

"What?" I said even though I had a clue what it might be.

"I brought Danielle here...and...before I took her back to the arena...I kinda kissed her." He said quickly but I understood every word. I looked away, soaking this new information in.

"You still like her.....don't you?" I asked after a while.

"Yes." He answers honestly. I look down. When I imagined this moment I thought I would be broken and suicidal but I felt kind of ok with it. These feelings were not expected.

"So, we're breaking up?" I asked.

"I guess so..but I know someone that will be perfect for someone as amazing as you. I messed up right from the beginning when I agreed to meet you for your birthday and the only person that has been telling me that I was doing the wrong thing for leading you on. The one who fell head over heels for you the moment he saw you. " He says with a smile.

"Who's that?" I asked. Micheal walks out of the room.

"Hello." He says with his adorable laugh and smile. I smile back widely.

Suddenly everything went blurry. I blinked multiple times but it just made everything darker and blurrier. WHAT'S HAPPENING!?


Ooooooo' blurryness!

ONE MORE CHAPTER TO GO! Did any of you expect that?

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