Chapter 8

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I walked into the studio and surprisingly no one was there. I found my paint brush and washed the faded blue out.

"When were you going to tell me?" A frustrated voice said walking in. I turned around.

"Michael --"

"When were you going to tell me?" He interrupted.

"What?" I asked honestly not knowing what he was talking about.

"You're leaving to California. Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked.

"How do you know that?"

"I ran into Kelly at the coffee shop last night." I looked off.

"When were you going to tell me?" He repeated the same irritating question again.

"I wasn't sure if I was going to accept it or not. I was just going to go to meet the guy and see how everything is there then decide."

"But you know that you'll like it there and want to stay. Besides it's just California."

"Yes, Michael it's just California and this is just Colorado. I've been here my whole life. You are Michael freaking Ross, you're famous. You can go anywhere at anytime. I can't do that, I never could do that. I'm freakin' 21 and I live with my mom in this small town because I want to be with her and keep her safe but when I get a great oppertunity like this I'm going to take it weather if it's to meet the guy or stay there forever. I will be going and you can't tell me that I'll want to stay. You obviously don't know me very well." I scuffed. He crossed his arms.

"And one more thing...Nathan kissed you? Why are you keeping so many things from me?"

My eyes widened.

"It wasn't on purpose. He didn't know what he was doing. How'd--"

"Unlike you, he had the decency to tell me the mistake." He rolled his eyes.

"I  don't know what to say Michael..."

"Well... you need to figure somethings out." Michael turned around and walked out while Margret walked in.

I sat down and covered my face with my hands.

"What just happened?"

"We had a dumb fight. He found out that I'm leaving to California tomorrow and that Nathan kissed me." Since it seemed as if no one was coming to work except us, we went to get coffee at Jen's Cafe down the street. We met up with Leo and Lee there. Lee and Margret sat in-front of Leo and me. I curiosly watched soft little snowflakes drop on the glass, staring at the unique shapes as everyone else talked. Leo puts his arm around me to rub my right shoulder. When I looked at him he said it will be OK.

Before we left I gave Lee a big hug and Leo a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know if I'll see you wonderful guys again. Give Chris and Nathan a bear hug for me OK?" I smiled.

"Sure. We'll miss you." Lee and leo chimed. Of course Im being dramatic.

Lindsey and Margret were over at my house. I asked if they wanted to come with me to California and they said yes.

"I'm gonna miss them, but I can't wait, it'll be so fun." Lindsey said.

"I can't wait either." Margret agreed.

"Yeah.." I said quietly.

"And Michael will miss you...Even if you got into a small fight. He was just scared of loosing you." Lindsey said.

"Maybe, but I thought he would have called by now." I sighed loudly.

"There's something else bothering you, isn't there?" Margret asked. I shook my head. I looked up at both of them and their arms are crossed over their chests. They didn't believe nothing is wrong. Should I tell them about Cole? I don't want to get all emotional right now. I think I have had enough horrible sadness these past days.

"It's 11 o'clock girls." My mom tells us.

"Well, bye. See you tomorrow to leave." Lindsey says walking out of my room.

"Let's take a lot of pictures and video chat the guys every night." Margret suggested.

"We will. Bye." They both left. I went to bed after they were gone.

Michael's P.O.V.

I think I might of over reacted. I think I should apologize. I got into my car and drove to Lorel's home with Buttercups.


"Hi Michael, how are you?" Lorel's mother answered the door.

"I'm fine...uh is Lorel here?" I asked.

"Yes but she's asleep."

"Can I come in to drop this off." I held up the flowers.

"Yeah, sure come on in." I walk inside their cozy little home and headed to her room. I put the flowers on her night stand next to the picture of us before the crash. I found a piece of paper and a pen to write her a note. I put it next to the flowers.

I sat on her bed and pushed back her hair.

"I l-love you and I always will." On her hand she hand the promise ring on. I crumbled up the note and dropped it in the trash in Lorel's room then left.

Lorel's mom P.O.V

Once Michael left there was another knock on the door. I got up from my bed and walked to the door.

"Cole?" Why is he here?

"Hi, is Lorel awake?"

"No...she has to wake up early to get to the airport tomorrow. Why?"

"I just wanted to drop off these flowers." He handed me a bundle of Daisies and he left. I closed the door and looked at the Daisys. Does he not know Lorel is highly allergic to Daisies? I'm sure Lorel wouldn't want flowers from that jerk anyway so I tossed them in the trash and I put a lid over it so Lorel won't know they are there.

He has some nerve coming here after what he has done to my daughter.


Can you guess what the note said? Heehee ;)

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